"Excuse me!"

"Lord Yanagyu, Lord Tsunade, our casino has encountered something today and is going to close early."

The owner of Konoha Casino said to Yanagyu and Tsunade with a frown.

"Close the door, why close the door"

"When you won my money before, you often delayed closing the door!"

Tsunade said with a smile on his face, looking at the chips in front of him with happiness.

A lot of gambling debts she owed before have been paid off, and the remaining money was enough for her to spend more than half a year, so she couldn't help but be unhappy.

"Forget it, stop here!"

Liu Sheng casually put down the chips in his hand, stood up and said.

With his current ability, it's just like gambling with people, and it's the kind of open hanging.


"Such a good opportunity, why not take the opportunity to win two more hands"

After walking out of the casino, Tsunade hugged.

"What's the hurry, you will make the casino go bankrupt"

"Small water flows, understand?"

"I heard that there is a very good hotel in Konoha. Come and experience life with me!"

Liu Sheng smiled and pinched behind Tsunade, which attracted Tsunade's eyes.

But Tsunade did not refuse, Xiaobiesheng was newly married, and she also wanted to stay with Liu Sheng for a while longer.

After staying in Konoha for a while, Yagyu went to the land of water to visit Terumi Mei. Strong women also need love.

Afterwards, Liu Yu proposed to let Terumi Mei, Tsunade and Konan go to No. 2 Ninja World No. [*] and spread the advanced experience of No. [*] Ninja World together.

Tsunade and others were amazed at the existence of another ninja world.

After thinking about it, he agreed to Liu Yu's proposal.

With the positioning of the system and the ability of the dragon veins, Liu Yu took Tsunade, Terumi Mei and Konan into the No. 2 Ninja World.

before the two graves.

Xiao Nan with a white paper flower on his head stood here quietly, with a sad aura on his body.

A Xiaonan who was much younger than her suddenly appeared and placed two bouquets of white flowers in front of the two graves.

"You are"

No. 2 and No. [*] Xiao Nan looked at No. [*] Xiao Nan in shock, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"I am you from another world, come and see how different we are in this world."

No. 2 Xiao Nan put down the white flower: After that, he said calmly to No. [*] No. [*] Xiao Nan.


"I'm also curious about the difference between the fate of the three of us in another world and this world."

No. 2 and No. [*] Xiao Nan pondered for a moment, then said to No. [*] Xiao Nan with a smile.

Naruto Office.

No. 2 Tsunade looked at No. [*] and No. [*] Tsunade with a strange look on his face. After a moment of silence, he asked in disbelief, "You are married?"

No. 2 No. [*] Tsunade was stunned for a while, and snorted angrily: "No! Are you married?"

Tsunade No. [*] shook his head. As medical ninjas, they could naturally see the difference between girls and women.

No. 2 Tsunade turned his eyes to the side window, and was looking at the distant scenery, Liu Yu snorted with a smile that was not a smile.

"According to what he said, you are in another ninja world and have a very close relationship with him, so he can't stand me with other men."

Tsunade No. [*] was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Liu Sheng with fierce eyes.

Liu Sheng touched his nose and said slowly: "You guys talk, I'll go out for a walk."

Walking on Konoha Street, Liu Sheng was startled suddenly, and he saw a scene that shocked him.

Uzumaki Naruto held hands with Uchiha's assistant and wandered the streets of Konoha like a couple.

And Haruno Sakura and Hinata Hinata, who were following in the dark, had heartbroken expressions on their faces.

"God! What did I see"

"Eyes, my eyes!"

Liu Sheng looked terrified.

Although he has made changes to the history of this world, he has not changed to such an extent. After thinking for a while, Liu Sheng felt that he should take responsibility for what he did.

He lost Hinata Hinata's husband, so Zhao himself can only compensate her.

With a sigh in his heart, Liu Sheng appeared beside Hinata Hinata and said to him with a smile: "Little girl, how are you!"

Hinata was heartbroken when she saw the man she liked coming out of the closet.

It was at this time that Liu Sheng appeared in front of her and attacked him by taking advantage of it.

"Master Liu Yu!"

Hinata Hinata naturally knew Yagyu, and in his heart he had a lot of admiration for Yagyu who saved Konoha.

At this time, seeing Liu Sheng appear in front of him with a warm face, Hinata's heart was suddenly swept away, and he looked shyly at the sudden appearance of Liu Sheng.

"If you don't mind, how about going there and sitting together?"

Liu Sheng smiled and pointed to a couple cafe not far away.

Hot air came out of Hinata's face, and he stammered: "Okay!"

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Chapter 139 There is no reason not to eat!

Chapter 140 Is that so?also!

"who are you"

Hinata Hana looked vigilantly at the eyeless boy who appeared in front of her, the aura on her body made her feel very dangerous.

"It's a pair of pure white eyes, it can help me evolve Tensei Eyes."

Toto Otsutsuki said with an expressionless face, he could sense the purity of Hana's eyes.

"Come on people!"

Hinata Hana screamed, hoping that someone could help him.

"It's useless!"

"This place has been blocked by me with the barrier, no matter what

No matter how much you shout, no one will hear you."

Otsutsuki Toru said in a calm tone, and a powerful chakra directly set Hyuga Hana in place.

"my eyes"

Toto Otsutsuki opened the mouth with a faint tone, and walked towards Hinata Hanako step by step.

He stretched out his bloodless palm, trying to pull out Hyuga Hana's white eyes.

However, at this moment, a palm suddenly appeared and squeezed his wrist at once, preventing him from moving forward an inch.

"Children, trespassing in a house is a very serious crime!"

"What's more important is that you not only trespassed in the house, but also intended to misbehave with underage girls."

"According to the law of the ninja world promulgated by me, your behavior starts in three years, and the highest death penalty!"

Liu Yu looked at Otsutsuki in front of him with a smile on his face, almost forgetting the otaku on the moon.

"Visitor from Another World, Liu Yu"

"In another world, what happened to the people of our Otsutsugi clan?"

Toto Otsutsuki didn't panic, turned his head to look at Liu Sheng with empty eyes, and asked in a calm tone.

"The Otsutsugi clan from another world, I haven't dealt with them yet."

"But don't worry, I'll get rid of them soon."

Liu Sheng smiled and said calmly.

"Is that so good luck to you."

"The people of the Otsutsugi clan are not so easy to deal with, be careful that you die there yourself."

Totoro Otsutsuki said in a calm tone, and hit Yanagyu with his free hand.

Peng! As soon as Liu Sheng exerted his strength, Toto Otsutsuki in front of him became a pile of parts.

"Master Liu Yu!"

Hinata Hana suddenly ran towards Yanagyu, holding his thighs tightly, nervous and afraid.

Liu Sheng gave Hinata Hanako a head slap, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will solve this threat."

Otsutsuki's puppet was destroyed.

The closed place resumed communication with the outside world, and soon the people of the Hyuga clan rushed over.

"Master Liu Yu"

Seeing the strongest person in the ninja world appear in the room of their second lady, the ninjas of the Hinata clan dared to feel a little stunned.

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