Wuchen couldn't help but startled, what is hidden in this big cave?It's so weird.

Just thinking about this moment, a loud explosion sounded!

A huge explosion sounded.

Wuchen Fei stepped back, and immediately there was explosive clay in his hand, and he threw it directly, shouting loudly, "Blow me up!"

The voice said that the little spiders flew out immediately, and the cave that was bombed was shaking, and the huge shaking sound caused 4 places to shake!

And in the smoke and dust that appeared in front of him, a huge hand suddenly grabbed out of the cave with the sound of thunder!

Immediately afterwards, the incomparably huge hand was full of evil aura.

Wuchen flew back, and after more than ten meters, he immediately saw a little giant. The little giant was at least 9 meters high and just suddenly appeared from the cave, which made the 4 weeks shake, and in this Under the moonlit night, it looks even better, that face is completely composed of poisonous insects!

The wide mouth is like the mouth of a cockroach. It generally opens wide, and a huge poisonous insect crawled out of it. The length alone has reached more than ten meters. Zhongzhang enlarged his minions, and at the same time sprayed out a green venom, aiming at Wuchen.

Wuchen saw the green venom sprayed towards him, and snorted coldly, only to see white explosive clay appearing in his hand, and threw dozens of them over and over again, the small explosive clay was extremely powerful. A big, crackling roar sounded, the venom was turned into ashes by the slag, and at this time the huge cockroach poisonous insect was also blown into ashes!

Immediately afterwards, the giant poisonous worm that appeared in front of him had signs of festering all over his body. It was turned into ashes, and one after another terrifying poisonous insects surrounded him. Although they did not approach immediately, they were already eager to try, and they were obviously instructed by others.

Wuchen saw that they surrounded himself, his face was a little more disdainful, and he snorted coldly. He felt that there was one of these poisonous insects that he was looking for, because among these poisonous insects, Dongfeng has a special energy mixed with it, but there is a poisonous insect with a particularly strong energy, which makes him have a strong suspicion in his heart, and there is a bit of cold murderousness on his face!

And this time when he doubted.

At this moment, there were only a few of them, but they didn't succeed, and they immediately exerted astonishing power, spit out a large group of venom directly into the sky, and the venom was sprinkled like rain.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and saw that countless explosive clays were suddenly scattered on his hands, sprinkled into the sky, and the sound of rumbling explosions sounded, and the smoke and dust scattered around, and then the explosive clays swept all the venom. The explosion caused the venom to splash on the poisonous insects.

Although those poisonous insects were powerful, their venom melted like spring snow, they were infected by the venom all at once, they let out a whimpering sound, and they fell to the ground and died in a short while.

After dealing with these poisonous insects, there was a bit of doubt on his face. He narrowed his eyes slightly, snorted coldly, and turned his head to look at it. Sure enough, a white baboon appeared in front of him.

Or rather, a man in the skin of a white baboon.

A faint smile appeared on the man's face, it was a familiar face.

Wuchen then looked at his face in disgust. Although he was handsome and handsome, Wuchen knew in his heart that this guy was a despicable, shameless bastard who played tricks on the hearts of others, and even more tricks.

What appeared in front of him was Naraku!

He looked at the conspirator in front of him coldly and said, "It's really interesting that a guy dares to show up. In front of me, he just doesn't know whether to live or die. I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Naruto didn't say a word at this time, just looked at him in front of him lightly.

Wuchen immediately felt something was wrong, narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was a little surprised, and he understood at once that this guy was blocking him or attracting his attention, He must be doing something else, which made him seem to understand something, he immediately took a breath and said in surprise, "You guy, are you..."

His words had just been spoken, and at this time, Naruo TV in front of him said indifferently and coldly: "I'm sorry, it's too late for you to understand, your partners are probably all dead, so you can ignore it now. There is no point in asking, can you kill me? No, what you are striving for is only inner peace and inner destination, and my greatest joy is to play with your hearts!"

Wuchen got angry all of a sudden, and immediately threw the explosive clay in his hand and blew it away with a bang, but he also knew that it was just a clone, not a real entity at all, he gritted his teeth. He clenched his fists and couldn't say a word. Now he was in a very far position to chase after him. It was almost two or three countries away from him. It was very troublesome. But Naraku, this damn bastard!

The trajectories are difficult to deal with, what is this guy thinking?

I just thought about it, at this time, he also knew that he had to rush, and it would take two or three days to turn around, I just hope they can hold on! ..

297、Inuyasha's Decision

Inuyasha has been recuperating in the village for three days. In fact, the injury has almost healed, but the strength has not fully recovered at this time, and as long as the strength is exerted, the injured place can be affected at any time, causing the wound to burst again and form a serious injury!

But at the moment he was lying on the hospital bed, but he jumped up immediately.

Granny Feng turned her head and her eyes widened and quickly said: "What are you doing! Mr. Wuchen hasn't come back, and he hasn't had time to see a doctor. Now you dare to jump up again, you just don't know whether to live or die, you are crazy. ?"

Inuyasha didn't care about so much at this time, he just loosened his muscles, covered his back with his red coat, and said lightly: "I'm... OK!"

Granny Feng saw that when he turned around, there were blood-red traces, she could not help but wrinkle her one eye slightly, and said very worriedly: "How are you, how are you? You are clearly still behind you. Bleeding, and there are a lot of bleeding marks, do you think I am really blind? Although I am blind in one eye, I can still see in the other eye. You are still bleeding from behind, obviously very serious , you are still active, you should rest in bed!"

After hearing this, Inuyasha lowered his head and said, "I know, I may still have a little problem, but there are some things that must be done!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he loosened his muscles and bones. This kind of activity made him bleed even more!

But soon the power on his body was slowly suppressing part of the blood coming out of him.

But it didn't have much effect, it was still so serious, the blood slowly dripped onto the ground, and even more blood spots appeared on the floor.

Granny Feng was very surprised and said, "What the hell are you going to do? Why don't you train well before you do it? What do you want to do? Now you have no way to defeat the enemy, you can't use your strength and get hurt..."

Inuyasha snorted and said, "Of course you won't understand what I mean, and you won't understand what I mean. I'm going to do an important thing now. I remember, Kagome, have you left?"

After all, Kagome was only a middle school student, of course she was going to school, and today was also the day of school.

Granny Feng nodded blankly and said, "It's true that she left. Because she said she was going to school, she couldn't take care of you here. What do you want to do? She only left you yesterday..."

Inuyasha said indifferently: "This is not simple, of course, it is to do an important thing, I know... old lady, you may not understand it, but you must do it!"

When he finished speaking, he immediately jumped out.

Granny Feng was immediately stunned, her face full of surprise.

Quickly chased out.

Master Maitreya and Qibao also quickly chased after them.

At this time, the crowd followed him to the well.

a place called the well of dead bones

At this time, he appeared here, and when everyone was stunned for a moment, he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. With a bang, he used the strength of his body to knock a century-old tree beside him. The tree was interrupted, and the tree that was quite a hundred years old was suddenly planted in the well!

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