The two came to the side of the river.

Master Maitreya was suddenly stunned. Looking at the river in front of him, he blinked blankly and said, "Why are you here? What are you trying to teach me?"

Wuchen smiled and said, "Although you said you don't want to rely on foreign objects, then you have to learn to penetrate the power I gave you, and learn how to use it, so that you can get rid of foreign objects and transplant the power into your own. In the body, so that you can cast more powerful spells without relying on external objects! If you can't even do this, then you can't learn, you know? You have to feel those spells with your heart!"

When Master Maitreya heard this, he wanted to refute it, but after thinking about it, he no longer hesitated at this moment, only to see that he took out a diamond magic spell.

He took a deep breath in the palm of his hand, and transported the magic power from his body. The faint magic power slowly loosened from his body.

Master Maitreya's strength is not strong, but at this time he is full of firm determination, slowly wandering in the body, and then circles out.

Immediately afterwards, water splashes appeared in the small river, and there was not much change at all.

Wuchen said disappointedly: "Keep doing it until you can make a bigger splash!" ..

301. Teaching Magic

The sound of clattering sounded, the huge waves turned somersaults, but the originally small river turned up, like huge waves like ocean waves.

And it suddenly fell from the sky, smashing into the river with a bang, widening the river.

Wuchen originally fell asleep under the tree, but when he heard the sound, he woke up suddenly, with a slightly surprised look on his face, looking at the body of the Maitreya Master who was soaked in water in front of him.

Said: "What an idiot. I didn't expect you to do it, but you are a talented guy. Since you are so determined, I will teach you for the moment!"

When Master Maitreya heard this, there was a look of surprise on his face, he nodded quickly, and immediately half-knelt down.

Wuchen didn't want to do any ceremony, but took a deep breath and said: "Come and breathe slowly like me, feel the breath of this world, feel the world, the qi generated when breathing, those qi will be auxiliary What you are fighting, the key is that every creature needs to breathe, whether it is a tree or a person or a bacteria..."

Master Maitreya stood up slowly, holding a staff in his hand, feeling the flow of the wind, breathing, and the flow of things on his body. He couldn't help but feel as if you were inspired by something, and the energy became More and more.

Wuchen stood by the small river and turned his head to look over, and saw a green light surging from his cheap disciple's body, which made him a little surprised. This guy does have some talent, and he is a Obvious natural element, the talent of the magician.

Wuchen was very surprised and said: "I didn't expect you to have this talent, it's really good and powerful!"

His words said so.

Master Maitreya didn't mean to answer. With his eyes closed, the energy in his body rose up, and the monk's robe on his body moved for it!

The robe moved with the wind, and the long hair on his head was also turbulent. He took a deep breath, and continued to have energy entering his body, filling the body even more!

Master Maitreya has never felt so good, but soon, he opened his eyes and felt that he was only referring to the passage of a few seconds. At this moment, he couldn't help but froze, feeling a little lost.

Wuchen looked at his appearance, with a smile on his face, shook his head and said: "Just now you have learned how to expand your magic power to use, and you have learned how to feel the progress of breathing is very fast, but the difference is that How can you keep those powerful energies in your body, and at the same time let them listen to your power, this is the key, you have to learn to mobilize all the power in your body and let them listen to your commands!"

After hearing this, Master Maitreya was stunned.

Wuchen slowly took out the magic book that he had hidden in the different space, and directly read out the principle that he saw when he was studying: "Feel the energy of qi, let the energy of qi in the body. Form a special breath, which is in tune with your own body breath! When attacking, move the synchronised energy to form a special rhythm, condense these rhythms in your hands and in your body, and suddenly issue an activation spell to make the enemy in front of you move With nowhere to hide, fill your body with more aggressive, explosive power!"

After hearing these words.

Master Maitreya was suddenly stunned, as if inspired, but at this moment he couldn't say a word and was stunned in place.

Wuchen didn't know how to give pointers. After all, he was not a good teacher, and he was not a person who specialized in learning magic, just because magic was easier for him, or easier to feel.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed and said, "Okay, you can learn by yourself, that's all I can teach you, if you have anything else to ask, just ask me, I've already told the principle. You, if you understand this principle, you can understand more power, learn it slowly!"

After speaking, he turned around and left.

After hearing these words, Master Maitreya breathed loudly. There was a little surprise in his eyes, and he looked very strange. He sat cross-legged and sat next to the river in front of him. At this time, he also inserted the Zen staff directly. Standing aside, clasping his hands together, he truly returned to the appearance of a monk. Like an ascetic, he felt the energy of those breaths flowing in his body, faintly feeling the flow of power, faintly feeling the flow of every energy .

Instead, he went straight back to his room and fell asleep.

That time.

When Master Maitreya was practising there, he didn't notice that a little fox was peeking from a distance, his eyes were angry, showing a strong curiosity, and there were small doubts in his big eyes, he really didn't understand what happened just now. How the powerful magic was activated, but suddenly disappeared.

Master Maitreya is really weird. He can obtain such powerful energy, but is there no way to store it?Why is this so?

It's even weirder to think about it.

That little fox is Qibao

What Qibao doesn't know is the reason why monsters are inherently stronger than humans is because the body can store energy unconsciously, and the flowing energy can store more power, forming special crystals, and those crystals will be dispersed in the body to form energy supply. The entire body can simultaneously issue a spell to strengthen the body.

This is a unique feature of the monster's body.

Master Maitreya, or in other words, every human being needs to slowly train his body, learn to retain energy, accept energy, and be sharp to his body, only then can he truly practice successfully and be able to truly use what is in nature. The power of flow.

With the flow of time, the winds slowly slowed down for 4 weeks.

At this moment, Master Maitreya also slowly and earnestly feels the slowness of the energy of 4 weeks.

He also slowly felt the change in strength after 4 weeks, which made his forehead wrinkle involuntarily, his brows slightly wrinkled, and then he suddenly widened his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he had found something. He immediately stood up and slapped it out. There was a loud bang, and the small river in front of him was hit with a big splash. At the same time, everyone around was shocked by this energy!

Qibao was also startled involuntarily, with a look of surprise on his face, and looked very surprised: "It's amazing, it's really amazing..."

Wuchen heard this voice, frowned slightly and muttered: "What a fool! It's so noisy!" ..

302, Inuyasha's Tsundere

Kagome will be back soon.

Inuyasha's eyes slowly recovered, but the two were no longer as close as they used to be, and they didn't know whether it was deliberately alienating or what.

No matter how kindly smile Kagome showed.

Inuyasha has always maintained a distance of one body.

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