"I don't want to, let me go out and I won't go out."

Datumu Kaguya sat down and said coldly.

"Don't want to?"

"Okay then!"

"Then you stay!"

"Lord Ancestor, goodbye."

Senju Toma walked out, and with a wave of his right hand, the sealing gate was directly closed and resealed.



Datuki Kaguya looked at the Senju household, crying and laughing, if you can't say it, you will seal it back for me?

Is there someone like you? Just got someone's body, turn your face and don't recognize people?


"Lord Ancestor, didn't you say you didn't want to come out?"

"Do you want to come out?"

"If you want to come out, you will have to follow me in the future."


"Do you want to follow me, or stay inside?"

Senjutoma looked at Otsuki Kaguya and smiled slightly.

"You, you will die this heart!"

"I won't go with you to death."

Otsuki Kaguya looked at Senjuto and scolded angrily.


"Then there is no way."

"Lord Ancestor, then I'll go first?"

Senjutoma smiled slightly, turned around and left.

"You, you...!"

How could Datumu Kaguya not want to go, but he didn't want to follow Senjutoma, what should he do now, he couldn't think of a way for a while, he squatted down directly, clasped his hands on his knees, and tears flashed in his eyes.


"Don't cry?"

"I'll unseal you, you will continue to stay here by yourself, and I will come to see you when I have time."

Senjuto smiled slightly, entered it, and untied the seal on the stomach of Datumu Kaguya, able to use part of the power, at least the power of the super shadow, plus its own ability, not into six ways, want to hit her, it is still impossible.

However, she couldn't get out either.


Datumu Kaguya looked like a pear blossom with rain, and his face turned red.

"System, start the replication capability, copy the big tube wood Kaguya."

The corners of Senjutoma's mouth rose, looked at Otsuki Kaguya, and said silently in his heart.

[Ding, the copy system is on...! ] 【

Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully copying Kaguya Otsuki. Suddenly

, the voice of the system appeared in Senjutoma's mind, perfectly replicating Kaguya, and a Kaguya puppet appeared in the system package.

"It's done, there is another strong person of the six realms."

"Datuki Kaguya originally had no combat ability, and everything in battle relied on instinct, so the ability would not be very strong."

"But that's enough."

Senjutoma smiled and looked at the large tube of wood Kaguya lying in the system, satisfied.

"Lord Ancestor."

"Bye bye."

Senjutoma waved his hand at Kaguya and disappeared in place.

"Damn Senjutoma, you, you...!"

Otsuki Kaguya saw Senjutoma leave and scolded angrily.

But the Senju Toma had already left, disappearing without a trace.


Datuki Kaguya was helpless, shook his head, and let out a long sigh.


"The seal is loose?"


Datumu Kaguya stood up, conjured a white robe on his body, walked to the seal, and immediately sensed that the seal was loose, and he was able to break it with his own hands.

"No, he only unsealed me a little, damn it."

"If I want to break the seal, it will take at least ten years."

"This fucking bastard, got my body...!"

"Forget it, there was no hope originally, but now there is at least some hope of going out."

Otsuki Kaguya wanted to break the seal casually, but as a result, Senjutoma did not lift all his seals at all, and his heart was full of helplessness.

If you want to leave here, you have to work hard for at least ten years.

But after thinking about it, at least I was able to go out, and I didn't have a chance at all before.

"This man is different from everyone before."

"Domineering, evil, elusive."


"Otsuki is not dead yet, it seems that he has escaped."

"The flesh is devoured, and it turns itself into data and leaves."

"At that time, the strength was too weak, and I could only barely kill him by surprise, and now I think about it, how lucky I was at that time."

Otoki Kaguya let out a long sigh, and suddenly remembered Senju Toma, this person is not old, but extremely domineering, extremely evil man, let himself be both love and hate.

I haven't seen a living person in years, neither of the two who speaks.

Now this man suddenly broke into his own world, not only taking away her most important things, but also a month at a time, who can stand this?

If she hadn't had an immortal body, she would have burped a long time ago.



"After so many years, what a grievance!"

"Today I found a thousand-year-old Meiji, and I am finally blessed."


Senjutoma laughed heartily and appeared on the surface of the moon.

"There are still many planets in this world, and the Otsuki family occupies almost the entire universe."

"I don't know how powerful their power is, and the people they sent out to plant divine trees on one planet after another."

"How many people does this have to have?"

"I don't know how many years they have existed, and after taking the Divine Tree Fruit, they have an immortal body."

"How many years has this universe existed?"

"Thousands of years can develop into tens of millions, even tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people."

"If it's a larger group, this has to be a different unit of quantity, right?"

Senjuto looked at the moon beyond the countless planets, painted into stars, which was beautiful.

But behind the beauty, there is a murderous plot and dangers.

Sooner or later, the Datumu clan will come to the door, and it is only a matter of time.

After all, decades later, the plot will appear one after another, and the clansmen of the Otsuki clan will come to the ninja world.

One or two is not bad, a group comes, if they kill them all, the big tube wood family behind them will definitely find out.

With so many people dying at once, I will definitely suspect that when the time comes, this ninja world will really not be peaceful.

He is now immortal, and he can still make people immortal, as long as there are enough chakras and pills.

Even if you die, you can be resurrected, but what about this?

The longer you live, the stronger the enemies you will face in the future.

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