After all, Kagome felt strange, and frowned slightly, very curious.

Several people are walking on the road.

Master Maitreya is no longer as talkative as before. Instead, he is completely unmoved. He just faintly feels the feeling of the wind blowing on his body and the flow of energy for 4 weeks, which makes him feel very It is comfortable, and there is a feeling that I am slowly getting stronger.

Qibao looked puzzled, and whispered to Wuchen next to him: "This guy has been talking about it before, what happened to him? Why is this happening? How strange!"

When Wuchen heard this, he rolled his eyes and smiled and said: "This guy has received my training method before, and it became like this, right? This is because of the special training method I gave him, so that He gradually began to think about his own cultivation!"

Qibao's eyes widened as soon as he heard this, and he said with a bit of surprise on his face: "What did you teach him to practice? But I also want to..."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a little more urgency, because he also wanted to become stronger in his heart. This team was to knock down those bad guys to collect more fragments, and if he was too weak, he would definitely be a drag on others. .

Wuchen clapped when he heard this, patted his little head and shook his head with a smile: "What are you afraid of, I will teach you later, now is not the time, I will teach you!"

At this time, Qibao said quickly: "When? I also want to learn my skills, I also want to become stronger, I also want to fight like everyone else, I don't want to hide behind everyone's back!"

After Wuchen heard this, he smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said a little helplessly: "Okay, okay..."

These words were just said, and immediately when everyone was walking on the mountain road, the sound of rumbling thunder and explosion sounded.

In front, Inuyasha and Kagome were walking farther, and there was a sound of explosion.

Let a few people look at it immediately

At this time, Kagome was directly on the edge of the cliff, because the mountain road was directly blown into a big pit and almost fell, and the bicycle had already fallen.

Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's arm with his teeth clenched and said, "What a troublesome woman, come up quickly!"

Hearing this, Kagome snorted, turned over and jumped on his back and said, "I really don't know what you are thinking..."

Inuyasha made a cut, looked back at her and said, "Get off me!"

The words were full of disgust.

Kagome jumped off him in surprise, blinked in amazement and said, "You guy actually let me off you, it's a strange guy, you weren't like this before..."

Inuyasha blushed slightly, but he quickly recovered, and said with a cold snort, "Who wants you, this stupid woman, stay by your side, leave me quickly, go back to your modern age, go back to you Don't bother me anymore, you're a fool, I don't need you..."

When Kagome heard this, she was stunned, she blinked her eyes in surprise, and said with a look of surprise: "Really? Do you really need me? Then I will really leave. now..."

As soon as Inuyasha heard this, it seemed that a piece was missing in his heart, and he was suddenly stunned.

Kagome turned around immediately as if she was about to leave.

Inuyasha said quickly at that time: "Wait for me..."

Kagome immediately turned around and said with a smile on her face, "What's the matter?"

Inuyasha turned his head and snorted, and said with a proud look: "Come on, I don't need the assistance of a stupid woman like you, I can put all the pieces away without you, I I'm much stronger than you now, I don't need someone like you!"

After Kagome heard these words, she immediately showed an appearance of seeing through everything, and said with a smile, "Is it really like this? Then I'll leave, you may have seen the fragments. where?"

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and snorted, turned around and said, "What an idiot, you have to threaten me with such a question, I will not be threatened by you, if you want to leave, you can leave!"

Kagome sighed and said, "If I leave, who will restrain your rampage? Who will make you return to normal? If you turn into a monster, I will be worried, after all, the two of us are half and half. a friend?"

When Inuyasha heard this, he suddenly lowered his head and said nothing.

The dust-free people were watching from the side without disturbing them. After all, it was not easy for a couple of people to intervene.

Seeing their appearance, Wuchen couldn't help but sighed and said, "Aren't you going to solve the problem of the broken mountain road first?"

When Inuyasha heard this, he choked his neck and said, "Cut, whoever you love will solve it, it's none of my business, it's really..."

The words just came out.

Kagome approached him curiously, but at this moment, a black and purple hand stretched out from the broken mountain road. The huge arm rushed out and quickly grabbed the weak Kagome.

Kagome didn't react at once, and she didn't have time to make a move. She was caught, and she was about to be pulled straight down.

Wuchen reacted at this time, widened his eyes, and roared loudly: "You bastard dares to take away my people, I will hack you to death!"

His words said that he flew down and jumped down, and a sudden claw was a swishing sound, scratching the arm of the owner of the arm in front of him!

Kagome quickly fell down.

Inuyasha jumped out, hugged the petite body, jumped suddenly, and jumped back to the spot, and at this time in the gap of the broken mountain road, a monster appeared, it was a It looks like a cockroach-like monster with dozens of hands.

Inuyasha very subconsciously put Kagome behind him in an instant, snorted coldly, pulled out the knife and said coldly: "What an idiot, do you think leaving a trap like this will be useful? Want to catch it? You are still very tender, and this uncle will not look at you and arrest people!"

Hearing this sentence and the monster roared violently, he is a monster who wants to eat people, and he has no reason at all!

At this moment, it is a violent cry! ..

303 The Resurrected Monster

A very disdainful look appeared on Inuyasha's face, he snorted coldly, jumped up suddenly, and slashed directly with the big knife in his hand. chopped to pieces.

Only then did he put away the knife with satisfaction, and snorted coldly, as the light dissipated.

white hair flying

Kagome couldn't help beating wildly in her heart, but she quickly calmed down, lowered her head, took a deep breath and said, "Thank you..."

Inuyasha said with a cut: "Why are you talking such nonsense, let's go!"

After the words were finished, it was swift, and as soon as he jumped over the place that was destroyed just now, he went up the mountain.

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