Uchiha Madara's template has been completely unlocked by him, and a new template has appeared in front of him.

The new character template made Liu Yu's mood very complicated, because this is an invincible character template.

Saitama! Looking at the bald head on the system interface, Liu Sheng smiled slightly and decided to take the time to completely unlock this character template.

"Time to go to the next world!"

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Chapter 185 The boss is really not an ordinary person!

Marvel World.

After successfully crossing the world, Liu Yu found himself in a vast desert.

With a strong sense of domineering display, Liu Sheng walked towards a place with a large number of humans.

Not long after, he came to a human settlement, but this is not a place where ordinary people live.

A deep ditch was dug in the desert, and there were various tents and caves in the deep ditch.

The ravine is also full of various ammunition, and even missiles of this type are in stock.


The militants in the ravine found Liu Sheng and opened fire on him without hesitation, and the dense bullets hit Liu Sheng.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Liu Sheng looked at the bullets flying around him indifferently, and an invisible repulsive force rushed out of his body, instantly stopping those bullets in the air.

"go back!"

Liu Sheng gave a low drink, and the metal bullet stagnating in mid-air flew out in an instant, hitting the shooters.

Blood holes appeared in those militants, and the militants were not killed by Liu Sheng without any suspense.

"who are you"

More militants rushed out after hearing the sound, looked at Liu Yu with a wary expression, and aimed their guns at Liu Yu.

"I know where this place is, now please die!"

Liu Sheng smiled slightly, slowly raised his right hand, and after clenching his fist, a white halo appeared on the surface of his fist.

Air shock! Liu Yu unceremoniously punched out, and the fist wrapped in a white halo hit the air in front of him.

In an instant, the air shattered like a mirror, and dense cracks appeared on it.

An incomparably powerful shock wave roared out, hitting the militants in front of him like a gust of wind and waves.

The militants desperately grabbed the trigger in their hands, and the bullets like a metal storm bombarded Yanagyu.

However, in the face of wave after wave of earthquakes, these bullets were shattered without any suspense.

As if a [*]th-level storm had washed the ground, most of the tents and buildings in front of them collapsed, and the militants were killed or injured one by one.

"Is there an earthquake?"

After the terrifying shock wave stopped, a middle-aged man wearing exoskeleton armor came over from a distance, carefully watching the surrounding collapse scene.

Liu Sheng looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and said with a smile: "Tony Stark didn't expect to see you like this when I came."

Tony Stark looked at Yanagyu in front of him, and suddenly: Everything here is yours."

Liu Sheng nodded casually, but said bluntly: "I saved, should you repay me?"

Tony Stark looked at the destruction caused by Liu Yu, and nodded without hesitation: "No problem, what the boss says is what he says."

Judging from the topography of the destruction at the scene, there is no doubt that the origin of the destruction is Yagyu.

Tony Stark knew that Yagyu was not an ordinary person, and decided to hug his thighs without hesitation.

"very good!"

"In that case, let me give you a ride!"

Yagyu walked to Tony Stark's side, ready to take him out of here.

Tony Stark suddenly said: "Ethan is my friend, take him away too.

! "

Liu Sheng sensed it with a domineering look, and soon discovered the existence of Ethan.

The timing of Yagyu's appearance was too good, Ethan didn't use his life to buy time for Tony Stark, so he survived.

Yanagyu took Ethan and Tony Stark, and his body rose to the sky.

The invisible Reiatsu protected them, and Yagyu took them back to New York at the speed of light.

"New York, it's a place I miss."

Looking at the familiar city in front of him, Tony Stark burst into tears, God knows what kind of life he has been living these days.

"We got from the Middle East to New York in one minute, my God, that's too terrifying."

Ethan had a haunted look, which physicists said was very unscientific.

"The boss is definitely not an ordinary person!"

"Since you are in New York, then come to my house as a guest!"

Tony Stark said excitedly, and finally got out of that ghost place.

Tony Stark warmly entertained Yagyu and Ethan, as the richest man in the world is entitled to.

The return of Tony Stark also surprised the U.S. military.

They were very shocked, how did Tony Stark come back because these days, the people they sent were constantly searching for Tony Stark's location, but they found nothing.

If Tony Stark returns to the US from the Middle East, they should be able to get relevant information.

"You don't need to worry about this, I have a way for me to come back."

For the outside world's doubts, Tony Stark bluntly refused to explain.

The maverick Tony Stark is not a person who is willing to bow his head in character.

He was willing to bow his head to Yagyu because Yagyu showed him extraordinary power.

As for the U.S. military and government executives, it's a pity that Tony Stark doesn't think highly of them.

Tony Stark's home.

Tony Stark is developing a new type of armor, which is his newly awakened hobby.

After being kidnapped, Tony Stark suddenly realized that making himself stronger is a very important thing.

It's a pity that he has no talent in strengthening his body, but he is full of talent in mechanical manufacturing.

He is confident in his exoskeleton armor and thinks he can develop a powerful steel armor.

"Your body has been poisoned by palladium, and your Ark reactor needs to be upgraded."

Liu Yu walked downstairs, looked at Tony Stark who was upgrading his steel armor, and reminded him.

"I have palladium poisoning in my body"

Tony Stark was stunned for a moment, and quickly took the body-checking instrument from the side and dripped a drop of blood to check his physical condition.

Soon his artificial intelligence Jarvis reported his physical condition, and his current condition is very dangerous.

Tony Stark said a little lost: "That is to say, I can't continue to use armor in the future."

Liu Sheng stared at Tony Stark and said slowly: "You can't say that, as long as you treat your body well."

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Chapter 186 I will be better than him!

"The reason why your body is poisoned with palladium is because you put the ark reactor in your body."

"As long as you take the palladium-filled ark reactor out of your body, this won't happen again."

"If you want to use armor, just put the Ark reactor as an energy source in a safe place."

"As long as the palladium element is not in direct contact with your body, your body will no longer be poisoned."

Yagyu looked at Tony Stark and said casually.

"However, I need the Ark Reactor to sustain life."

"I have shrapnel threatening my heart, and without the Ark Reactor, they would kill me."

Tony Stark said helplessly.

Because of the terrorist attack, a large amount of shrapnel appeared in his body.

These shrapnel are very close to his heart and could enter his heart at any time and kill him.

The main purpose of the Ark Reactor's existence is to provide energy for the electromagnets in his chest, and to absorb those large pieces so that they do not enter the heart.

"It is indeed a very difficult operation for ordinary people, but for me it is nothing more than that."

Liu Yu casually walked to Tony Stark's side, and his powerful pupil power directly saw through Tony Stark's inner body.

Liu Yu looked at the shrapnel in Tony Stark's body, and said in a leisurely tone: "Are you ready? I'm going to take the shrapnel out of your body."

Tony Stark asked with a stunned expression: "Take out the shrapnel here and there is no medical equipment here!"

Liu Sheng said indifferently: "You don't think that I need to use any medical equipment to take out the shrapnel from your body."

Saying that, Liu Yu pointed out without hesitation, and the powerful finger force directly broke Tony Stark's body and saw the shrapnel.

With blood dripping, Liu Yu simply and rudely took out the shrapnel from Tony Stark's body, which also seriously injured Tony Stark.

Tony Stark looked at Liu Yu with a broken face, you are sure that you want to take out the shrapnel in my body, not to kill me "You can't die!"

Liu Yu said in a faint tone, and put one hand on Tony Stark's body, and the huge vitality was continuously output from his hand.

There are ten tails in Liudaoban's body, and the great vitality can almost bring people back to life.

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