Although his ninjutsu talent is not very good, his physical talent and swordsmanship talent are shocking.

Maybe this kind of talent is not valued in other ninja villages, but in Wuyin Village, which has seven magical ninja swords, it is definitely a sought-after talent.

It's a pity that Liu Sheng has been imitating Kizaru, and he doesn't care about everything. The character of this salted fish makes the senior officials of Wuyin Village a little undecided.

It is not just Uchiha Obito's credit for making Hidden Mist Village a Village of Blood Mist. After all, he just controlled the water shadow.

If there is no mass base, Shuiying will not be able to implement the blood fog policy, and the policy that is too bizarre will be resisted.

In a nutshell, Kiriyin Village appreciates brutal and brutal ninjas, and the character of Yanagyu's salted fish makes them less recognized.

But since Terumi Mei said, Yagyu has the strength to push back Konoha White Fang.

Even if the senior officials of Wuyin Village don't appreciate it, they must face up to Yagyu's existence.

"If that's the case, then let the Seven Ninja Swordsmen test your strength!"

Master Yuan thought for a moment and made up his mind.

"Is there a group of seven ninja swords? They are all as strong as monsters, very terrifying."

Liu Sheng said helplessly, with a reluctant expression on his face.

He glanced at Terumi Mei, blaming her for being troublesome.

Terumi Mei seemed to understand Liu Sheng's meaning, and said to him with a serious face: "You have such a powerful talent and strength, you shouldn't let it be buried."

Terumi Mei is an ambitious woman.

If she had no ambition, she would not have been able to become the fifth generation of water shadows.


After seeing Liu Sheng's strength, she gave birth to a mentality of hating him.

If she had this kind of strength and talent, she would have competed for the fourth generation of water shadows long ago.

The third generation of Mizuyage Baizawa in Wuyin Village has grown old now.

If nothing else, the three generations of Mizukage will abdicate as soon as this ninja war is over.

Terumi Mei, who knew that she could not compete for the fourth generation of Mizukage, decided to help Yanagisa become the fourth generation of Mizukage.

Supporting a high-ranking water shadow, she can get a lot of benefits, which is also a way to realize her ambition.

Liu Sheng curled his lips and said, "But I just want to live the salted fish life of clocking in at work. This kind of life is the most comfortable."

Terumi Mei's heart burst into flames, is this what someone said?

"No, you must not live up to your talent."

Terumi Mei spoke loudly.

Liu Sheng shrugged, too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

He also doesn't want to live up to his talent, and he certainly won't.

But in order to gain enough strength, he must show such a posture.


The way to become a strong man is so intricate and hypocritical!


The word hypocrisy is used well, and Liu Sheng feels that he has the demeanor of a high-level forbearance village.


"Master Yuan, do you want us to fight this kid?"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost carried the shark muscle on his shoulders, looked up and down at Liu Yu, and said to Yuan Shi with a mocking expression.

The ninjas in Kiriyin Village are quite disunited, and there are countless incidents of teammates killing each other.

The organizational structure is chaotic, and the powerful ninjas such as the Seven Ninja Swords lack respect for the senior management of Kiriyin Village.

Liu Sheng was not surprised by this, and stood with his hands in his pockets and stood opposite the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Master Yuan said indifferently: "Don't underestimate him, but he repelled Konoha Baiya. Maybe, both of you are not his opponents!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Can this little devil beat Konoha Baiya? Master Yuan, you are really confused, you even believe this kind of nonsense."

Loquat Shizang grinned and said: "Okay! Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish, don't say any unnecessary nonsense. Everyone is very busy, hurry up and solve the matter!"

Loquat Shizang stepped forward, pulled out the beheading sword, pointed at Liu Sheng and smiled, "I can solve him by myself, but I don't care if I cut him in two."

Master Yuan glanced at Liu Sheng, and Liu Sheng curled his lips and said, "Break in two? How scary! The loquat Shizang looks like a monster."

There was a burst of low laughter from the crowd, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were indeed a group of grotesque fellows.

Loquat Shizang was annoyed in his heart, "Looking for death!"

Loquat Shizang made an instant technique and appeared next to Liu Sheng in an instant.The beheading sword roared out, and it was a slash to Liu Sheng's waist.


With a slash in two, Liu Sheng's upper body and lower body were instantly separated, and fell to the ground softly.

"It's so scary! It really cut me in two, you are so cruel!"

Liu Sheng was lying on the ground and exclaimed exaggeratedly.

The faces of the others suddenly became solemn, because the broken Liusheng did not bleed, and there was a golden brilliance at the break.

The light spots condensed and turned back into the appearance of Liu Yu, which looked intact.

Chapter [*] is a piece of shit!

"Similar to the hydration technique of the ghost lamp family, the technique of light transformation?"

Because the ghost lamp clan of Wuyin Village has a hydration technique similar to the elementalization of the body, other people have guessed instantly.

"Similar to the technique of hydration?"

Loquat Shizang's heart moved, and the beheading knife was stabbed on the ground next to him.

As a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kiriyin Village, Pipa Tenzo still has some understanding of the hydration technique of the ghost lamp clan.

The technique of hydration can turn a person's body into liquid, ignoring all physical attacks.

However, the technique of hydration also has a weakness, that is, it will be restrained by the Thunder Ninjutsu.

Loquat Juzo deduced that Yagyu's photochemical technique also has weaknesses, so he wanted to use various ninjutsu to test it.

"Water Escape - The Technique of the Great Waterfall!"

Loquat Shizang made seals on his hands and used water escape ninjutsu. A huge waterfall fell from the sky, and a huge amount of water hit Liusheng.

Devil fruit people are afraid of water, but Yagyu does not have this disadvantage.

Although he inherited Kizaru's Devil Fruit ability, he did not inherit his Devil Fruit weakness.

After all, he was using the power of the character template, not the power of the Devil Fruit.

If his second template is still a Devil Fruit Ability, he can use both Devil Fruit abilities at the same time.

A huge amount of water like a waterfall smashed on Liu Sheng's body, but it passed through the Guanghua Liu Sheng.

"Water escape is useless, then... Lei Dun—thunder!"

A flashing thunderball appeared in Pipa Juzo's hand, and it was pressed into the water on the ground at once.

The dazzling thunder light flickered, and the electric currents visible to the naked eye galloped towards Yagyu along the flowing water.

Liusheng stood in the water without evading, letting the current pass through him.

"Shui Dun and Lei Dun, as expected of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, it's really scary!"

Liu Sheng yin and yang said strangely, and his tone was full of ridicule.

Yagyu's glittering fruit ability has almost no weaknesses, and the embryo after the body element is almost immune to all attacks.

Whether it's a physical attack or an energy attack, it doesn't have much effect on him incarnating light particles.

Anilu in the original book is a person with the ability of the thunder fruit, and neither incendiary guns nor laser swords can hurt him.

This is enough to show that the natural devil fruit ability person can be immune to energy attacks, and thunder and lightning are ineffective against him.

"Damn! Fire escape - the technique of dragon fire!"

Loquat Shizang was annoyed in his heart, and he used the fire escape with his hands in a seal, and a long snake-like line of fire bombarded Liusheng.


The fire snake passed through Liu Sheng's body without causing any harm to him.

Liu Sheng pouted and exclaimed with an exaggerated look: "You have used three different escape techniques, right? As expected of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the means are really rich!"

The watermelon mountain puffer fish laughed and said with a look of disdain: "Loquat Shizang, it seems that this opponent is not something you can handle!"

Loquat Shizang said angrily: "Shut up! I still have Feng Dun and Tu Dun that I haven't used, who said I can't beat him?"

Saying that, Loquat Shizang used the wind escape, and the dense wind blades whizzed towards Liu Sheng.

As an elite jonin, Loquat Juzo can use all types of ninjutsu.

Even if he does not have the corresponding chakra attributes, he will still be able to use one or two hand escape techniques, but he is only unstable and proficient.


The reason for dabbling in chakra ninjutsu of all attributes is to prevent being restrained.

Unlike Chunin and Shionin, which lack resources, Shangnin's resources are enough to allow them to master all types of ninjutsu.

"Wind attribute ninjutsu has a tearing effect, I don't know if it can break his light transformation."

"I don't think it should be possible."

"what is the reason?"

"Because Liu Sheng didn't dodge!"

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