"So to absorb slowly, not too fast, be sure to control the amount of this absorption."

"You often try to perceive first, perceive and then slowly guide natural energy into your body, and then adapt to it."

"I will now pass on the fairy chakra in my body to you a little, so that you can carefully feel what the fairy chakra immortal art is, and how the chakra is formed."

Senjutoma stretched out his hand and placed it on Uchiha's body, slowly pouring the fairy chakra in his body into his body.

"Is this the legendary fairy Chakra? This fairy chakra is really strange. "

After the formation of the fairy chakra, it can increase the power of the immortal art, illusion art or ninjutsu."

"If you can make a natural circulation form in the body, you can absorb the immortal chakra indefinitely."

"The body absorbs natural energy infinitely, condenses into immortal chakra, endless immortal art, I'm afraid the strength will be even stronger, right?"

"No wonder the strength between the pillars is so strong, it turns out that this Immortal Chakra really has such power."

"Trouble you, Toma, I already feel the fairy chakra."

Uchiha frowned, feeling the fairy chakra in his body, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Within a moment, Uchiha immediately felt the natural energy between heaven and earth, and slowly tried to pour the natural energy between heaven and earth into his body, and began to absorb it little by little.

Let the body adapt to it and then absorb it, and after absorption, it will be fused together according to the proportion of the fairy chakra that Senjutoma had just given him.

"Is this the Immortal Chakra? It turns out to be so simple, and it is still very simple to do it with guidance.

"However, it is still a little difficult to continue to absorb and condense quickly."

"You must always pay attention to be able to condense more Chakra in your body, I don't know how your father did it, but he was able to absorb natural energy all the time."

The eyeshadow on Uchiha's face also slowly emerged, and the characteristics of opening the fairy chakra had appeared.

At this time, Uchiha already had the Immortal Chakra, but it was said that there were too few Immortal Chakra in his body to fight many battles and could barely sustain several attacks.

If you insist on comparing with the thousand-hand pillar and the thousand-hand household, it is definitely impossible to compare, and it is not a level at all.

So now he wants to find a way to allow his body to absorb natural energy all the time.

If you can't condense the Immortal Chakra all the time, then there is no way to sustain the battle.

If you release one or two ninjutsu yourself, then there is no point in having this immortal art.

After all, it is not so easy to release the Great Buddha of Thousand Hands.

It takes countless huge chakras, and it is also necessary to have natural energy assistance.

Without the huge Immortal Chakra, Uchiha would not have been able to release the Great Buddha with a Thousand Hands at all.

So now if there is a way, it is naturally the best.

"Uncle Ban, in fact, the reason why we are able to absorb huge natural energy is because of the physique of our own Thousand Hands clan."

"The physique of the Thousand Hands clan is different from ordinary people, and we the Thousand Hands clan have the body of an immortal."

"The legendary body of an immortal is not comparable to any casual person."

"Your Uchiha clan inherits the Immortal Eye of the Six Dao Immortals."

"And our Thousand Hands Clan inherits the immortal body of the Six Dao Immortals."

"So there is a big difference between the two, the biggest function of the immortal body is to be able to absorb natural energy and form immortal chakra."

"The body of the immortal can quickly absorb natural energy and transform it into immortal chakra without limit, which is the powerful physique inherited by the Thousand Hands clan."

"Not only that, our Thousand Hands clan also has an incomparably large Chakra, coupled with the ability to absorb natural energy and transform into Immortal Chakra, so that my father can have the ability to use Immortal Art casually."

"The main reason why others can't open the top Buddha, but my dad can open the top Buddha."

"Mu Duan's strength is also because of the body of an immortal."

"If you want unlimited use of Immortal Chakra, there are only three possibilities."

"First, either you have the Nine Tails in your body, and the Nine Tails can help you condense the Immortal Chakra, which is barely enough for you to use."

"The second possibility is that you have the help of the toad immortals of the three holy places, and the two toad immortals help you condense the immortal chakra."

"Of course, this is basically impossible, because those toads are the most annoying people who have chakra eyes, including you."

"In their opinion, the Uchiha clan is actually quite annoying, especially you who have the eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye."

"So, you only have one last way for you to use immortal arts infinitely."

"That is to make your body also become the body of an immortal.

Senjukuma looked at Uchiha in front of him and chuckled, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Let me have the immortal body of your Thousand Hands Clan, what should I do?"

"My current physique, really can't withstand such a huge amount of natural energy?"

Uchiha frowned, a little puzzled.

"With your current body, you simply can't withstand such a huge amount of natural energy, unless you have the eye of reincarnation, and after having the eye of reincarnation, you devoured the ten tails."

"The Ten Tails is a combination of natural energy between heaven and earth, and the natural energy in its body is extremely large, so large that it makes people feel infinitely fearful."

"If you can become a ten-tailed human pillar force, you can naturally have a powerful natural energy in your body, and this natural energy will allow you to use immortal arts."

"It can even allow you to use the Six Dao Immortal Arts, and the power of the Six Dao Immortal Arts is not something you can imagine now."

"If anyone possesses the Six Dao Immortal Arts, then the strength must be able to reach the Six Dao level."

"The combat power of the six levels is not comparable to what you can match now

" As long as you reach the six levels, if you want to cut the planet, you can easily do it."

"Especially with powerful eyes such as the eye of reincarnation and the eye of rebirth, reincarnation can also create a huge moon."

"And the reincarnation eye, that is, the white eye after mutation, the reincarnation eye that can become after the white eye mutates, it has a reincarnation eye Chakra mode, which is extremely powerful."

"If the eye of reincarnation is a hexagonal warrior, then the eye of reincarnation is to fill the attack power."

"A powerful reincarnation eye capable of cutting off the moon in an instant."

"As you can imagine, this kind of combat power is simply not what you can imagine now."

"Cut the moon casually, if you have such an ability, then your strength is truly the sixth level."

Senjutoma looked at Uchiha and said.

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