"Do not!"

Lancelot looked terrified. He didn't come to participate in the Holy Grail War to defeat the Dumb King! "Is it your master?"

The Dumb King looked calm, waving the Sword of Oath of Victory and fighting against Lancelot.


Lancelot smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect him to do this!"

The Dumb King snorted coldly: "His strength is so strong, I didn't expect to do such a thing!"

The Liuyu clone in the distance looked unhappy, what do you mean by that Liuyu clone did not say a word, communicated with the main body again, and the other two Command Spells were also used.

Lancelot roared, and under the control of the Command Spell, used a unique move, and a huge amount of magic power poured out of him.

"Do not!"

Lancelot roared, but there was nothing he could do.

The Dumb King didn't dare to be careless, and also used his own unique trick, and a dazzling sword light shot up into the sky.

There was a flash of enlightenment on Lancelot's face, and he rushed towards the Dumb Hair King without hesitation.

After the attack of the Dumb Hair King defeated his ultimate move, the remaining power directly destroyed his body.

"Master, thank you!"

Lancelot muttered to himself with a smile on his face

On the other side, the Tohsaka House.

Liusheng hugged Aoi Tohsaka for comfort, and said helplessly: "When the Holy Grail is summoned, I will give you a chance to make a wish.

Whether Tokiomi Tosaka can be resurrected depends on his luck."

Tohsaka Aoi asked with a look of surprise: "What you said is true"

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "Of course it's true, it's still fake, but I'll give you this opportunity, you can't help but express."

Tohsaka Rin stared at Liu Sheng vigilantly, and asked, "Pervert, what do you want to do?"

Liu Sheng said slowly: "It's very simple, I want you to be my goddaughter together."

Tohsaka Aoi thought for a moment, and felt that it was not impossible for Tohsaka Rin to be anxious, but he didn't know what to do with Tohsaka, so he stared at Liu Sheng with angry eyes, and then was ignored by Liu Sheng.

Yanagyu brought Tohsaka Aoi to the Great Holy Grail, the lost-looking Duma King and the blood-red-eyed Emiya Kiritsugu.

“very lost”

Liu Sheng approached Duma King and asked with a smile.

"I participated in the Holy Grail War to redeem my former subordinates."

The Dumb King gave Liu Sheng a sidelong glance, and said nonchalantly.

Liu Sheng touched his chin and said, "If you are willing to recognize me as your godfather, I can save them for you."

The Dumb King said angrily, "Don't even think about it! The majesty of the king cannot be provoked!"

Liu Sheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Is that really the case? I can revive them in another way!"

The Dumb King was dissatisfied and said: "The Holy Grail War will continue, and the next

The Holy Grail War will break out in 60 years."

"At that time, you will definitely not be able to interfere in the Holy Grail War. At that time, I will use the Holy Grail to make a wish to bring them back to life."

Liu Sheng smiled and said nothing.

At this time, some evil black light appeared in the radiance of the Holy Grail, and the evil of this world began to erupt.

"How is this going"

Emiya Kiritsugu was shocked, and he had high hopes that the Holy Grail, which he wanted to use to realize the wish for world peace, could be so evil. "The Holy Grail is polluted!"

"I don't know if the Holy Grail in this state can still fulfill its wishes!"

Liu Sheng looked at the Black Holy Grail in front of him, and said casually.

"No, he will definitely help me make my wish come true!"

Emiya Kiritsugu seemed to be a little obsessed.

In order to get the chance to make a wish, he even gave away his wife.

"World Peace!"

Following Emiya Kiritsugu's wish, the Black Holy Grail burst into light, and the raging fire poured out from it.

The Black Holy Grail will make all good wishes come true in evil ways, and the way to achieve world peace is to destroy the whole world.

If the whole world is destroyed, then naturally there will be no more wars, and there will be peace.

"Get out of the way!"

Liu Sheng's eyes narrowed, and a huge spiritual pressure burst out, forcing everyone to leave at once.

Then a powerful force directly blocked the magic power of the Black Holy Grail, and Bengyu appeared in Liu Yu's hand.

Liu Sheng was surprised to find that Bengyu had a desire for the Black Holy Grail, a desire to devour the other party.


After realizing this, Liu Sheng did not stop Bengyu, but helped it.

The huge attraction radiated from the collapsed jade, and a vortex appeared out of thin air, directly swallowing the Holy Grail.

The flames transformed by magic power were also extracted cleanly by the collapsing jade long whale.

"everything is over!"

Liu Sheng muttered to himself, and glanced at everyone with different expressions.

Taking a glance at the character template, the unlocking degree of Whitebeard is only 62%, and there is still a certain distance from full unlocking.

The Holy Grail War is over.

Emiya Kiritsugu's dream was shattered and he closed himself.

Liu Sheng went back with a bunch of newly acquired daughters.

After that, Liu Sheng felt a little distressed that none of these goddaughters could be used.

Having been single in the Holy Grail world for more than a year, he can't stand the loneliness anymore.

However, Aoi Tohsaka and Irisviel have just been single, and it is not suitable to start now.

And although Duo Mao Wang was a little shaken by his gourmet offensive, he still insisted on his bottom line.

Tohsaka Aoi and Tohsaka Sakura needless to say, they are too young to be able to start.

Liu Sheng looked at his character template and chose to go back to Naruto World to have a look.

I don't know if the world has changed since I left.

Naruto World, World One.

Yagyu sat on Tsunade's lap and watched reports from all over the ninja world. The information from the last year is here.

"It seems that my thinking is correct. The unification of the ninja world has indeed brought true peace."

Liu Sheng said with a smile on his face, satisfied with all this.

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Chapter 138 What did I see?

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Yugi-sama, you have foresighted and finally created peace in the ninja world."

Tsunade looked at Liu Sheng helplessly, and reached out to rub his forehead.

Liu Sheng smiled and turned to face Tsunade, the two sides formed a very suitable posture.

The atmosphere in the office became: warm, and a special smell pervaded.


At the critical moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

Liu Sheng turned his head to look unhappy, and saw Xiao Nan retreating from the door with a blushing face.

"Your secretary is here, don't get up!"

Tsunade's face returned to normal, and he said angrily.


Liu Sheng sighed helplessly, this time he really dug a hole and gave himself a hole.

"We continue tonight!"

Liu Sheng smiled at Tsunade, causing Tsunade to roll his eyes.

"Come in!"

Tsunade shouted, and Xiao Nan walked in from the outside with a red face and put a pile of documents on Tsunade's desk.

Tsunade said to Liu Sheng with a smile on his face: "Since your master has returned, then I will leave these matters to you!"

Liu Sheng looked at the document in front of him, used the shadow clone technique with both hands, and a clone sat on a chair and started to deal with these things.

"Let's go! I haven't been back for so long, take me around Konoha!"

Liu Yu said to Tsunade with a smile on his face.

Tsunade didn't know what to think, and said excitedly: "The current Konoha has indeed changed a lot compared to before."

"Let's go, I'll show you.

Experience it for yourself and you'll be delighted."

Soon after.

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