"I will help you improve the body of the immortal

now, in fact, the body of the immortal is very simple, that is, to make the Yang Extreme Chakra within your body become larger and fill the whole body."

"Let your whole body be filled with the power of yang."

"The Chakra of Yang Extreme allows you to absorb natural energy more easily."

Senjutoma looked at Uchiha in front of him and smiled slightly, placing his right hand on its shoulder.

Subsequently, Senjutoma poured the Yang Extreme Chakra in his body into Uchiha's body.

Suddenly, Uchiha felt that a huge force in his body was constantly awakening and filling his entire body, making his body seem to have endless power.

Reaching the level of a thousand hands household, he can casually create an immortal body, which is simply a breeze for him.

In fact, Senjutoma had been able to awaken the eye of reincarnation, but he did not do so.

He also wants Senjukuma and Uchiha to grow on their own.

After all, the power he gave Senjukuma and Uchiha was not his own power.

Then the strength of the two people will never improve so quickly.

There is simply no comparison between relying on one's own ability to become a six-way level and giving them the power to become a six-dao level.

You can give them strength, but the power you give them will one day run out.

Just like the power that the Six Paths Immortals gave to Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.

When the strength of the two people is exhausted, there will be no more, and the strength will fall.

Even if they had begun to slowly fuse the two forces in their bodies, they would not be able to bridge such a big gap.

And relying on their own strength to successfully awaken the eye of reincarnation, then their strength can truly reach the six realm levels.

The original Uchiha spot was slightly inferior to the Thousand Hand Pillar, and after he devoured the cells between the Thousand Hand Pillar, the increase in strength would be more obvious.

After all, the Thousand Hand Pillar was only one step away from the Six Dao Level, and this step was already more than anyone.

Don't look at this is only one step away, you want to improve, but it is extremely slow.

After fusing the Uchiha spotted cells, the original strength of the Thousand Hand Pillar was not very obvious.

And Uchiha's strength is slightly weaker, so his improvement speed will be more rapid, and he has begun to slowly move closer to the Thousand Hand Pillar.

Both of them already have the peak of Super Shadow, and they can even say the level of half-step six paths.

But the level of half-step six paths, if you want to step into the six levels, you must have several requirements.

Either have the Reincarnation Eye or the Turning Eye, or devour the Ten Tails, of course, if you have top-level silver, you can also do it.

The top white eyes are the most powerful eyes for the big tube wood family.

Only in the real big tube wood eye can the role of the top white eye be truly played.

Even after he devoured the divine tree, he only had a nine-hook jade reincarnation writing wheel eye, and did not let his white eyes become reincarnation eyes, which shows that the ability of white eyes and the ability of reincarnation eyes are not far apart.

Generally speaking, if you devour the Divine Tree, he will definitely be able to awaken a pair of reincarnation eyes, but she has only one awakened, and it is opened at the center of her eyebrows.

The strength of the Datumu clan does not completely rely on the eye of reincarnation, and the eye of reincarnation is just a different form for them and has another ability.

"Uncle Ban, now I have upgraded your physique to an immortal physique."

"You can absorb immortal arts more easily, but you have not been promoted to the top immortal body, and the natural energy you can absorb is still a little less."

"At least compared to Dad, the Immortal Chakra in your body still absorbs much less natural energy."

"But it is also enough for you to release the Top-incarnation Buddha, and you open the Immortal Art just to release the Top-incarnation Buddha."

"Once the Top-Avatar Buddha is used, the Immortal Chakra in your body may be instantly consumed."

"But you also have another way, which is to put your shadow avatar in another place to condense the Immortal Chakra."

"After the natural energy is absorbed, you don't have the fairy chakra over there, immediately remove the shadow doppelganger, and the fairy chakra in the shadow chakra body will enter your body, continuing to let you have the immortal chakra."

"In this way, you will not lack fairy chakra."

Senjutoma, looking at Uchiha in front of him, explained with a slight smile.

"This is a good way, why didn't you think of it before?"

"I really didn't expect the immortal body of the Thousand Hands Clan to be so powerful."

"I now feel that the Chakra in my body has expanded more than three times."

"Such a huge Chakra is the reliance of your Thousand Hands clan, right?"

"Having the body of an immortal can allow me to absorb fairy chakra more, absorb natural energy, and the speed of transforming into immortal chakra can also be increased several times."

"Such a physique really fits the two words of immortals perfectly."

"Trouble you, Mima."

The corners of Uchiha's mouth were slightly raised, and the whole person felt extremely relaxed.

Now that he has enough strength to fight against the Thousand Hand Pillars, he no longer has to worry about being defeated by the Thousand Hand Pillars with immortal arts.

Before, the strength of the thousand hand pillars and their own did not match, but now the two people are finally evenly matched and can really fight.

"Well, I won't tell you more, you yourself are familiar with your immortal body."

"Then do as I say."

"After you awaken the eye of reincarnation, I am afraid that the extreme of masculinity in your body will rise to the top, and then you will also have a top-level immortal body."

Senjutoma looked at Uchiha in front of the person and smiled, and disappeared in place after speaking.

"Well, you're in trouble."

Uchiha smiled and looked at Senju Tomado who disappeared in front of him.


For six years, the entire ninja world fell into a state of peace, and everyone enjoyed such joy.

And Senju insisted on getting more and more worried, always feeling a little hairy in his heart, as if it was like the calm before the storm.

Compared to the worries in the heart of Senjujuma, Senjuma and Senjutoma did not feel anything else.

Because they already knew for a long time that there would soon be a war.

But they don't care, in order to make the whole world truly peaceful, all these plans are inevitable.

They also don't want to rely on absolute force to conquer the entire ninja world, and if they rely on force to conquer the ninja world, they will definitely not be convinced in their hearts.

If you don't accept your heart, you will be in chaos, and if you are chaotic, you will be troublesome.

When the time comes, there will be a rebellion in his own Konoha, but there will be real casualties.

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