The big dry well was already fragile, and it was a direct hit by him. There was a sound of shattering for 4 weeks, and the well was sealed.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, and his muscles and bones loosened immediately, but the blood flowed even more violently. He turned back lightly, his white hair was dyed all over with red, because although his wound had been He was slowly healing, but Kagome had gone back two days ago, and no one gave him further treatment, so he could only use herbal compresses.

If you don't move, you will naturally not bleed, but once you move, once you move your muscles and bones, you will immediately bleed!

Qibao was the first to react, widened his eyes and shouted, "Why did you do this? You blocked that well!" Master Maitreya frowned, feeling a little strange in his heart, but it seemed that I understood a little, and said lightly: "You do this for a reason, right?"

Granny Feng said in surprise: "Why did you do this? Why didn't you let her come back? What do you want to do!"

The words were just spoken.

Inuyasha stared at everyone and said, "She, people who are not in this era should not suffer the same thing as us. I know that although she is a very kind girl, if she is under our influence, it may change, and she said There may be uncontrollable dangers, and I don't want such a thing to happen again, so I can only seal this well!"

When Granny Feng heard this, her eyes widened and she said, "What are you thinking? Why do you do this? It's crazy, if she wants to come back, and she is the reincarnated soul of my sister, you..."

Inuyasha snorted and said: "With that woman I can do everything, with that woman I can't do anything, it's that simple, I don't want that woman to come back again, I don't want to see that woman again, it's that simple , if I see that woman, I can't help but want to drive that guy away!"

When the words came to this point, he seemed to be very disgusted, and there was a bit of cold disdain on his face, and he snorted coldly, without saying a word, he was about to leave.

Everyone also saw that he was fully armed with a goblin and a knife. Although blood was still dripping from his body, he had already taken all his belongings at this time, that is, the knife.

Qibao's expression was a bit complicated, but he immediately reacted violently, shouting: "What kind of strange thing is in your mind? Why do you suddenly have to leave alone? Don't you want to go on the road together? What do you want?"

Say this.

Inuyasha cut and said: "I don't want to go with you guys, you guys are weak to death, I don't want to waste time on you, I'm going to pursue the real power, and you stay in this village I don't want to see you, huh, I'm leaving now!"

After he finished speaking, he was half-squatting before he took two steps, and the severe pain behind him was completely unbearable even if he was a half-demon. The power of resentment had no energy control, and it was also Because its massive activities are constantly eating away at its body, even if there is the power of the curse mark and the natural energy in the body, he can't hold it all of a sudden! ..

298 , Naruto Appears

Inuyasha knelt down halfway at once, the wound on his body recurred again, and the pain in the whole body caused him to numb his scalp.

He felt as if he was about to die at the scene, his eyes were blurry and his body was shaking.

Kagome, but she hasn't come back at this moment, everyone present was startled.

Master Maitreya hurriedly stepped forward to support him. He said, "Are you alright?"

Inuyasha gritted his teeth, forcibly stood up, took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth: "You guys don't need to control me, you can just manage yourselves!"

After he finished speaking, he forced himself to stand up, and even pushed Master Maitreya who was supporting him beside him, and there was a bit of determination in his eyes!

Master Maitreya was stunned for a moment, with a few more faces on his face, and sighed helplessly: "What are you doing so stubbornly? You even sealed the well, what do you want to do?"

At this time, Inuyasha lowered his head and said, "Don't you understand? If you don't understand, then I won't explain it to you. Anyway, you guys, I will never see you again, and I will never see me again. Goodbye so easy!"

After speaking, he wanted to leave immediately, but at this time he was motionless, because he had no strength to move, and the energy in his whole body had been consumed almost. He bit his teeth and immediately knelt down again. The wound is so serious!

And at this time.

at this time.

A man in white baboon skin with a baboon head on his face slowly walked out of the woods.

The man walked out slowly and gently lifted the baboon's head.

Said: "It's really interesting, how can you be so brave? It's really interesting, but it's especially the weak ones like you who often claim to be strong!"

When the words were finished, there was a bit of sarcasm.

Master Maitreya immediately sensed who it was, and immediately widened his eyes, snorted coldly, the energy all over his body burned, and immediately picked up his staff and said, "Naruo?!"

When I said the words, I was quite excited. I finally saw my real enemy, and finally saw my old enemy. I could avenge my family. Thinking like this, I clenched my fists!

Standing in front of Inuyasha and looking at the enemy in front of him, his anger rose even more.

Said: "You dare to show up, I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces and avenge my family!"

After hearing this, Naruo said with a face full of disdain: "Really? Do you have this strength? I doubt you don't, come on, try it, I want to see how strong you are!"

When Master Maitreya heard this, he immediately waved the stick in his hand, and he still had a spell on him!

I saw a sudden swipe from his hand, and immediately the light of King Kong's Demon Conqueror was released from his hand, and a talisman immediately spurted out an amazing light, hitting Naruto.

Qibao also shouted Ye Ye, but it didn't have much effect.

Nai Luo just waved his hand lightly and smashed the ray of light out, not because the power of the spell was not strong, but because the strength of the Maitreya Mage was really not strong enough to exert stronger strength, he There was a bit of helplessness in his eyes, and his teeth were clenched for a while, speechless.

Inuyasha took a deep breath, clenched his fist, put his hand on the handle of his knife, gasped for breath, and when he raised his head, his eyes were full of blood-red anger, and said lightly: " This damn guy is... Naraku!"

The voice said, the past turned to my mind, and when I thought that I suffered from this guy's calculations more than 50 years ago!

Where can I bear it, I immediately pulled out the knife with a direct hand move.

Seeing that he quickly pulled out the knife, Naraku said with a smile on his face: "It seems that you already know the truth, right? It's really interesting, but well, what's the use of it? You are seriously injured now. I have lost the power of the past, but what can I do for a mere little monster?"

When the words were spoken, there was a little more sarcasm.

Hearing his mockery, Inuyasha became even more angry, and roared very loudly: "Naraku! You pay for my life!"

The voice said, regardless of the wound on his body, he jumped out and slashed with a big knife in his hand.

Nai Luo immediately stepped back, and then an evil spirit appeared on his body. With this knife, the evil spirit was split open, and his body was also chopped open, but Totally useless!

Nai Luo's body dissipated directly, his transformation style disappeared, and at this time he left a message: "You should become stronger and come to me again, come on, let me see how firm your heart of revenge is, How tough, I really want to know how much power an ordinary weakling, a lowly half-demon, can burst out for revenge?"

Hearing these words, Inuyasha roared loudly and said, "Naraku!!!"

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