The next moment, he felt that his eyes were blurred, and then he felt that his body was in severe pain. He actually found that his body had slammed into the steel wall behind him! The pain was real, not an illusion, it was His body crashed against the steel wall and the bones were completely shattered! "Don't compare me to those guys, how can these guys compare to me"

The dragon man opened his mouth, and his expression was understated.

But looking carefully, there was a hint of disgust in his pupils, this was because of what this... high-level executive said, he was disgusted just now.

"What do you want to do!"

Others spoke at this time, their tone of voice was angry, but also awe-inspiring.

The anger is because of what the other party did just now. After all, the other party hurt one of their colleagues just now, which proves that the other party will also hurt them, or in other words, can also hurt them! What they are in awe of is that they find that if the other party wants to do something to them, They don't have the ability to resist at all, and it seems that waiting silently in place is their only choice.

"What do I want to do? The thing I want to do is very simple, to help you and kill Liu Sheng!"

The voice sounded, indescribably calm, but there was a little bit of madness underneath the calm.

Crazy that is not easy to be found! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the unique domain name of Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 253 In fact, you don't have the right to choose

"Because of my exposure to this world, has the world changed a lot? Those who have never appeared in the Marvel Universe, or who have never appeared in the Marvel Universe, have all appeared?"

Liu Sheng left here, and he actually knew what happened here.

But he didn't really care.

Well, even if he found a strong man inside.

He is still a strong man who can threaten him.

But so what? If he wants to become stronger, he must meet stronger enemies and hone himself. If he really chooses to fight mobs and slowly hone, it will take a lot. years.

He's just a little surprised because he's never seen this guy before, and in the original Marvel series, he's never seen this guy at all! That's just one point.

That is the other side, the "newcomer" of the Marvel universe,

"But that's what makes it interesting."

Taking back his perception of that place, Liu Yu murmured.

When he obtained Saitama's ability, in fact, he didn't feel too urgent about the world. After all, he had Saitama's ability in his hand, even if he really encountered that kind of enemy that he couldn't defeat, but he had With 100% certainty, he will never die, and he can definitely run away! At that time, he can rely on the system to improve his strength and take revenge! Of course, the possibility of this scene happening is really low, because of his strength It is really too strong, it has reached the point of perversion, in this world, almost no longer exists, the kind of person who... he can't beat, in this world, there will only be people with the same strength as him.

Liu Sheng even had an idea, that is, to take his own, because he was afraid that he would not be able to meet his opponent, and he would not be able to meet someone with the same strength as him.

This is also the main reason why he took his perception back, because only in this way can he not know anything about the situation over there, and it will make it all more interesting

"What did you say, let's work together to kill Yagyu in this month's blank period!"

Staring at the dragon man in front of him in shock, the old man said incredulously.

He always felt that the other party's ideas were too wild.

"Do you know who he is? How could we possibly be his opponents!"

The old man screamed at this time.

"I know who he is, and I also know that you are not his opponents at all, but because of my participation, everything has become: different, from impossible to possible."

Hearing the other party's words, the dragon man cast a glance at him, and he said: "You can feel at ease, understand? As long as you cooperate with me and listen to me, this guy will definitely die!"


The old man was silent.

Because he didn't know what kind of answer to give the other party.

He actually wanted to agree, but he was more clear, that is, if they didn't succeed in killing Liu Sheng, they would have to pay a heavy price! Because the other party will definitely investigate the truth, and they are such a behemoth, they can definitely be killed by the other party. It is easy to investigate, and then "old man, do you actually know something?"

The dragon man suddenly spoke, and his eyes fell on the other side.

The old man looked puzzled.

"Actually, you don't have the right to choose at all!"

The dragon man said lightly.

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Chapter 254

"Wait a month, the funds will be secured in a month!"

When he got home, he saw Nick Fury with a very dark face, and Liu Sheng comforted him.

Thanks to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Because it has been completely broken, the other party temporarily lives in his house. Well, not only him, but all the Avengers should live here. As for why his house is so big, it is because Tony Stark gave him a building. Villa, which can accommodate so many people! "What!"

Originally Still: Sorrowful S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury, who had heard the other party's words, quickly stood up at this moment, his eyes fixed on the other party's body in shock.

"You heard right, it's done!"

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng nodded.

"Where did you get such a large sum of money"

Tony Stark asked, he was also on the side, he was equally unbelievable, he didn't know where the other party got the money, because it was a huge amount! "Find the U.S. Army Wanted!"

Liu Sheng gave the answer.

Everyone was silent after listening, they didn't know what to say, because they never thought that they would get such an answer from each other's mouth.

Especially the American captain, his expression was a little embarrassed, and he was a little restrained in place.

After all, his name is Captain America, and he is the United States, but "how could they give you this is not a small number!"

Nick Fury looked puzzled at this time.

You must know that this is not a small amount of money. If the other party only wants a few hundred million, he feels that the United States will give the other a few hundred million, but the other party

To be able to maintain the funds of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is trillions of dollars, how could the United States hand over such a large sum of money to him? Hearing his words, everyone nodded, and they all felt that way. .

So everyone's eyes converged on him.

"This is very simple."

Greeting everyone's gaze, Liu Sheng spoke lightly. He stretched out his hand at this moment, and energy surged between his hands. The next moment, dark energy condensed in his palm, and these colors quickly condensed more and more. And a little bit of purple.

He looked at the sky outside the window at this moment, it was a clear sky.

He directly threw the mass of energy in his hand into the sky.

The next moment, a terrifying change took place in the sky. The sky that was originally clear sky was ravaged by thunder in an instant, and the sky was covered by dark clouds in an instant! And all this happened in just a few short hours. seconds.

Everyone's brains went down, and they looked at this scene in disbelief.

Because this is like a miracle! At the same time, Liu Sheng's voice sounded faintly, as if he was: narrating a very normal thing: "The weak eat the strong, and the strength is respected, as long as my fist is big enough, everyone has to listen to me. Yes, it’s okay to disagree, so go to hell and report it!”

The crowd remained silent after listening.

Because they finally know why the US military agreed to give the money, because the strength gap between the two sides is really too big, if the other side does not agree.

They will all die! The other party is spending money to buy their lives! I love to read books to remind you: the three things of reading, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 255 Communicate with the Captain

"But, for more than a month, won't they change their minds for such a long time?"

Suddenly, at this time, someone in the crowd spoke up.

Everyone's eyes looked at, and there were some surprises in their eyes, because it was not someone else who spoke at this moment, but it was the Captain of the United States! The Captain of the United States even reminded the other party of this.

He also glanced at the other party in surprise. Liu Sheng also gave an answer to the other party's question, and his answer couldn't be simpler.

"Then destroy America!"


Captain America stopped talking, probably because he didn't know what to say.

Well, he was just a little angry deep inside, causing his face to turn red.

This is perfectly normal. You must know that his current achievements have a lot to do with that tube of reagents. If it weren't for that tube of reagents, how could he have become: so powerful is only beneficial, and naturally there are also harm.

For example, he has become a lot purer.

Much kinder than before.

"Do you know why I found the United States?"

Glancing at Captain America, Liu Yu suddenly spoke at this time.

The captain of the United States was puzzled, he did not know why the other party suddenly said this sentence.

But subconsciously, he said, "Why?"

He hadn't researched this before, it's clear.

"Because these guys once wanted to arrest me for research.

If it wasn't for my strength, maybe I'd already be in the research lab now!"

Liu Sheng's words were indifferent, but everyone was surprised when they heard the words.

Because if the other party doesn't say it, he doesn't know this! "So do you know why I trouble him? It's just

Because of this! He needs to pay the price he deserves for his mistakes!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth and said.

His tone was calm, but everyone could feel the anger inside.


The captain of the United States nodded at this time, his emotions eased, he finally knew why the other party did this, which made a big stone in his heart fall to the ground.

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