Because although he has a heart for justice, this heart does not only belong to the United States, but also belongs to many places and many people. What he insists on is only justice—that’s all.

Before the other party threatened the United States, in his opinion, the other party was wrong.

But now it's different. Hearing the other party's explanation, Miguo is wrong, and he will naturally not feel the special sullenness in his heart like before.

But after thinking about it, the US captain still intends to relieve a doubt in his heart.

"You said, if they really attacked you during this month, will you really destroy the entire United States as you said just now?"

Captain America asked.

"Do you think I look like such a violent person?"

Glancing at the US captain, Liu Sheng couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't worry, I can't destroy the entire US, at most the black palace!"

Hearing the other party's words, the American captain heaved a deep sigh of relief.

The group of people on the side were really speechless.

Because the other party said that the black palace and the other party actually wanted to destroy this place, they made up the picture, and they felt that if this scene really happened, the world would probably be in chaos.

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Chapter 256 Action in the dark

At night, the sky is not generally dark, even if Washington is a very prosperous area, almost everywhere is brightly lit, but it is undeniable that in some places, it is still occupied by darkness.

In the city, is there any place where there is no shadow. At this moment, in this dark shadow, there are several figures. They are wearing special clothes, with extremely serious expressions on their faces. Weapons, it was a newly developed firearm, their eyes were fixed on the villa in the distance, waiting for an opportunity.

"In this mission, we are very likely to die."

They were originally very quiet here, because no one spoke, but now someone spoke to interrupt the silence here, and he spoke of the difficulty of their mission this time.

It's almost a near-death situation.

"After all, the person we are going to hunt is very unusual. He lives in such a high-end villa. Don't look at the lack of protection on the outside. The inside is definitely protected!"

Someone nodded at the side, and they thought so too.

"But I've already made a plan. I'll quit this time. I've been in this business for many years, and now I've saved a lot of money, and I plan to go back and support the old age!"

One of them spoke up, he said.

"Then you shouldn't take this mission, this mission is a life-and-death!"

Another person opened his mouth and said that he felt that the other party should not take this task.

"But the remuneration for this task is also very high, and it is not very much. If each of us is evenly divided, one person can get more than 100 million US dollars. How can this make me not interested? Plus our task, how is it possible Simple, which is not between life and death."

This person gave reasons for objection.

The people were silent, they did not

Much to say.

"Next, each of us must do our best, and don't let go!"

He glanced at the people around him, and among the several people, there was one person's voice that said, the voice was indescribably calm, his identity was very special, and he was the captain of these people.

Temporary captain! But everyone respects him because of his special status.

Not only their interim captain, but the third killer on the list! Very powerful.

"Next, look for opportunities to kill them as soon as possible, kill them and let's go!"

The third killer ordered.

Everyone nodded, and then they started to move. They began to approach the villa quickly, and their bodies were walking against the ground, so that the probability of them being found was greatly reduced.

Their speed was very fast, and within a minute or two, they reached the edge of the villa.

Without any hesitation, they directly found a position on the edge of the villa, which was particularly suitable for climbing, and they placed barbs directly on it, intending to slip into the villa.

Their movements were not as quick as usual, and within a few moments, they successfully entered the villa.

And when they completed this series of actions, someone in the villa opened their eyes.

"someone is coming."

Liu Sheng slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of calm, it seemed that he was not angry about this scene, and even had no unnecessary emotions to speak of.

This is normal. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too big. In his eyes, these people are no different from ants, just like ordinary people. How can they care about ants? Live in the collection and save the unique domain name of, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 257: A Funny Scene

"Be careful, don't make too much noise, let's find the target and kill him first!"

Several people soon came to the villa, and they began to communicate.

"What if we were found out by someone else"

One of them couldn't help but ask back.

"Is this your first time doing a mission?"

There was a man beside him, who couldn't help laughing when he heard his question.

"how do you know"

This person gave him a very surprised look. It was not his first time to do a mission, but the mission he accepted before was not a hunting mission, and was more inclined to security.

He didn't know much about the task of hunting and killing.

"If it wasn't the first time for you to be exposed to such a task, you wouldn't ask such a silly question. I'll tell you the answer, that is, if someone else finds out, kill it all in order to prevent yourself from being exposed!"

The man said coldly, and he told the other party the answer.


The man nodded, indicating that he understood.

Naturally, he would not stupidly ask the other party if it would be too cruel or not good to do so. After all, he is a killer himself. Although he was mainly responsible for security tasks and lurking tasks before, his essence remains the same. It is a killer, and he is cold-blooded in his bones, there is no doubt about this.

"Everyone act!"

The third killer opened his mouth, and then a few of them opened, and began to look for Yagyu.

After all, Liu Sheng is their target, and the purpose of their trip is to kill them! "A few little reptiles have come."

Thor opened his eyes at this time, he also noticed these people, he

There was a look of contempt on his face, because these guys were really too weak in his opinion, weak and vulnerable.

He could kill them all with a single sneeze! The others also woke up, and they all sensed the uninvited guests.

As for these people, each of them has a different attitude, but no matter how different their attitudes are, they all harbor a kind of malice towards this group of people because the other party sneaks into your house in the middle of the night, how can you be right? The purpose of the other party's kindness is obviously impure, and it is obviously to do bad things. Only the Virgin, after seeing this scene, will be curious, what the other party is doing in the middle of the night.

Liu Sheng said: "Leave these people to me, there is no need for you to take action."

At this moment, his voice transmission told everyone not to take action, and he would take care of these people himself.

His strength is too powerful, he has invaded the subconscious of these guys just now, he knows that these people's goal is himself, and these people want to hunt him.

Everyone nodded at this time, and they did not refuse.

After all, the other party has said so, how they reject the other party is more important, they are also a little curious in their hearts, what the other party wants to do.

You must know that in their minds, Liu Sheng is an invincible endorsement. After all, the other party has shown them before, what is true strength.

That makes them still fresh in their memory, still not forgotten.

So they wanted to see what the other party wanted to do. Then, a scene appeared in front of them that made them laugh and laugh.

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Chapter 258 Make the game more entertaining

Chapter 259 Intellectually retarded but useful

"Have we been found?"

Among the many killers, one person spoke.

"what do you say"

One of the killers glanced at him and couldn't help but say: "You have no problem with your eyes, this guy has seen us, we must have been discovered! Don't mother-in-law, this guy has discovered us, let's hurry up Kill him, or things will change!"

After saying this, he shot directly and pushed open the door directly.

His speed was very fast, and he came directly to the bed in two steps. He directly took out a silenced gun: and shot it directly at the opponent's head.


The bullet broke the air in an instant and slid towards the opponent's head! Then a scene that surprised everyone appeared, that is, in the face of this shot, the opponent's eyes did not have the slightest fear, and his face was ruthless, as if the opponent was completely Don't be afraid of this shot.

The same is true.

Liu Yu has an almost immortal body, how could he be afraid of a bullet? The bullet hit his head, and even his defenses could not be broken, so he naturally wouldn't be afraid, which was the main reason for his ruthless face.


However, in order to increase the entertainment of this game and keep his identity from being discovered, or in other words, keep his true abilities from being discovered, he hesitated for a while, and quickly ripped off a piece of clothing from the side. He took advantage of this A piece of clothing that blocked the other party's bullet!""

This shocked the gang of killers. He looked at Liu Sheng in disbelief. They didn't understand what the other party was doing and how the other party used his clothes to block bullets. "

Liu Sheng said, a little panic on his face.

Well, he thinks his acting is very good.

"Death to me!"

Hearing the other party's words, the gang of killers took action again, because they knew that the most important thing now is not to worry about how the other party used a piece of clothing to block their bullets, but what they should be worried about now is , how to kill the opponent! Because this is the main purpose of their line! So they shot again at this moment, and in order to increase this probability, they shot directly this time, and they wanted to kill the opponent 100%! Some of them took out their firearms, and they wanted to kill each other like the previous killer, let the bullets pass through each other's body, and end each other's life.

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