"You can only take one step at a time."

"Things in the future, let's talk about it later, these years are peaceful, live well."

"At that time, when they come to the door, their strength should improve again."

"Devouring ten divine tree fruits can become the god of the big tube."

"So, what if the Great Tubular Wood Clan devours a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand Divine Tree seeds?"

"How strong should such a strength be?"

"The God of Otsuki is definitely not the most powerful existence."

"The future is unknowable, we have to work hard now, otherwise, we don't know how to die at that time."

"Kuro must find it, and then let him fuse with Kaguya, and tamper with his memory when the time comes."

"Kaguya Otoki is still a hostile existence, but we have a common enemy."

"Hei Jue can fuse with the memory of Kaguya Datuki, and after being absorbed, it can also make Kaguya increase a lot of strength."

"It will be a strong helper at that time."

The corners of Senjutoma's mouth were raised, originally wanting to kill Hei Jue, but now it seems that keeping it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Kuro definitely has no threat anymore, even if it is Kaguya, it is in his own hands.

He doesn't need to worry about Hei Jue anymore, but this old boy still has to let him be honest first.

Otherwise, it's still a bit difficult.

"It's time to go back."

"I've been busy for a month, and I have to rest."


Senjutoma patted his mouth, yawned, and disappeared in place.


At the gate of Yunyin Village.

"Is this it?"

"Yunyin Village?"

"Hmph, just a bunch of garbage in it, also worthy of building a village?"

"If it weren't for the big fool of Haxi's hot mother, I would have razed you to the ground a long time ago."

"In order for you to be able to leave a fresh force in the future, I will not kill more for the time being."

"But if you come up on your own, I won't spare you."

Uchiha appeared outside the gate of Yunyin Village, wearing a Konoha ear protector on his forehead, but there was a slash on the ear protector.

This means that Uchiha and Konoha have broken their righteousness.

"What people?"

"Stop advancing, there is Yunyin Village ahead, and people stop."

"Name it."

Uchiha was carrying a scythe and a fan, strangely shaped, and had a Konoha ear guard on his head, but he was slashed, and the ninja of Yunyin Village immediately intercepted him.

After all, now that the ninja's forehead protection has just been invented, what does a slash mean, they don't know.

Not to mention that Yunyin Village has just been established, showing that he does not know much about the outside world, and he has never seen what Konoha Protector looks like.

"Fuck off, I'm not interested in waste."

Uchiha didn't bother his eyes, and his figure flashed, passing over the man of Yunyin Village.


"Good, fast speed?"

"How is this possible?"

"His strength?"

The ninja of Yunyin Village was shocked in his heart, he was also a middle ninja, and he couldn't even see people's movements clearly?

"Stop, don't let you go any further."

"Lei Dun - go to the ground."

Seeing Uchiha walking towards Yunyin Village step by step, the Yunyin Village ninja roared angrily and immediately released ninjutsu.

"Do you want to dance too?"

Uchiha's figure suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in front of Yunyin Village Shinobu, grabbed it by the neck, and said coldly.


"Good, good speed, I, I don't have a chance, no, no reaction."

Yunyin Village was horrified in his heart, he didn't even have a chance to react, and he was pinched by the neck in an instant, which shows how powerful the person in front of him is.


Uchiha said coldly, knocked it out directly, and fell to the ground.

Now his brother is not dead, his actions are not so extreme, and his goal is not to destroy the village, make them all fear themselves, and let them all hunt him down.

Killing people is not the goal, destroying Yunyin Village is your own goal.

"What people?"

"What people? Hold it.

"Damn it, you actually dare to touch the people of our Yunyin Village?"

"What are you, stop."


The closer Uchiha Ba got to Yunyin Village, the more Yunyin Village ninjas appeared, and in an instant, eight Yunyin Village dark ninjas appeared to surround him.

"Eight people, six of them are among the elites and two are in the upper endowment."

"It's kind of worthy of me."

"Just give you a decent way to die."

The corners of Uchiha's mouth turned up and sneered.


"Who do you think you are?"

"You actually want to kill us?"


"That's right, you think that just you, you can kill us?"


The eight Yunyin ninjas looked at Uchiha with anger in their eyes, and immediately rushed forward with the weapons in their hands.


Uchiha said coldly and disappeared in place.





For a moment, the eight people were instantly kicked out by Uchiha and slid on the ground for tens of meters before stopping, their eyes full of fear.

"Just a few of you garbage, you deserve to stop me?"

"Hmph, one step further, you guys will have to die."

Uchiha looked at everyone in front of him and said coldly, this time he came to create a huge threat, not to kill people.

Originally, Uchiha was a kind person who was cruel to his enemies.

But now he wants to dominate the ninja world, these people can not kill, for the time being.

Otherwise, this Yunyin Village would not be enough for him to fight.

He wanted all the people of the four great ninja villages to beat him, so that he could kill on a large scale.

Otherwise, these people are dead, the bodies will be buried, and if they want to be resurrected, they will have no chance.

"Hmph, I want to break into our Yunyin Village and take my life."

"Even if we die, we won't let you in."


"Lei Dun-Link-Sanda Tomb No."

A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of a kami, and immediately raised the katana in his hand and roared angrily.

"Lei Dun-Link-Sanda Tomb No."

"Lei Dun-Link-Sanda Tomb No."

Soon, eight people gathered together and poured the whole body Chakra into it, and the endless power of thunder and lightning gushed out madly, in the country of thunder, which was originally located on the seashore, it would be relatively wet, so it would expand the power of thunder.

Now the chakra of the eight people gathered, and a huge thunder and lightning power surged out, rushing towards Uchiha.

"Hmph, a new trick has been developed recently, let you try it."

"Ninjutsu - Thunder Armor."

The corners of Uchiha's mouth turned up, and he said coldly.

After teaching him Lei Dun only from Senju Toma, he seems to fall in love with using Lei Dun.

Therefore, he and Senjuto jointly developed Lei Dun and combined body art to form the current ninjutsu and Lei Dun armor.

The Thunder Armor is divided into three stages, the first stage concentrates the Thunder Chakra on the whole body, so that the whole body is covered with Chakra and lightning, which can activate the flesh and use the Thunder Instant.

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