Hokage: Opening Imitation of Kiabou Author: Senika

Liu Yu, who traveled to the Naruto world, obtained a god-level imitation system, and the imitation became stronger.

Madara Uchiha: "Do you want to dance too?"

Liu Sheng: "It's scary! Battlefield Rose is as strong as a monster. Speed ​​is weight. Have you ever experienced a light-speed kick?"

Chapter [*]: The Art of Blinding Dog Eyes!

"It turned out to be Konoha Baiya? How scary!"

Yanagyu squinted at the Konoha ninjas around him, and exclaimed with an exaggerated look, much like Kizaru, the general of the Pirate World.

"Liusheng, be serious. Konoha Baiya is not easy to deal with, we are in danger now."

Terumi Mei reminded Liu Sheng with a dignified expression, feeling a little desperate about the situation in front of her.

Because the one who led people to surround them was Konoha Shirogane Hatake Sakumo, a famous shadow-level powerhouse, a white-toothed dagger, I don't know how many masters he slaughtered.

Even the senior officials of Wuyin Village have ordered that when they encounter Konoha Baiya during the mission, they can choose to give up the mission.

"Now is the third ninja war period, what are the ninjas of Kiriyin Village coming to our country of fire for?"

Konoha White Ya stood in front of many Konoha ninjas, looking at Liu Yu and the others with indifference.

"Of course I'm on a mission! Your Four Ninja Villages are playing hot on the road, and our Wuyin Village is not safe on the island, so come here to check the situation."

Liu Yu said casually, even in the midst of many Konoha ninjas, he seemed very casual.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to say."

Konoha White Fang waved his hand, and many Konoha ninjas immediately entered a state of battle.

"You can spare me! I came here with a relaxed attitude, or what if we didn't think it happened?"

Liu Sheng said with a smile on his face, looking a little cynical.

Konoha Baiya had a cold face, obviously not going to let them go, and many Konoha ninjas rushed towards them all at once.

"There's no way, Infinite Light!"

"Blind Dog Eye Technique!"

Liu Sheng pouted, and an infinite golden light suddenly erupted from his body.

Liu Sheng seemed to have become a sun, and infinite rays of light bloomed from him.

The Konoha ninjas who had been staring at him, their eyes were suddenly illuminated by strong light, and they closed their eyes in pain and suffered a lot of damage.

"What ninjutsu?"

Konoha White Fang was horrified, this kind of ninjutsu was terrifying.

If you use this kind of ninjutsu on the battlefield, the enemy's line of sight is equivalent to being directly destroyed.

The side facing away from the light source will not be affected. This is a powerful move at the strategic level.

"Be sure to get rid of him!"

Konoha White Fang made up his mind and closed his eyes to sense Yagyu's position.

Konoha White Fang's assassination technique is quite powerful, and he also has a strong talent in perception.

Even without using his own eyes, he could find Yagyu's location.

Konoha Baiya's body moved, and in an instant, he appeared next to Liu Sheng, and the short sword flashing white light slashed Liu Sheng unceremoniously.

The feeling of slashing the air came, and Konoha Baiya's expression changed.

Because in his perception, he hit Liu Sheng with this knife.

"It's scary! Konoha Baiya is as strong as a monster."

"But the light is not afraid of slashing, now it's me."

Liu Yu casually opened his mouth, raised his long legs, and golden cross flashes appeared on his heels.

"Speed ​​means weight! Konoha Baiya, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"


The cross flash of the spun continuously, and kicked Konoha White Fang with an unceremonious kick.

Konoha Baiya hurriedly dodged, and the golden light hit a big tree not far away like a cannonball, directly kicking it in the middle.


Konoha Bai Ya shouted loudly and let all the Konoha ninjas under him retreat.

After a brief period of blindness, the Konoha ninjas turned their backs to Yagyu to avoid strong light. In this state, they had no problem escaping for their lives.

"Ding! Achievement - Repel Konoha White Fang, template character - Kizaru, unlock 11%!"

Liu Sheng is not a native of this world, he is a traveler.

He traveled to Wuyin Village and became a civilian orphan.

Originally, Liu Sheng felt a little dissatisfied with the location of his crossing.

After all, the protagonist of this world is Konoha, and Wuyin Village is a soy sauce.

And from the perspective of time, it will take a few years for Wuyin Village to be controlled by Uchiha Obito, and it will become a bloody village of cannibalism.

Liu Sheng was disappointed by this.

Fortunately, Liu Sheng awakened his golden finger - a god-level imitation system, which unlocks templates by imitating others.

What he is imitating now is the general of the Pirate World, Kizaru, a natural-type glittering fruit capable, a powerful monster.

To unlock the yellow monkey template, you need to imitate the yellow monkey's character and way of doing things in daily life.

However, imitations in daily life are all small heads. Only by imitating him when doing important things can you achieve greater achievements and improve the degree of imitation.

For example, now, Liu Sheng imitated Kiabou to defeat Konoha White Fang, and the progress of unlocking has improved a lot at once.

"Liu Sheng, do you want to take the opportunity to hunt down?"

Terumi Mei looked at Liu Sheng with excitement, but did not expect that Liu Sheng, who was usually cynical, would have such strength.

"Do it!"

"I came here with a relaxed mind, and I wouldn't do such troublesome things."

Liu Sheng said casually, the salted fish mentality is the mentality he should imitate.

"What a great opportunity..."

Another teammate of Liu Sheng, Qing, was very excited and felt that he could take advantage of this opportunity to gain a lot.

"Konoha Baiya can't help me, but it's impossible for me to kill him. Most importantly, I can't guarantee your safety."

Liu Sheng's expression became much more serious, and he still cared more about his two teammates.

After all, they have been with each other for several years, and the feelings that have been accumulated and cultivated over time are not a joke.

Although he will imitate Kizaru, it doesn't mean he will become Kiwi.

What imitating Kizaru depends on his mood, imitating Kizaru is like cultivation to him.

"Our mission is just to come here to investigate the situation. When we encounter Konoha White Fang, our mission is over."

Liu Sheng yawned lazily and said indifferently.

It has to be said that the acting style of the yellow monkey is more likeable.

Powerful strength combined with the mentality of a salted fish can make life very easy.

"Okay! We encountered Konoha White Fang, which is enough for us to return to our lives."

Terumi Mei nodded, and the three returned to the frontline base of Kiriyin Village together.

The second chapter is so scary, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

"You said that you encountered Konoha Baiya?"

The commander-in-chief of Wuyin Village's front-line base is Yuan Shi, a respected elder in Wuyin Village.

In the original work, he was still alive until Terumi Mei took over as the five generations of Mizukage.

"That's right!"

Terumi Mei nodded, and then glanced at Liu Yu with a slightly strange look,

"The reason why we were able to come back alive from Konoha Baiya's hands is because Yagyu showed great strength."

Terumi Meibai Yagyu's powerful performance told Yuan Shi that he felt that talents like Yagyu should not be buried.


Master Yuan looked surprised, and looked at Liu Sheng with his searching eyes.

He also knew about Liu Sheng's situation. This should be the saltiest person in Wuyin Village.

At the same time that Liu Sheng obtained the template of the yellow monkey, he also obtained the powerful talent of the yellow monkey.

The strength of the yellow monkey needs to be slowly obtained by unlocking the template, but the powerful talent of the yellow monkey is directly inherited when he obtains the template.

Kizaru's talent is definitely one of the best in the pirate world.

The general strength that others can't get by doing their best and putting their lives on it, Huang Yuan can get it with a salted fish mentality and just mess around.

There is no word for hard work in Kizaru, he is a talented player.

Don't say that Kizaru's strength comes from the power of the natural glittering fruit, even if he does not have the natural glittering fruit, he is still a general-level combat power.

Rayleigh and Zefa are two general-level powerhouses, and Kizaru can compete with them only with swordsmanship.

Whether it is swordsmanship or physical strength, Kizaru has the level of a general.

Therefore, Liu Sheng, who has obtained the talent of Kiabou, is also one of the best geniuses in Wuyin Village.

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