"Liu Sheng, you are finished!"

"Even if we die, you will still be buried with us."

The Five Old Stars laughed wildly and cried out hysterically.

"You are so much nonsense!"

Liu Sheng's eyes turned into reincarnation eyes glowing with purple light, and he glared fiercely at Yimu. The illusion of reincarnation eyes directly affected Yimu's soul.

The Human Way! Liusheng instantly appeared in front of Yimu, put his hand on her head, and read her memory with the reincarnation eye—the ability of the Human Way.

"Natural magnetic fruit did not expect you to be able to develop the magnetic fruit to such an extent."

"Controlling iron in human blood is no less powerful than Magneto."

"Combined with the planet's magnetic field, it causes the moon to rotate irregularly, and attracts ocean tides to drown the entire world."

"If you can become an ancient weapon named after a god in the human body, the King of Heaven, you are considered a generation of heroes."

"It's a pity that the long years have corroded your hero's heart, and now you are just the protective umbrella of the Tianlong people."

Liu Sheng looked at Yimu with a pity face, and finally decided to spare her life and let her be a maid serving tea and water by his side.

Doesn't she like to call herself a god? Letting a goddess be a maid is quite fulfilling when you think about it.

Especially this goddess, her identity and status are not mixed with too much water.

Yimu can be said to be the most distinguished woman in the pirate world.

"No, it's impossible!"

Looking at Yimu who was easily tamed by Liu Sheng, Wu Laoxing cried out in disbelief.

The gods they have worshiped for so many years, the strongest king among the three ancient weapons, was defeated so easily. "Can't believe it? It doesn't matter if you believe it or not!"

Liu Sheng gave Wu Lao Xing a cold look, and said in a mocking tone.

After Yagyu cleaned up Mary Joa, he returned to Marin Vando to announce the demise of the World Government.

Neither the navy nor the pirates are surprised by this news.

They have already seen the strength of Yagyu, and it is surprising that the world government can block it! Then Yagyu announced that he will establish a new world government, incorporate the navy, and pirates form a new army.

In this regard, many people on the navy side clearly expressed their opposition, but they were forcibly persuaded by Liu Sheng with his Samsara eyes.

"Next, publicly execute the Tianlong people!"

"Announce the evidence of the world government, announce the establishment of the new world government!"

"The kings of the world have been summoned to Mary Joa, and the world is about to change dramatically."

Yagyu said with high fighting spirit that he wants to completely transform the world of pirates.

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Chapter 184 Time to go to the next world!

The world government was defeated by Yagyu, and the navy and the Four Emperor Pirates were also incorporated by Yagyu.

Representing the existence of the ultimate power in the pirate world, one by one fell at Liu Yu's feet.

In the pirate world, there is no other force that can fight against Liu Sheng.

The revolutionary army can't do it, it exists in name only, and even less can't the king under the Qiwuhai.

After Yanagyu established a new world government, he began to drastically transform the world.

His first step is to strengthen the centralization of power.

Although the world government rules the world, it is essentially a loose alliance.

The member countries of the World Government are nominally equal to the World Government, and their relationship is more like paying a protection fee.

The member countries of the world government pay enough gold to the world government, and the world government sends the navy to protect them.

The relationship between the two parties is more like a transactional relationship than an affiliation relationship.

The member countries of the World Government have absolute sovereignty in their own countries, and the World Government cannot legally interfere in the internal affairs of the members.

To do so is a decentralization of power, and Yagyu does not allow this phenomenon to continue.

Yagyu gathered all the kings of the world and asked them to hand over the power in their hands.

Yagyu promises to keep their royal family's reputation and give them enough monthly expenses.

"this kind of thing"

The kings of many countries are hesitant, and they do not want to accept the conditions given by Yagyu.

"If it can give us the same rights and status as the world's noble Tianlong people, then it is not impossible for us to hand over the power in our hands."

A king full of jewels spoke up and bargained with Yagyu.

"Ha ha!"

Liu Sheng chuckled and glanced at the... king, then pointed out a laser, which directly pierced the... king's head.


At the meeting site, there was chaos all of a sudden, and many kings looked at Liu Sheng in horror.

"Give you some color, and you will open a dyeing workshop. Don't you know how much you have?"

Liu Sheng looked at the group of kings in front of him with a cold face, and said indifferently.

"I'm giving you the conditions to look down on you, don't be shameless!"

"Do you think your consent is important? If you don't agree, then I will directly occupy your country."

What Liu Sheng said made the faces of many kings change, and finally realized the huge gap between him and Liu Sheng.

Not to mention that Yagyu's own strength is enough to push the world horizontally, it is said that the former navy and the former Four Emperor Pirates under his command are not something they can resist.

If Yanagyu sent troops to occupy their country, they would have absolutely no resistance at all.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I have long wanted to agree."

A group of kings hurriedly expressed their agreement to Yagyu's proposal and handed over their rights.

The countries of the world have become the turf of the world government, and the original division of kingdoms has been completely disrupted.

The original country was transformed into a city under the direct jurisdiction of the world government.


"After Yagyu established a new world government, he established a new navy and incorporated the Four Emperor Pirates into the navy."

"The territory of the Four Emperor Pirates was taken over by Yanyu Quan

It is accepted that the new world government has taken charge of the new world."

"The kings of the world have cancelled their titles and handed over the power in their hands."

"The world government directly rules the territories of the countries of the world, dividing it into cities under the direct jurisdiction of the world government."

"The new navy is catching pirates and various criminals all over the world, and the situation in the world is constantly improving."

When Drago listened to the report of his subordinates, his expression became a little gloomy.

"Yagyu's actions have brought benefits to the world, but they have made our revolution more difficult."

"It is undeniable that Liu Sheng is a rare wise man, but the operation of the world cannot be entrusted to him."

"The real revolution is to completely abolish the monarchy and establish a real democracy and freedom."

"Democracy, which the world government has talked about for 800 years, must be realized by us."

Drago said solemnly.

The other members of the revolutionary army also looked serious.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded: "Just think about this kind of thing, it's impossible."

The expressions of Dorag and the others changed, and when they turned their eyes, they saw a handsome young man appear in their conference room.


Many people exclaimed, they were no strangers to Liu Sheng.

During this time, Yagyu's face has appeared in news papers almost every day.

"Revolutionary Army, I am here to recruit you."

"Give you two choices, surrender or die!"

Liu Sheng looked blankly at the group of revolutionary troops in front of him, and a terrifying aura emerged from his body.

The revolutionary army was suppressed by Liu Sheng's breath and could not raise their heads, and they were afraid in their hearts and didn't even dare to look at him.

Dorag was silent for a while, and finally surrendered from the choice of his heart.

This kind of battle with no chance of winning has no meaning to start

East China Sea.

The expressions on the faces of the people of Acefan were very exciting when they read the report on Yagyu in the newspaper.

Before, they were discussing how they would meet Liu Sheng after going to sea, thinking in their hearts that it would surprise Liu Sheng.

In the end, before they went out to sea to surprise Liu Sheng, Liu Sheng did something that shocked them.

Defeated and incorporated the Four Emperor Pirates, defeated and incorporated the navy, defeated and replaced the world government, ended the era of the Great Pirates, and carried out a series of changes in the era. come up with other ideas

Mary Joa.

Liu Sheng sat on the chair with his arms around the Pirate Empress, enjoying the feeding service of the other party.

Yimu stood behind Liu Sheng expressionlessly, beating Liu Sheng's back like a maid.

Liu Sheng was dozing off with his eyes closed, but he was actually paying attention to his system interface.

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