Nick Fury spoke up, and he gave the real answer.

"That's the logic."

Liu Sheng nodded.

He glanced at the time just now, today is February 2, and he entered the practice room before on February 21, which means that five days have passed.


If you do your best, those mutants will definitely be caught and wiped out.

No matter how powerful they are, after all, no matter what they say, they have just mutated. Even if their strength is terrifying and powerful, in the face of the Avengers, although they can cause some trouble to the other party, they are harmless after all.

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Chapter 413 Cost 50

"But I'm a little curious, have you found the root cause?"

Liu Sheng asked at this time.

He is really curious about this. After all, he can mutate so many ordinary people in one breath, and at the same time make them not feel that this is definitely a huge strength! Such an existence is generally difficult to be investigated. More than five days have passed, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Have you already investigated the source of the other party? When is S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Became: so efficient "for the time being there is none."

Hearing the other party's question, Nick Fury said a little embarrassedly, S.H.I.E.L.D.

The efficiency is much faster than before, after all, they have sufficient funds now.

It's just that the speed is limited, after all, the other party is obviously not a simple existence.

Therefore, it is impossible to find the root cause in just five days, and it is even inferior to the whimsical.

"Isn't it too fast to talk about this now?"

Liu Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes, and now he didn't even notice the root cause, so why are you talking about this? Don't you mean to prepare in advance? Isn't this thing all adaptable? Being able to prepare in advance seems to be aware of Liu Sheng's heart. Thinking of the idea, Nick Fury said: "After all, the other party knows that it is not easy at first glance. We need a complete plan to surface it, otherwise, we need more time to investigate."

Nick Fury explained it.

"Then I know, then you have discussed so far, have you... made it to order?"

Liu Sheng thought about it and said.

"There are about 50 mutants in the city now, and this is the third batch. The other mutants have been captured by us. We are now closely watching the 3 mutants and saying no.

You can get a little bit of information.”

Nick Fury said: "Because these 50 mutants are very powerful, I think the reason why this organization wants to turn ordinary people into mutants is to screen out outstanding mutants. Try contacting them! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us!"

"What's more, we can't let go of these people. As long as we watch over them, we won't lose anything!"

"That's exactly what he said."

Liu Sheng nodded, because the other party was right.

"this is for you!"

Nick Fury took out a device and handed it to Liu Yu. It was a watch with a small map-like existence on it. There was a green dot on the small map, and there were red dots in other locations. The number of red dots is not many, there are a dozen or so.

"These red dots are those mutants. Some mutants are too strong, and we can't locate their positions. Now we can only locate some of them."

Nick Fury said: "The green dot is you, the reason why you can only see one now is because you are all together, overlapping, and you can see each other if you separate."

"This thing is very well developed."

Looking at the watch in his hand, Liu Sheng couldn't help sighing.

It is difficult to develop this thing, after all, he has to locate those mutants.

"That's not right, this thing has invested a lot of money!"

Nick Fury said, "A watch costs $50!"

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Chapter 414: There is an Undercover

"Cash Capability"

Liu Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He finally knew why Tony Stark could become one of the protagonists, one because the other party's scientific research ability was really awesome, and the other because the other party was really rich.

If the other party lacks one of these two points, the other party may not be so powerful.

After all, he has seen the power of banknotes, and he has also seen Tony Stark. The scientific research level is awesome. Hearing his joke, Nick Fury didn't talk too much with him. He still has a lot of things to explain. A lot of things need to be dealt with, but you can't waste your time.

After the necessary explanations, he began to speak in general terms.

Liu Sheng and the other superheroes are listening. Well, except for Liu Sheng, who is sleepy, everyone else is fine. After all, everyone is a professional.

Well, in fact, Thor is not a professional, but the other party has a studious heart, so the other party is also very serious and attentive.

"That's about it."

Time passed, and an hour or so passed in the blink of an eye, and Nick Fury ended his tirade, and then he opened his mouth and said, "Do you have anything else to ask?"


Liu Sheng directly shook his head.

Everyone on the side was speechless. The other party was clearly drowsy just now. How could they listen carefully to what they thought the other party had doubts, and it was the most in the audience! But they didn't talk about each other.

Because the growth of the other party is different from theirs, the other party has the privilege to let the other party give the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Invested [*] trillion, theoretically became S.H.I.E.L.D.

"In that case, let's call it quits.

Nick Fury looked at the other superheroes, and he found that no one had any doubts, so he announced the meeting.

It's just that at the last moment, he seemed to remember something, and he said: "By the way, we recently discovered a kind mutant in the city! This guy is also a green dot on our map. !"


Liu Sheng was stunned when he heard the words that suddenly came out of the other party's mouth.

The others were also stunned, and it was obvious that they had only just found out.

"Yes, this guy has taken refuge with us."

Greeting everyone's eyes, Nick Fury said, "But I can't tell you now, his true identity needs to be kept secret. He is now an undercover agent. When attacking the opponent, use less force, and don't kill the opponent!"

When Nick Fury said this, his eyes were mainly focused on Liu Sheng. Obviously, he was mainly afraid, and Liu Sheng killed the other party! "Don't worry, I am a well-known person!"

To meet the other party's gaze, Liu Sheng nodded quickly at this time, he didn't feel like he was a grumpy person, but the other party didn't seem to believe him very much, so his eyes were firm, proving his attitude at this moment.

Nick Fury looked surprised. For some reason, when he found that the opponent's strength was not terrifying, the opponent's character seemed to have changed. In addition to the fact that the opponent was still cold and stern during the battle, the opponent was like a funny guy in normal life. It's more ordinary than an ordinary person.

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Chapter 415 What a coincidence

Yagyu rents a house in the city center.

He wasn't in S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, he was not used to living in the middle, although it was very comfortable to live there, but he always felt that there was a little lack of taste there.

After all, it's all made of steel. "It's also very good in the city, but it's easy to have some accidents."

Two days have passed in the blink of an eye. During these two days, Liu Sheng has been resting at home. After all, he has been cultivating before, and he has not rested yet.

He needs to relax.

He was quite satisfied with the current house, just watching the two mutants in front of him fighting, then one of them was knocked down, and the house behind him was knocked into tatters. Liusheng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Although living here is very good, the destruction rate of the surrounding houses is too high. He has an illusion that it is his own house. Maybe it will be like this in a few days. After all, he can't stay in the room all the time, and he has to go out. .

If you look at it this way, "It seems that we have to step up our speed to clean up this city and drive all these people away!"

Liu Sheng's brain circuit is somewhat different.

He walked directly out of the house at this moment and looked at the two guys in front of him. At the same time, he stared at his watch. The special watch did not show the location of the two people in front of him, which means that they have not been determined. Mutant.

"Just to catch you all."

Liu Sheng shot.

Who makes it so coincidental that these people can be met at the door of the house. "An ordinary person who dares to involve us in our battles, hurry up and get rid of me!"

One of the mutants looked at him and walked towards him, and shot directly. In his opinion, right

Fang is just an ordinary human being, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He smashed a car directly at the opponent! Looking at the car that was smashed towards him, Liu Sheng's expression did not change, his body jumped straight up, dodging the opponent's car.

"This guy is not normal!"

That... mutant's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and after Liu Sheng's bouncing and jumping up, he found that the other party was not a normal person, and ordinary people did not have such a terrifying bouncing power.

This shows that the other party should also be a mutant! You can't blame him for having such a guess, because this is normal. Who let him meet people like him during this time? "You are a mutant, originally with I don't have any intersection, but if you intervene, you will have a grudge against me, and anyone who has grudges will die!"

There was a shocking red in his eyes, this... mutant opened his mouth, and after turning around and knocking down the mutant in front of him, he rushed directly towards Liu Sheng, he wanted to solve the opponent! "Although I can't use my previous magical powers, this does not mean that You are my opponent."

Liu Sheng spoke slowly, but his expression did not change in the slightest.

Many days ago, he had a comprehensive understanding of himself. This understanding was that he could not use his previous magical powers, otherwise, his sealing strength would not be able to improve himself. , even if he can't use those terrifying supernatural powers, but in the past few days, he has created a brand new fighting method for himself, and these fighting methods are still very terrifying! He called it - Zhuxian At this moment, he slowly pinched out the magic decision in his hands, and the energy between heaven and earth condensed towards him - Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 416: The Power of the Fire Dragon

Immortal Execution is a very special fighting method, it does not include close combat, its only function is to condense the energy between heaven and earth, use a special method to envoy, and make it erupt with terrifying combat power - this is the The core of this fighting method! It is actually very close to the spell, even exactly the same.

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