Just when they had such thoughts in their hearts, a figure walked out from the center of the ruins, isn't this person Brada? Not very good.

After all, the appearance of the other party is no longer what it was at the beginning. When the other party's body was covered with injuries, a lot of flesh and blood had been lost, and bones could even be faintly seen in some places.

The other party was walking at this moment, and it was not stable at all, trembling and trembling.

"Not dead yet, but dying soon."

Liu Sheng opened his mouth with a smile at this time.

If the other party really died directly, he would be surprised, after all, the other party was a level 7 powerhouse no matter what, the opponent's strength was there, and he shouldn't die so easily.

And if the other party is alive, the power has not lost much

He didn't want to see this scene.

Because after the battle just now, the opponent should already have the rhythm of the battle, and he has also become familiar with his own strength to a certain extent. Therefore, if the opponent is alive and has power, the opponent will definitely gain an advantage in the future.

Right is not the opponent's opponent! But the opponent is alive now, and Fang has not much fighting power, which means that the goddess of luck is on their side! The corners of Liu Sheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he shot directly at this moment! The opponent is seriously injured at the moment, he just can understand Opponent! The power of flame between the hands suddenly began to burn. This power of flame is stronger than before. In order not to make the battle situation unnecessarily variable, but also to use up all the energy in the body, the jerky. It was all digested, and Liu Sheng burst into full force at the moment! He rushed directly at the opponent, his fist smashed into the opponent's head! Brada naturally wanted to resist, because he didn't want to die like this! But his resistance was ineffective at all, after all he was at this moment. , has been severely traumatized, this trauma made his movement slow, and he couldn't escape this blow at all! So his body was directly knocked into the air and re-entered the ruins! Just as the opponent's body re-falls into the ruins Within a few seconds, the explosion sounded violently—a very splendid flame shot up from the ruins! The punch Liusheng just now was not a simple bombardment, it contained a part of the force, he struck Part of the energy will be attached to the surface of the opponent, and it will produce a very terrifying explosion. This is a manifestation of controlling the energy to the extreme - "It's done."

Yagyu can already be 100% sure that the other party is dead.

After all, just now, he also attached part of his spiritual power to the opponent, and his spiritual power sensed that the opponent had been blown to pieces.

So he can be sure that the other party can't die anymore.

Well, they have already killed this behind the scenes! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the m.aikanshu8.com unique domain name of love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 410 Strength is improving

"Let me do the rest."

Nick Fury came over at this time and said.

Next is the aftermath work, which is naturally handled by Nick Fury.

Liu Sheng nodded, and he said, "You prepare a practice room for me. I have a deep feeling in my heart that I need a quiet environment!"

"Hurry up and arrange a practice room for him!"

Hearing Liu Sheng's order, Nick Fury looked directly at the agent next to him.

The agent nodded at this moment and took Liu Sheng directly to a nearby practice room.

The other people's eyes were shining brightly on the side, because they heard the other party's words, which made their hearts very complicated and had a very strange feeling.

"Obviously everyone is finished fighting, why did you get the insight, and I can only heal"

This is probably how everyone feels.

But they didn't say much, because this is the opportunity of the other party, they can't be envious, not to mention that they are far from that level, and they need to understand. What they need most now is to strengthen their own strength! After today They all have a sense of crisis in their hearts! After all, their enemies are so powerful, they are not opponents of each other when they join forces. For example, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Among them, the strength of the robots is stronger than them, and they plan to improve their strength urgently! Otherwise, their Avengers will sound like a joke! Liu Sheng is sitting in the training room at the moment, his eyes are tight and his palms are facing the sky.

The energy in the body formed small Zhoutians under him, and the energy condensed towards him, supplementing the consumption of the Zhoutian in his body.

His breathing is very even.

There is no difference in time between a breath and a breath.

The injury on his body that was originally caused by the battle was also repairing quickly, but in an instant, he was intact and the injury was completely healed.

Even after careful observation, there is not even a single scar on his body! This is the benefit of cultivation.

And his strength is also rising. After all, he has experienced a battle, and he is chasing between life and death. If his strength does not rise, there will be ghosts.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes at this time, and two golden lights flashed! That is the embodiment of strength improvement! "Before my strength, it was about level 3: now it should be at level 4."

Liu Sheng muttered to himself.

His previous strength, the strength of the body plus the strength of the soul, the combat power is almost equivalent to level 3, but after this battle, his physical strength has broken through, and the strength of his soul has also broken through. His current combat strength should be equivalent to Level 4 powerhouse.

And his combat experience is very rich, and his power is controlled to the extreme.

It should be possible to fight a level 5 strong! This is a good thing, but it is also not a good thing because Yagyu thinks a lot.

"The improvement of strength is a good thing. After all, the strength of this time was cultivated by myself, not indoctrinated, so it is fundamentally different from the previous one, but I seem to rely too much on the previous ability, which is very magical, and I still use them now. , I still can't get rid of the shackles of the frame, I need to get rid of them."

Liu Sheng couldn't help thinking in his heart, this is the question he is thinking about now.

A crucial question! This is related to his future progress! Please download and remember to save m.aikanshu8.com to read the novel without underline, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 411

There is no doubt about his supernatural powers.

After all, he was using top-level magical powers, and every magical power could decide the outcome.

This is his advantage, because he has these magical powers, which means that he can fight against any strong person. After all, the power of these magical powers is extremely terrifying! It can make him fight by leaps and bounds! But it is also his weakness, because these The magical powers all come from him whose strength has not yet been sealed, and he wants to completely break away from the previous rules and regulations.

He must discard these things! Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to pursue the ultimate life and death - this is only discovered by Liu Yu! So he is very entangled now.

Because if he really gave up using these magical powers, then his combat power would drop by more than half, which would be extremely unfavorable to him.

After all, the next time is an extraordinary period, the world will become particularly chaotic, and his strength has been completely sealed and cannot be fully exerted.

In such a situation, his strength would stop and break again.

This is quite a dead end for him! But after thinking about it for a long time, he finally determined an answer in his heart that he decided not to use these magical powers! "These magical powers are indeed useful to me, because with them, I I can face stronger enemies without fear! But they restrain me, so I must give up them, only in this way can I get real experience!"

His eyes flickered, but he still made up his mind.

After he made up his mind, he somehow felt that he had changed a bit, and his whole person seemed to have entered a kind of sublimation.

His perception of this universe is the same as before! His heart is pounding like a star that doesn't move.

He closed his eyes again and fell into insight, but this time it was pure perception, and there was no error correction like before.

And time flies, and I don't know how much time has passed.

It may have been a moment, or it may have been a long time. In short, Liu Yu opened his eyes and found that the sunny day outside had turned into a rainy day.

"It's a lot of work this time."

He spoke slowly.

He is very happy, because this time he has clarified the real path and knows how to improve his strength.

At this moment, he immediately got up and opened the door.

After all, everything that needs to be done has been done, and now it is natural to go back, um, we should go to Nick Fury and the others.

After leaving the training room, he was in S.H.I.E.L.D.

It took him about two or three minutes to travel around, and he found Nick Fury.

The other party is in the conference room at the moment.

And the other superheroes of the Avengers are also there, they are discussing a very important matter, and everyone's face is solemn.

"So I'm just a coincidence"

Liu Sheng blinked his eyes and couldn't help but speak.

It seemed that he was out of the border at a wrong time, and just ran into something.

He also wanted to give himself a few days off to enjoy himself. After all, there were a lot of things going on recently, and he felt a little tired.

Cultivation itself doesn't happen overnight, it needs to be done slowly.

"It was indeed a coincidence!"

Seeing Yagyu's sudden appearance, Nick Fury laughed.

The other party's luck is indeed good, they are discussing a very important matter now, and the other party has arrived, so that's fine, so that no one is absent.

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Chapter 412 The real reason

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, Liu Sheng sat directly on one of the chairs and immediately asked.

Because he joined halfway, he didn't know many things.

"In recent times, we have seen a lot of mutants appearing in the city"

Nick Fury spoke at this time, and he was telling the other party all this.

Liu Sheng listened, and soon he understood what the reason was.

That is, for some unknown reason, there are many mutants in the city, and these mutants are very special, they are all ordinary people, they suddenly become mutants, well, that's probably what it looks like.

And this naturally affects S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, no one would be willing to be ordinary if they suddenly acquired superpowers. These guys who suddenly became mutants are no exception. The desires in their hearts are infinitely magnified and they naturally do some things.

Some of them are okay, although they use their abilities to gain benefits, but they are numerous, and they have not hurt innocent people at all.

But some of them are daring and madly robbing banks and killing people. "So our workload is too much, and we are almost too busy, and we don't know why, but there are a lot of strong mutants in it. We're all having a hard time subduing!"

Nick Fury couldn't help complaining.

The other Avengers superheroes didn't talk to each other, because this sentence is to say that among the many mutants who have mutated this time, some of them are really big, even if they make a move, they may not be able to subdue the other party! Can be uniform, but also pay

Pay a great price! They are also confused to death, they have just mutated, why is their strength so terrifying, you must know that when their strength has just changed, they are about twice stronger than ordinary people: but these guys are strong. Dozens of times! It made them all pregnant! "So what is our main purpose this time?"

Liu Sheng asked at this time.

He was curious what the purpose was this time.

Is it a full action to catch these guys? But if this is really the purpose, then they shouldn't be sitting here now, but should go to arrest people, in this way, the efficiency will be very high.

"The mutation is not only once, but many times. At first, there were only more than 100 people who mutated, but now it has spread to more than 00 people. Our purpose this time is to seek its root cause, otherwise we will not be able to solve this matter at all. "

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