And Liu Sheng's body elementalization is not so troublesome, he can activate it as soon as his mind moves, or even instinctively.

Uchiha Obito in the original book was abused by Naikaze Minato with the second stage of Flying Thunder God. If it was replaced by Yanyu, there would be no such trouble.

When the Uchiha Obito in the original novel discovered the attack of Namikaze Minato, it was too late to protect himself with the avatar of divine power.

And if it was Liu Sheng, he could do it with a single thought.

Even if he didn't notice Minato Namikaze's attack, his body's instinct could activate his body elementalization, allowing him to dodge the attack.

Just like the knee-jerk reaction of a human being, Yagyu will instinctively elementalize his body when he receives damage, so as to avoid attacks.

"I don't know if the experience of playing against me can help you deal with Obito in the future... Probably not!"

"With me here, neither that guy nor Madara Uchiha can be as arrogant as the original."

Yagyu muttered to himself, and glanced at Uchiha Obito in the audience.

"Despair? Not yet despair!"

Minato Namikaze was not discouraged, his hands were knotted on his body to condense dark lines.

These jet-black spells are the incantations of the sealing technique, and they are preparations for launching the sealing technique.

Liu Sheng frowned slightly and said, "Seal? You want to use such a boring thing to deal with me, how bad!"

There is no doubt that the sealing technique can threaten Yagyu.

However, Liu Sheng is not afraid, but it is a means that is effective for him.

Just like the sea tower stone in the pirate world can restrain the devil fruit ability, but which devil fruit ability person can defeat the sea tower stone?

Just like the black wrist Zefa in the original One Piece, carrying such a huge Hailou stone arm with him, he was suppressed like a devil fruit capable of Kisaragi.

"It's coming!"

Minato Namikaze let out a low roar and rushed towards Liu Sheng.

A specially made kunai was thrown at Liusheng, and Minato Namifeng instantly appeared beside him, and dark lines burst out from his body.

These jet-black lines formed a large net, shrouded towards Yanagyu, trying to surround and seal him.

"too slow!"

Liu Sheng snorted disdainfully, and his body turned into light particles as soon as he moved, escaping directly from the shroud of black lines.

"The sealing technique is good, but the attack speed is too slow."

"This kind of clumsy attack, but it can't hurt the speed of light."

Liu Sheng appeared in the distance in front of him, and said slowly.

Chapter [*] You Konoha are really willful!

With his hands chasing in his pockets, Liu Yu looked at Minato Namikaze calmly and said calmly, "As long as I don't want to fight recklessly, no one in the world can do anything to me."

"Namikaze Minato! Even if it's called a golden flash, you can't compare to me in speed. Although the space of the Flying Thunder God moves very quickly, but..."

Liu Sheng's eyes turned to the surrounding Fei Lei Shen Kuwu, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"Your space movement needs the mark of the God of Flying Thor as a mark, and you can only move where there is the mark of the God of Flying Thor."

"As long as I don't appear in a place with the imprint of the Flying Thunder God, you can't use space to move to suddenly appear beside me."

"Maybe you can throw Fei Lei Shen Kuwu at me to locate it, but ah..."

Yanagyu raised a palm and looked at Kuai, the god of thunder, who was shot at him by Minato Namikaze, and a golden laser smashed it into two pieces.

"It's useless!"

Yagyu spoke slowly in a casual tone, and the slick emphasis made Minato Namikaze stumped.

With the domineering look and the laser laser, Naikaze Minato's Fei Lei Shen Kuai couldn't get close to Liu Sheng at all.

"You were always attacking just now, now it's my turn? Be careful!"

A burst of strong golden light erupted from Liu Yu's fingertips, and the cross-shaped light continued to rotate on his fingertips, and then bursts of laser beams.

Boom boom boom!

Yanagyu casually bombarded Minato Minato with a laser, and Minato Minato could only escape in space by relying on Kunai, the god of thunder.

There was silence in the audience, and the Konoha villagers felt heavy in their hearts.

Young people from other ninja villages rubbed the young geniuses from their villages to the ground.

As Konoha villagers, they also felt unhappy in their hearts, and the atmosphere became a little depressed.

The old face of the three generations of Hokage is stern, although it can be confirmed that the sealing technique has an effect on Liusheng, but the results are not optimistic.

Uzumaki Kushina's face was full of worry. It was the first time she had seen Minato Namikaze so embarrassed.

On the other hand, Uchiha Fuyue's face became much prettier than before.

It seems that it is not that he is too weak, but this Liusheng from Wuyin Village is too strong!

Compared to the depression on Konoha's side, Master Yuan and others were all smiles.

Liusheng's current strong performance will definitely bring them more bargaining chips in Wuyin Village.

"Young Namikaze Minato! The game... it's over!"

Liu Sheng smiled and looked at Minato Namikaze. The successive lasers had already shattered all of the opponent's flying thunder god Kuai, and a thick golden light bombarded Minato Minato Minato.


Namikaze Minato sighed helplessly, using the Flying Thunder God technique to move his body, and instantly appeared on the surrounding high platform.

"you win!"

Namikaze Minato appeared on the high platform and had already left the competition area.

"Either someone saves the game or just leaves the game, you Konoha are really willful!"

Liu Sheng glanced at Minato Namifeng lazily, shook his head and said.

"Ding! Achievement - Defeat Namikaze Minato!"

"Template character - Yellow Ape, unlock 23%!"

"Ding! Achievement - win the Konoha competition!"

"Template character - Yellow Ape, unlock 25%!"


A series of system prompts sounded, and Liu Yu's strength became stronger again.

In addition to the unlocking degree obtained by imitating Kizaru and defeating Uchiha Fugaku before, Yagyu has now unlocked 25% of the Kizaru template.

With strong maneuverability and decent destructive power, Yagyu is sure to compete with [*]% of the ninjas in the ninja world.

This ninja competition that took place in Konoha ended with Konoha Ninja losing.

Seeing the failure of their own ninjas, the audience in Konoha Village was depressed, and the ending was not exciting.

"Tsk tsk tsk! I really don't have any spirit at all. Is that how my ninja loses? I despise you!"

Liu Sheng leaned lazily on the chair, looked at the Konoha villagers who had quietly exited the scene, and raised his middle finger in disdain.

After the family has won the final victory, can't you send me some blessings?

With a narrow heart, it is no wonder that Konoha Village is getting more and more lonely.

Liu Sheng guessed maliciously in his heart.

"Hahaha! Liu Sheng, well done!"

"You guys are playing slowly in Konoha these few days, I'm going to be wrangling with the three generations of Hokage for a while."

Looking at the Konoha villagers and the three generations of Hokage who were leaving the stage, Yuan Shi couldn't help laughing.


Naruto Office.

The three generations of Hokage called Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fudake, and the minister of Konoha Anbu, Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo, appeared here together.

Of course, there are also the elders of Konoha Village - Shimura Danzo, Chuan Koharu, Mito Gate Yan, and the patriarch of the Uchiha family - Uchiha Fukuyama.

"You have all seen the previous battles, Minato and Fuyue are even more direct participants."

"Now let's discuss what to do when we encounter Yugakamura Yagyu on the battlefield!"

Three generations of Hokage picked up the pipe and said in a deep voice,

"From the current situation, Yagyu has the ability similar to the technique of hydration."

"It's still unclear whether this is the bloodline boundary or a secret technique similar to the hydration technique of the ghost lamp family."

"Let's call it a photochemical technique, and analyze the weaknesses and capabilities of the photochemical technique."

Hatake Sakumo was the first to speak: "The art of light transformation has the ability to release strong rays of light, similar to a lightning illusion in the Land of Thunder, which can block people's vision."

Uchiha Fuyue said: "This ability can be countered with sunglasses, but if Uchiha wears sunglasses, the visual illusion will be blocked."

Uchiha Fukuyama frowned and said, "Fuyue, you should have dealt with him with the Wheel Eye Illusion before, right?"

Judging from the content of the original work, the Nine-Tails Rebellion was an important reason for the rebellion of the Uchiha clan.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion made Konoha executives suspect Uchiha, and Konoha villagers hated Uchiha.

But before the outbreak of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha was not so tense.

Although there are some contradictions between the two sides, they are still within the controllable range.

Uchiha Fuyue nodded and said, "I did use the Wheel Eye Illusion on him, but the effect was not very good."

"He seems to be immune to illusion, or he solved the illusion in an instant."

The third Hokage said solemnly: "I asked Yuhi Mako to test him with illusion before, and he easily defeated him, which means that illusion can't restrain him."


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