He condensed in the palm of his hand at this moment, and then——he patted the "water attribute dragon" in front of him

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Chapter 275

This power can freeze everything, even stones, even air.

Therefore, when he encounters water that can be easily frozen, everything is different.

Even if the water is extraordinary, and he and the dragon are integrated into one, but after all, his nature cannot be erased, he is still water, the existence in this world that is most easily frozen as one!" !"

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the dragon man in the form of water began to be frozen, and at the same time, the surrounding sea water was not spared, and was also frozen.

The dragon man will naturally resist, because he knows what it means.

His body was burning with flames, like a boundless fire, and he attempted to use the power of the flames to make the burning of the ice layer subside.

This flame burns the ice, turning it into water.

It's just that he has no effect at all, and he can't do this step at all - the sea water is constantly being frozen, but after a few breaths, only the last bit of pure land is left. This pure land is mainly related to the dragon people. The range of fusion is that the dragon is resisting this force.

Otherwise, he would have been frozen long ago! "You are very strong! But I advise you to give up!"

His eyes fell on the other side, and Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

He thinks that the other party does not need to hold on any longer, because the overall situation has been decided.


There was a continuous roar in his mouth, Dragon Man, he didn't want to give up like this, he wanted to resist, he kept bursting out his own strength, to resolve his current state! It was just because he was restrained after all. Useless.


He finally stopped resisting, he broke away from the ocean, and did not choose to combine with the other party.

After all, the sea is about to freeze completely, if he still chooses to merge into one, then he will also be frozen and sealed in this ocean forever, which he does not want to see.

But even if he got out of the sea, it was not that he was unaffected.

If you can observe carefully, you can easily find that there are ice slags on his lower body, and the power that pervades these ice slags comes from the power that freezes the sea.


Looking at the other party with interest, Liu Sheng asked.

The other party is very embarrassed, so he is not generally happy.

"I think we'll meet again."

The dragon man said, his tone was serious.

"you're going to run away"

Liu Yu opened his mouth, although the other party didn't say it clearly, but the other party's meaning was already obvious.

As soon as he said these words, the other party's body disappeared in place in an instant. The next second, the other party came directly to the very edge of the exiled space, and then the other party's power exploded - he left here! Although at the beginning, If the other party wants to leave this space, they need to analyze it before they can leave.

After all, exiles in this space are not easy.

But after the battle just now, the other party's familiarity with this space has been deepened. Coupled with the other party's strength, he is at the peak of being used at the moment, and it is normal to leave here in an instant.

Liu Sheng stood still, he did not choose to stop the other party.

Because it's useless to stop, if the other party wants to leave, he can't stop the other party.

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Chapter 276 The Dragon Man Failed

"Success or Failure"

The military was a little nervous. They quietly looked at the seaside that had been sealed by an indescribable force in front of them. Their hearts were not so complicated. The cooperation is successful, and the successful beheading of Liu Sheng! Or, the dragon man is not Liu Sheng's opponent at all? They are thinking in their hearts, and countless ideas are lingering in their hearts. , which proves that the battle between the two is inextricable.

This proves that any answer is possible! Suddenly, just as they were thinking about the answer, a change appeared.

All they saw was the bay that was sealed by an indescribable force in words. Suddenly, at this moment, a golden light erupted from a corner! Immediately after, they saw a figure emerge from it, and one of them exuded terror. The figure of strength! They were stunned, because they felt that each other was a little familiar.

The other party is a giant dragon, with a pair of wings stuck behind him, giving people the feeling that they are about to fly into the sky. This makes a bad idea appear in the hearts of the senior management, that is, will they fail? After all, they cooperate with the dragon people and know the other party's actual name.

The other party never concealed this. They knew that the other party was called Dragon Man, and a giant dragon appeared in front of them, which made them have bad thoughts! As expected, this giant dragon dithered, his eyes fell on the person in front of him, and the words went from He said it in a tone full of exhaustion, which gave people a different feeling.

"I am defeated!"

He only spit out these three words.

He said these three words

After finishing, the whole person flapped his wings and quickly left here.

Because he was able to perceive the changes in that space, Liu Sheng would also break through that space and come out. He knew that he couldn't stay here for a long time, and he didn't even have time to talk.

Otherwise, if the other party comes out and he stays here, it will be very dangerous! "What did he say!"

Seeing the figure of the other party leaving, all the high-level executives were stunned. They didn't expect that they would get this answer and the other party had failed - although they had already guessed in their hearts, after all, the possibility of the other party's success was mixed.

But to tell the truth, when they are sure that they have failed, they feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

However, this emotion in their hearts did not last for too long, because they knew that they had to face a very serious matter, and that was how they would deal with Liu Sheng! After all, they cooperated with the dragon people to kill each other .

They even lead each other here.

Liu Sheng is not a fool, after so much experience, he will definitely be able to guess the truth, and the other party is a strong man, a strong man who is not afraid of them at all, if the other party wants to retaliate against them, they will shudder a little at the thought of this!" Fortunately, we are ready, at least, we can give an account no matter what!"

They were terrified, but finally looked at a bank card in their hands, and their hearts were much calmer.

Inside is a prepared trillion, which is a back road they left for themselves. Please download and remember the underlined version of the novel. Please download and remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 277 Trillion Bank Cards

Chapter 278 Hope Not Me

After all, no matter what he said, he couldn't get along with money.

Although he said that he was not in a particularly good mood, but when the other party received this bank card, his complexion became better, at least compared to just now, it was very different.

"This is indeed our fault. Some of our internal staff did not obey the guidance and secretly colluded with outsiders. You can rest assured that we will definitely handle this situation when we go back and give you a satisfactory answer!"

A senior spoke up.

Liu Sheng's eyes looked over, and found that the other party looked familiar. Isn't that the old man? The old man said quickly: "I am sorry for our behavior today, and for you! Trust me, I will give you a satisfactory answer when I look back!"

"You are very good."

Glancing at the old man, Liu Sheng spoke at this time.

He felt that the other party was very smart, and he actually wanted to get his forgiveness in this way, or in other words, in this way, so that he would not suspect that the other party was colluding with the dragon man, or that he suspected that the other party was only a small number of people. Collusion with the Dragon Man is not important, after all, this matter has passed.

So he didn't bother to bother.

Well, it's mainly because the strength of the group of people in front of them is too weak. He only needs to stretch out a finger to crush the people in front of him. How can he struggle with this matter? "I hope so, but You also have to pay a price, because some mistakes should not be forgiven."

Looking at the people in front of him, Liu Sheng was ruthless.

At this moment, he slowly stretched out his hand, and then pointed to the sky with one finger, the sky and the earth began to change, and a dark cloud appeared in the originally clear sky.

Thunder in the dark clouds

Cry, lightning shot, and then, the power of this thunder and lightning concentrated to the extreme.


There was thunder shining in the dark clouds, he directly broke through the dark clouds and shot down! This force directly rushed towards the tallest building in Washington.

It was a giant tower, and it was one of the iconic buildings! In front of everyone's cracked eyes, the tower was destroyed at this time, which almost symbolized a 100-year-old building that caught fire directly, and then Collapsed! "This is the price you should pay, and tell me tomorrow about the result."

After glancing at the crowd in front of him, Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

He didn't kill these guys, firstly because they were weak and had no need to kill them, and secondly, he was more inclined to destroy their beliefs than to kill them.

To knock down this most iconic building is to give the opponent a blow to the heart! After finishing all this, he warned them again, and Yanagyu left.

After all, he has already dealt with the matters here, so there is no need for him to waste more time here.

"I think there may be a big change within us."

Looking at the figure of the other party, many high-level executives were crying and mourning. They knew what they were going to experience. After all, when the old man said those words just now, but in front of them, and the other party did not deny it, they knew that some of them must be next. "sacrifice"

They prayed in their hearts that it was not themselves because if they were chosen, their lives would come to an end.

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Chapter 279 The Stupid Nick Fury

Nick Fury is very nervous, after all, today has arrived at the appointed time.

"However, can he really get a trillion?"

Nick Fury has some doubts, and his doubts are not random doubts.

He really can't understand, where the other party can get so much money. He must know that Stark Industries Group can't get so much money all at once! "Teng Teng Teng!"

Suddenly at this time, there was a knock at the gate of the villa, Nick Fury walked up, he opened the door, and then he saw Yagyu coming in from outside.

"For you."

Nick Fury was thinking in his heart, how should he speak, after all, he was a little embarrassed.

Because although the other party has promised in advance, but S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is no direct reason for the collapse of the other party, and he does not know how to ask the other party for the money.

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