These two people are naturally the Thousand Hands Household and the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Seeing his son and her husband appear, the corners of Uzumaki Mito's mouth rose slightly, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm not that weak, am I?"

"You two are finally here, this Uchiha spot, I don't seem to be able to defeat him, especially the ten tails under his crotch, extremely powerful, my sealing technique, helpless."

Uzumaki Mito saw his son and her husband appear, directly lifted the complete nine-tailed transformation, appeared next to the two, and the family of three stood on the battlefield, very dazzling.

"Look, it's the original Hokage-sama who is coming, and Toma-sama is also coming."

"That's right, there is only one Uchiha Madara on the opposite side, and we have the first Hokage-sama on our side, as well as Toma-sama, who will definitely be able to defeat Uchiha Madara in front of us."

"It's okay, Uchiha Madara was originally killed by the original Hokage-sama, and now as long as Toma-sama can control the Ten Tails, the original Hokage-sama will definitely be able to defeat Uchiha."

"The original Hokage-sama has finally arrived, and facing a strong person like Uchiha Madara, facing them directly, it is really terrifying."

The ninja coalition army looked at the Senju Toma and Senjukuma in front of them, and they all breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on their faces.

Now the two have become the backbone of the coalition army, and without them, they really have no hope of fighting.

After all, in the face of the power of the eye of reincarnation, they had seen it once, and they were already shocked and speechless.


"Haxi hot mother, you finally came out, I waited too long for this day, do you know?"

"This time, should you accompany me to fight again, the last time did not fight hard, this time, I must let you see and see, how strong am I now?"

Uchiha looked at the appearance of the thousand hand pillars in front of him, looked up to the sky and laughed three times, the opponent he wanted finally came, and after seeing him, his heart was very excited.

I hadn't fought for a long time, and I was as happy as last time, and now I was very excited to see him appear.

"Mada, I don't have time to pay attention to you now."

"I have to fix this ten tails first."

Senjukuma glanced at Uchiha Madara and then looked at the Ten Tails, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.


Uchiha was stunned by the words of the thousand hand pillars.

"How did this Ten Tails come out?"

"Obviously didn't devour the nine tailed beasts, why did these ten tails still come out?"

The Thousand Hand Pillar was full of doubts in his heart, looking at the ten tails in front of him, he couldn't believe it, why did the ten tails appear?

It is clear that none of the nine tailed beasts have been devoured.

"It should be the hands and feet of the big tube wood family."

"After all, the Datumu clan has a unique ability, they can grow a special plant is the divine tree, and there is a fruit on the divine tree, which can obtain great power after taking it."

"And the ten tails are the torso of the divine tree, that is to say, there is not only one divine tree fruit, if it is the ten tails brought by the Datumu clan from another world, it is also possible."

Senjuto shook his head and explained, after all, there is only one ten tails in the entire ninja world, but there are countless planets in the extraterrestrial starry sky.

Who can know that there are no other ten tails in the extraterrestrial starry sky?

"That's right."

"I still have to solve this head and ten tails first."

"Tomama, you fight against the Ten Tails, I'll deal with Mada."

"As long as the ten tails are sealed, they will be able to have one less combat power on the other side."

"If you can, you should also be able to increase some strength by sealing the Ten Tails directly into your body."

The voice between the thousand hand pillars came into Senjuto's mind.


Senjutoma nodded.

"What are you whispering? If you want to take away the Ten Tails, then you don't have to, after all, this is mine.

"Originally, I waited for you to appear, just to let you see, in the end, I will become a ten-tailed human pillar force and become a new six-path immortal."

"He has the same powerful power as the Six Dao Immortals, and even surpasses him."

"I'm just waiting for the two of you to show up and let you see."

The corners of Uchiha's mouth rose, and then the ten tails poured into Uchiha's body like a tide.


After Uchiha devoured the Ten Tails, he felt that his whole body was full of power.

Every time he devoured a ten-tailed Chakra, he could clearly feel that his strength was skyrocketing.

"Is this the power of the Ten-Tailed Pillar Force?"

"I didn't expect that the Devouring Ten Tails could bring me so much power."

Uchiha smiled slightly, feeling that his whole body was full of strength, and his whole person had also changed, becoming a complete six-way three-eyed spot.

Today's three-eyed spot is not the original three-eyed spot, he devoured the complete ten tails.

And at that time, the three-eyed spot devoured only the ten tails of a six-hook jade reincarnation eye, which was simply not comparable to him.

Not to mention that the current Uchiha Spot is fusing the power between the Thousand Hand Pillars, instead of integrating his flesh and blood into his own body, his original strength has surpassed the original Uchiha Spot, and now he is devouring a complete ten-tailed beast.

The current Uchiha is the strength that has truly reached the peak of the Six Dao Immortals.

Moreover, the original Uchiha Madara inherited the third eye of Kaguya Otsuki, not his own.

But now it's different, the current Uchiha spot, just like the big tube wood Kaguya back then, devoured the fruit of the divine tree, the awakened third eye.

This is completely belonging to Uchiha's own eyes.

If he unleashes Infinite Moon Reading, the phantom will no longer be Kaguya Otsuki, but, Uchiha Madara.

"Then it's the best moment."

"Blood Moon, it's time to come out."


The corners of Uchiha's mouth were raised, he laughed wildly, his hands were folded, and his whole body chakra surged wildly.

Suddenly, the color of heaven and earth changed, and a blood moon was summoned out of thin air and stood overhead.

Moreover, this blood moon appeared in the middle of the original moon and the ninja realm, directly blocking the moon.

This is the moon summoned by Uchiha himself.

Originally, there was no moon in the ninja world, and the later moon was created by the Six Dao Immortal Seal Otsuki Kaguya.

And when Datuki Kaguya released the Infinite Moon Reading, it was the moon that he summoned out of thin air.

This time, it was also the power that Uchiha used himself.

It is no longer the power of Kaguya, it is completely his own.

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