"Look, this? This moon turned red?

"How so?"

"How can the moon turn red?"

"I feel like something is wrong?"

"I feel cold and squirmishing, and my heart is very uneasy."

Everyone present, looking at the blood moon above their heads, felt extremely shocked.

"Brother, stop!"

Uchiha Senna came to the scene at this time, looked at Uchiha and shouted.

At the same time, Senjuma also arrived.

"Izuna, soon we will live in eternal happiness."

"Brother, this is protecting you."

Uchiha chuckled at the corner of his mouth.

"Next, everyone, start appreciating, the wonderful world!"

"This is a world where there will always be only joy and happiness."

"Unlimited monthly reading, unfold!"


Uchiha said coldly, directly casting the Infinite Moon Reading, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Not good."

"Madara devoured the Ten Tails, and his strength increased countless times."

The heart of the Thousand Hand Pillar was shocked, and with a wave of his right hand, the Dao Seeking Jade directly appeared, turning into a huge black shield, directly wrapping everyone in it.


The Blood Moon instantly released endless light, illuminating the entire Ninja Realm.

All the people, animals, and creatures in the ninja world were bathed in a special light.


For a moment, everyone in the entire ninja world forcibly opened the 'eye of reincarnation' and was stunned in place.

"What is it? Why, my body can't move?

"I feel so sleepy, like sleeping."

"My body can't move, how so?"

"What is this light? Why? I can't move? "

Countless people with doubtful interest ended up falling into illusion.

"The light of this infinite moon reading will make everyone invisible."

"Except for those who have the power of the six paths."

"Next, the trash fish are all removed."


Uchiha looked at the people in front of him and said coldly.

He knew that his infinite monthly reading was useless to Thousand Hand Pillars and the others.

However, everyone else will definitely fall into the world of monthly reading.

"Next, bind all of you."

"Go into a deep sleep!"

"The birth of the Divine Tree Realm."

Uchiha sneered and clasped his hands together.


Throughout the ninja world, huge trees appeared all over the world, and then stretched out countless life energy, wrapped everyone and hung on the divine tree.

This is the strongest illusion, directly acting on a world, without the eye of reincarnation and yin and yang, there is no way to resist such illusion.

Everyone was silent in the environment.

In the environment, they have achieved their dreams.

Such an illusion is good, good, bad, and not good.

It just depends on what kind of people are in the illusion.

Everyone doesn't know if their current life is also an illusion?

When you're in the middle of an illusion, do you really know that this is an illusion?

If you are in the midst of illusion now, and you are not doing well, is this real?

If you are now in the illusion and live a very happy life, is this fake?

Although Uchiha is blinded, the ability to read this infinite moon is still very strong.

Spend your life in illusion, then, when you die, you still feel that you are happy to leave the world.

Leaving with happiness, it seems, is not bad.

In reality, countless sorrows and joys are clutched, and for many people, indeed, too bitter.

Such illusions, for those who have no hope in life, or who cannot see hope, are indeed unique and good illusions.


I don't know how long it took, the power of the illusion finally disappeared, and the Thousand Hand Pillar lifted the Dao Jade.

Looking at Uchiha Madara suspended in the air, endless anger flashed in his eyes.

"Mada, why did you do this?"

"What's the point of you doing that?"

"They are all caught up in illusion now, is this what you call peace?"

"Such peace is false, none of it is true."

"Let it go!"

"Now you need to work with us to block the enemies of the Otsuki clan."

"Otherwise, the Otsuki clan, once it invades the entire ninja world, the ninja world will be destroyed."

"At that time, they will take back the chakra on us."

"Do you want to watch everyone be absorbed by them?"

"Don't you care at all, your own Uchiha clan, and Izuna?"

"Stop now, it's still time."

"Madara, don't make a mistake again and again."

"Come back with us and fight against the big tube wood clan together!"

Senjukuma tried to save Uchiha and shouted as she watched him.

He was extremely angry in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would use such a ninjutsu, which directly caused everyone in the entire ninja world to fall into illusion.

Such an illusion is simply terrifying, even he can't do it.

"Haxi hot mother, do you know how long I waited for this day?"

"Finally, everyone fell into peace, and in this dream world, they did not fight, did not deceive."

"Only happiness, only happiness, isn't that bad?"

"The original ninja world should not exist, it was a failed world, and now, all of them are immersed in happiness, they will appreciate me, not hate me."

"How many people have lost loved ones, and in this dream world, they can live with their loved ones forever."

"Even if it's fantasy, for them, it's real."

"You never know how painful it is to lose a loved one."

"They lost a loved one, they lost a family member, they lost a friend, how angry and sad they should be."

"And now, isn't that what they were expecting?"

"In this world of illusion, they can have their own relatives, their own friends, and their own happy home."

"Even if it's just an illusion, they don't know that they have fallen for it."

"In this world of illusion, they can spend their lives."

"And this wonderful life is what they can meet and cannot seek."

"If now, Mito she died, he also died in battle."

"So, do you also hate this world and want to resurrect them?"

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