Of course, he doesn't actually believe that the other party has the money.

Because this number is really a lot! But before he said anything, the other party was the first to speak, and the other party dropped a bank card at the same time, and the look on his face was written indifferently.


Nick Fury looked at him in confusion, he was confused by the other party's behavior.

Why did the other party throw him a bank card "the money is in it!"

Glancing at the stunned Nick Fury, Liu Sheng said.

"What did you say!"

Hearing the other party's words, Nick Fury was stunned. He stared at the bank card with disbelief in his eyes. He never thought that there was so much money in this bank card.

And the face of the other party doesn't care, it seems that there is no money in this card at all.

"You're not mistaken."

looked at each other

Yan, Liu Sheng nodded seriously at this moment.

There is so much money in the card.

Nick Fury didn't speak. At this time, he took out the simple detector he had prepared before, and then he swiped the bank card in it! Then, he found more than a dozen zeros together! His Breathing gradually became faster, because there really was so much money in it, "Believe it now!"

Looking at the other party's changed face, Liu Sheng smiled at this time, he was amused by the other party's behavior just now, he never thought that the always calm opponent would actually do such a funny thing.

"I believe it!"

The bank card is placed in front of his eyes, and a dozen zeros are placed in front of his eyes.

Can Nick Fury still believe it? He nodded quickly at this time, with a dazed look on his face, because he had an unreal feeling that the money was taken too easily by him, which gave him a kind of feeling The feeling of dreaming "You can prepare to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D.


Looking at the other party's confused look at the bank card in his hand, Liu Sheng spoke at this time.

He couldn't even see it.

He always felt that the other party looked different now! "Oh good!"

Because of his interruption, Nick Fury woke up from the stun, he nodded quickly at this time, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and at this time, he left the villa with an excited look.

"Finally done with one more thing."

Seeing the figure of the other party disappearing, Liu Sheng spoke lightly at this time.

Well, he was actually quite happy.

After all, he has done one more thing.

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Chapter 280 Kill the strong enemy first

"According to the timeline, it should be Ultron. Do I want to seal some of my strength?"

The other party left, and Liu Yu returned to his room.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and began to think about something.

some very important things.

That is, he found his own strength, it seems that after obtaining Saitama, he can't make a breakthrough, and it seems that he has encountered the so-called bottleneck period.

This puzzled him.

Then, in his heart, he guessed a possibility! That is, after his fighting for this period of time, he has a comprehensive assessment of his strength level, and he should now be infinitely close to the heavenly father level! "Want To break through the heavenly father level, one must comprehend the world"

He remembered breaking the rules of the heavenly father.

This may be the reason why he can't improve his strength.

He could feel that there was a terrifying power in his body, but he couldn't use it, or in other words, he couldn't use this power easily, and he needed to pay a price for using this power.

Unless, he can break through the current level! But he can't break through the heavenly father level now.

Moreover, he can't get the new character progress unblocking table now.

It seems that after gaining Saitama's power, everything is over.

He felt that it was necessary for him to grind it down and break through to the heavenly father level. By doing so, he might restore the situation and become exactly the same as before.

This is also the reason why he wants to seal his strength in his heart.

Because only in this way, can he encounter a sense of crisis from the next era of Genesis, and then he can understand the so-called mechanical age, and then he can touch the sky

Father! After all, he already has the strength of that level.

What he lacks now is only perception! In the mechanical age, this perception is actually relatively easy to obtain. After all, that kind of power has already reached the level of molecules and particles. If it can be controlled well, it is the best way to improve strength.

"Yes, yes, but only after a few things are done"

Liu Sheng slowly opened his mouth.

After a brief moment of contemplation, he had made up his mind.

But before that, he needs to deal with some things, that is to kill some enemies! Because this time, he intends to seal his strength a little bit, otherwise, if he is dying, he can use this power He can't really face death! Therefore, he must completely seal his own power! Even if he dies, he cannot use it! Only in this way can he break through this level! However, in order to prevent himself from using his own power After sealing all of them, he will be hunted down by powerful enemies. Before he seals his own power, he will kill those powerful and unmatched enemies under the condition of his own strength. Naturally, these people include wolf gods and dragons. people.

In other words, there are only these two people! Only by killing these two people, can he break through the Heavenly Father wholeheartedly! Only then can he seal his cultivation! "It seems like a game of chess!"

His eyes were on the TV, which was playing a variety show and playing Go. At this moment, black and white were playing happily, each occupying five eyes, and the two sides were evenly matched.

Then he slowly disappeared from the room.

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Chapter 281 Dragon Man Searching for the Wolf God

His heart is full of anger. The dragon man can't accept what he has experienced today. You must know that he is a strong man. A real strong man is a well-deserved strong man everywhere! Only he bullied others, no one bullied him.

But today, he was almost angry with the dragon man, so he left the earth at this time, he went to the universe, because he was going to find someone, he wanted to join forces with him, he wanted revenge! The universe is too big Now, he is almost endless.

Even in the Marvel Universe, until now, the universe has no end, and no one has been able to explore it to the end, even if this world is very special, and the number of strong people is not generally large.

"Who are you"

The wolf god is cultivating in a place at the moment, this is a planet that looks very special.

This planet does not breed intelligent life, it is more inclined to Mars, it is a planet without life, but this planet is a little special, and it exudes terrifying energy.

This is an energy that can be absorbed and strengthen the body.

The wolf god opened his eyes at this moment, because he found that there was an outsider visiting, and his eyes were a little bad. After all, when he was cultivating, someone suddenly came to the door, how could he be in a good mood, "I want to form an alliance with you!"

The dragon man came over at this time, and his eyes fell on the other side.

"Although your strength is not weak, answer my question first."

The wolf god frowned slightly, because the other party did not answer his question.

He is arrogant and he cannot accept that.

The dragon man was stunned for a moment, the attitude he didn't think about turned out to be like this, which made him feel bad.

Come, after all, he has just fought, and now he is still injured.

How could he be in a better mood? At this moment, the other party was so excited, and he felt a little blood surge.

But he suppressed this feeling after all, because he knew what was more important.

"I said, I want to form an alliance with you, because we have a common enemy, and this enemy is Liu Sheng. This guy is very strong. We are no longer his opponent in fighting alone. We need to cooperate!"

The dragon man spoke, and he told the other party the purpose of his coming.

When the wolf god heard this, his eyes narrowed, he did not expect that he would get such a reply.

He was thinking, he was thinking about whether he should listen to the other party. After all, the other party came too abruptly, and he was not sure whether the other party was telling the truth or not.

Seemingly aware of his hesitation, the dragon man said at this time: "You don't have to promise me now, I will give you a few days to investigate, and you can give me the answer in a few days! This is a token on which With my breath, you can remind me through him, and I will come over then!"

He directly gave the other party a token with his breath on it.

If the other party touches this token, he will perceive it, and then he can come to find the other party.

In fact, he really wanted to stay with each other, after all, they had a common enemy, he wanted Liu Sheng to die now, and he really wanted to discuss this matter with the other party, how to do it.

But he knew it wouldn't work, because he was injured now, and he needed to be healed first.

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Chapter 282 The Ancient One Arrives

"Have you left?"

The strength of the dragon man is very strong, and Liu Sheng can naturally feel that the other party has left the earth.

At this moment, he was lost in thought.

He was thinking whether the other party left the earth for his own safety, or to find the wolf god because he was not on the earth and felt the aura of the wolf god. He was not sure whether the other party was in Asgard, but he speculated that the other party was in Asgard. The strength of the opponent is so terrifying, the opponent should not stay in Asgard, because it is a special world, and the opponent cannot effectively increase in strength in that world.

He judged that the other party should be in the universe.

So, he's still: thinking about another point.

Where is the wolf god "Hello!"

Just when he was thinking about this question, suddenly, the space in front of him began to distort, and then, he saw a bald head appear in front of him, and the other party was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Ancient One!"

Seeing Gu Yi suddenly appear in front of him, Liu Sheng's expression changed slightly.

Before the opponent appeared, he didn't notice the opponent at all, which made him realize that the opponent's strength seemed to have improved, and it was more terrifying than before.

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