When Wuchen saw him rushing towards him, he immediately slammed his palms on the ground.

"Tu Dun: Earth Flow Wall!"

At the moment when the voice fell, he saw an extremely thick dog-headed wall appearing in front of him.

The knife even cut through the wall.

This caused a stunned look on his face, and he was stunned for a moment.

Wuchen then stepped back slightly, turned to look at Inuyasha, and said, "Do you know what he came to find you for?"

Inuyasha froze for a moment and said, "It's me who is looking for my father's grave..."

Wuchen laughed and said: "Since this is a matter between your brothers, I don't care so much, I'll get out of the way first, after all, he has ended your brother's strength, and that's what it seems to me. now..."

Wuchen's words said this, and suddenly it stimulated Sesshomaru's heart.

Sesshomaru shouted angrily and slashed the wall directly.

Holding the knife tightly in his hand, he said, "You..."

Wuchen smiled and said, "You have stronger power to fight me again... Maybe you think I'm a mage..."

As he spoke, he smiled faintly

And this time.

Xie Jian hurriedly said to Sesheng Wan: "Master, don't worry about it so much, let's find the knife first and then talk about it!"

Sesshomaru snorted and bit his teeth. Although he was reluctant, he thought about it for a while, nodded and said, "Give it to me!"

As he spoke, he looked at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was stunned.

Sesshomaru said coldly, "Where is the direction of the tomb?"

Inuyasha was speechless for a moment.

Wuchen sighed, walked over, patted Inuyasha's shoulder with one hand and said, "I saw it from the beginning, it's really troublesome, forget it, count me as a favor for you!"

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly changed! ..

264 The Tomb of the King of Douya

Dust-free eyes directly become kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes!

in his eyes.

As if there was something particularly fascinating.

Inuyasha couldn't say a word for a while.

There were some strange colors in his eyes.

The light of qi magic appeared on Wuchen's hand, as if he was going to dig out Inuyasha's eyes and put it in front of him.

Only a faint voice could be heard.

A small black pearl appeared in the palm of his hand.

Inuyasha screamed directly, holding his eyes and saying, "How did you know? Why..."

Wuchen laughed and said, "It's not easy, because I can see it!"

Haha laughed, a smile on his face.

And this time.

Inuyasha snorted and said, "Then what do you want..."

Wuchen sighed and said: "Your brother said to go to your father's grave, this should be the best space item to lead to your father's grave, but how to go... I can't tell..."

Sesshomaru turned his head and wanted to leave.

Xie Jian hurriedly said: "Master, it's that thing!"

His words came out.

Wuchen smiled and said, "Is there a connection? This is interesting, let me try it!"

Sesshomaru frowned, and the body that had turned around slowly turned back.

Xie Jian was stunned all of a sudden, holding the head battle in his hand, his eyes were a little more strange.

Wuchen smiled and said, "Don't you want to give it to me? But let me get it!"

Xie Jian immediately screamed and hid behind Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru frowned, turned around and said, "What do you want to do..."

Wuchen's hand moved slightly, and a huge suction force directly sucked the magic wand in Xie Jian's hand.

Xie Jian was stunned for a moment.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Say: "...this..."

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