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Chapter [*] Tuanzang's stupid stroke!

Konoha Baiya said in a deep voice: "So, Liuyu of Kiriyin Village is not only immune to physical attacks and ninjutsu attacks, but also immune to illusion attacks?"

Namikaze Minato said: "His ability is indeed a bit perverted, but it is not a method without restraint. Even if he turns himself into light, he will be restrained by the sealing technique."

The sealing technique of Naruto World is indeed a bug-like ability, even the immortal Otsutsuki Kaguya can be sealed by Liudao.

Liu Sheng can turn himself into light after using the elementalization of his body, but pure energy cannot escape the restraint of the sealing technique.

Ordinary curse seal runes can't imprint on the body of light at all, but with the seal technique, it has a strong attraction but can swallow him.

Shimura Danzo hummed: "Judging from the content of the game, the restraint of the seal technique on Yagyu Kirigakura is not very obvious. His speed is too fast, and the seal technique can't catch him at all."

Mitomon Yan said: "If we want to seal him, we need to control him in advance. If the illusion is invalid, how about the Yin Escape Secret Technique of the Nara family and the Yamanaka family?"

The shadow imitation technique of the Nara clan and the heart-turning technique of the Yamanaka clan are both very powerful yin escape techniques and very powerful control skills.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun shook his head and said, "Yugiyu of Kirikin Village can shine, and he can take the initiative to destroy his own shadow. The shadow magic of the Nara family is probably useless."

Three generations of Hokage said: "Although the heart-turning technique of the mountain family has the flaw of aiming, if it is unexpected, it should be able to control Yagyu of Kirigakura."

Although the Yin Escape Techniques of the Nara family and the Yamanaka family are powerful control skills, their release is limited.

The shadow technique of the Nara clan can only be released when both sides have shadows.Only when the shadows of the two sides are linked can the shadow magic of the Nara clan be effective.

And the heart-turning technique of the mountain family can only hit the target if you aim at it.

The heart-turning technique will launch the caster's soul into the target's body, thereby controlling the target's actions.

However, the aim and launch of the Heart Turning Technique are all straight lines. Once the aim fails, the secret technique will also fail.

Because of the single attack route, the Yamanaka clan is called "pig" in the pig deer butterfly, which means that their fighting style is like a pig.

Shimura Danzo squinted his eyes and said, "In addition to the secret techniques of the mountain clan, spiritualization techniques should also be effective for Kirigakura Yagyu."

The technique of spiritualization can free the soul of the caster from the shackles of the ròu body and directly enter the enemy's body, thereby killing the enemy.

The three generations of Hokage frowned and said, "But... in the entire Konoha Village, only Kato is the only one who masters the technique of spiritual transformation."

Shimura Danzo said indifferently: "Indeed! The number of people who master these secret techniques is too small. This is indeed a very serious problem."

"However, there are not only a few ways to deal with Kirikin Village Yagyu. What do you think of the spirit formation ninjutsu?"

"Using the spirit ninjutsu to lock up Kirikin Village Yagyu, and don't give him food and drink for a few days and nights, and he will be finished when the time is up."

The three generations of Hokage frowned and thought for a moment, then smiled: "This is also a way to deal with it, if you have the opportunity, you can try it."

Three generations of Hokage's mood has improved a lot.

Although they still can't come up with someone who can fight against Yagyu alone, the three generations of Hokage feel that they have so many magical secrets, and they may not lose to Yagyu in a real fight.

The three generations of Hokage were in a good mood. After chatting with Uchiha Fukuyama and the others, they let them each leave.

With these should

Regarding Yagyu's method, the three generations of Hokage felt that they had enough bargaining chips to negotiate with Yuanshi.

Uchiha Fukuyama and the others left, but Shimura Danzo stayed.

Among the few Konoha elders, Shimura Danzo has the greatest power and the highest status.

He has the deepest bond with the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi, which is unmatched by others.

Even many people are aware of Shimura Danzo's positioning, that is, the white gloves of the three generations of Hokage, specially dealing with some shameful things for the three generations of Hokage.

The three generations of Hokage are the light in Konoha, and Shimura Danzo is the darkness in Konoha.

The Anbu training institution mastered by Shimura Danzo, the root, has begun to transform towards the root of darkness in the original book.

The three generations of Hokage looked at Danzo and asked, "Do you have anything to say to me when you stay alone?"

Shimura Danzo said, "What do you want to do with Yagyu Kirikin Village?"

The three generations of Hokage said indifferently: "Disposal? Liusheng is a ninja from the village of Kiriyin. How can I, Hokage, have the right to deal with him?"

Shimura Danzo sneered: "Don't come! Don't tell me you can't see how powerful Liusheng's ability is."

"If his ability is the limit of blood, it means that there will be a ninja tribe that is more terrifying than Uchiha and Senju."

"If his ability is occult, then Wuyin Village will have the opportunity to form an esoteric army."

"His threat to Konoha is too great, we must eradicate him in advance."

The three generations of Hokage frowned and said, "We are busy fighting against Shayin Village and Yanyin Village, and then if we fight against Wuyin Village..."

Shimura Danzo said solemnly: "I know what you said, but now the opportunity is a rare opportunity."

"If the current Konoha hadn't been restrained by Shayin Village and Yanyin Village, do you think Yagyu would have appeared in Konoha so grandly?"

Shimura Danzo's eyes flashed with fire. He said, "Eliminating the threat of Yagyu in advance is only one of the things. Studying his abilities is the most important thing."

"If we can fully understand his ability and copy it to Konoha Ninja, then..."

"A ninja army with the same ability as Liuyu can completely sweep the entire ninja world and let the entire ninja world be dominated by Konoha!"

Danzo is extremely greedy and greedy for the boundaries of secret arts and blood.

His roots have recruited the talents of the major ninja clans, and he has all the secret techniques possessed by the major ninja clans.

Even Mu Dun in the Senjuzhuma and the writing wheel eye of the Uchiha family, he is quietly researching.

It is a pity that these things are not visible, so the progress of the research is very slow.

It is also for this reason that Shimura Danzo dislikes the three generations of Hokage very much.

If he is Naruto, he will definitely order the major ninjas to hand over their secret skills.

Then order them to dissolve the family and eliminate the family, an organization that affects the centralization of the high-level Konoha.

Families with the bloodline limit force them to marry civilians, destroy the ninja from blood, and increase the owners of the bloodline limit.

He will also strengthen his research on the boundaries and secret techniques of the major ninja tribes to find out how to let ordinary people have them.

In Shimura Danzo's view, the bloodline limit and the secret arts are the property of Konoha, not a family.

All Konoha ninjas should unconditionally obey Konoha's orders and carry out Konoha's will wholeheartedly.


All in all, Shimura Danzo's idea is very naive and stupid!

Chapter [*] This is all an illusion!

The three generations of Hokage gave Danzo a deep look and warned: "Although this is a rare opportunity, it will put Konoha in a dangerous situation."

"I don't allow you to do this, understand? I definitely don't agree with you doing this kind of thing."

"I'm going to negotiate with the Yuan Shi of Wuyin Village now, and I'll be busy wrangling with him for a long time to come."

"Don't be idle, Konoha and the personnel transfer of the front-line army are handled by you."

After saying this, the third Hokage picked up the pipe and took a breath, and waved Danzo to leave.

With a gloomy smile on Danzo's face, he turned and walked out of Hokage's office.

Sarutobi, am I pretty?

Danzo scolded inwardly, the three generations of Hokage made it clear that they wanted him to take the blame!

Fortunately, Danzo was used to this kind of thing, and he wasn't too disappointed.

If other regular customers want to find someone to take the blame, then the person who takes the blame is almost finished!

But this is not the case with Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hijen, who was reluctant to let Shimura Danzo die.

In the original book, Shimura Danzo sat down for so many wrong things, and Sarutobi Hizen chose to forgive.

Even if Shimura Danzo wanted to assassinate Hiruzen Sarutobi, Hiruzen Sarutobi forgave him very generously.

Sarutobi Hizan is indeed deeply in love with Shimura Danzo.


"The personnel transfers in Konoha Village and the front-line troops are all to Danzo? Isn't this a clear sign that Danzo should be let go!"

In the Konoha Guest House, Liu Yu, who was squinting in the sun, suddenly opened his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the three generations of Hokage actually released the mad dog Shimura Danzo.

Liu Sheng groaned.

If he wants to leave, he and Yuan Shi and others can leave here before Konoha's preparations are completed.

But... just leaving in such a bleak way, Liu Sheng felt a little unwilling.

He imitates Kizaru, but he is not a real Kiwi.

Part or all of the Kizaru imitated depends on his ideas.

He is not controlled by the template, and will not completely imitate the idea of ​​​​Kizuna to do things.

"Why don't you just stay and make a fuss?"

"With so many masters in Konoha, will my template unlocking degree be improved to a higher level?"

Liu Sheng's mouth twitched, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

Three generations of Hokage and Shimura Danzo could never have imagined that Yanagyu's domineering and domineering enough to cover the entire Konoha Village could easily eavesdrop on their battle plans.


"Master Yuan!"

Yanagyu saw Yuanshi who had returned from negotiation with Sarutobi Hizan, and took the initiative to find him.

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