At this time, Grandpa Mingjia, who was hiding in the grass, immediately ran over and said, "Sorry! I thought it was such a thing!"

Wuchen sighed and said, "It's also pitiful, let me overtake you!"

When his words fell, he saw a faint golden light floating on his body immediately!

The faint golden light immediately made the resentful spirit that was already dead and contained resentment, slowly groaned at this time, and then floated into the sky, because it was overrun.

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and said, "It's done!"

His words came out

Sesshomaru frowned and said, "Having the power to transcend others...what is it?"

It was even more strange to say so.

And this time.

Inuyasha was also stunned.

Grandpa Mingjia, who rushed over in time, said with a sigh of relief: "That's the power of the resentful soul, which can change illusions... It is a very dangerous thing... I thought he was able to save this resentful soul!"

Wuchen smiled and said: "It's just a small matter, but well, believe this, it has something to do with you, right?"

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, and said with a snort, "It's... a bit related..."

The words said this, and there was a bit of strangeness on his face.

Sesshomaru said coldly, "Are you going to stop me?"

Wuchen turned his head and looked over, smiled and said, "Forget it, after all, they are also my friends..."

This has just been said.

Sesshomaru frowned and said, "Sure enough, no matter how strong, humans are just humans..."

This has just been said.

The corner of Wuchen's mouth outlined a faint smile and said, "Really? Then why don't we come and see?"

hand seal

At this moment, a cold smile appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the energy in the whole body surged up at this time, which shocked everyone.

Wuchen took a deep breath, and his eyes revealed a bit of cold murderous aura. He wanted to see how much power this guy could touch.

Just then.

Sesshomaru also became interested, although the ghost he was commanding had already escaped.

But he was not afraid, but jumped down from above the clouds and said coldly, "Really? It's just a mere human..."

His words just came out.

Wuchen immediately sprayed in his mouth.

"Huo Dun: Head hard!"

As soon as the sound fell, an incomparably violent flame spewed out of his mouth, and the incomparably violent flame slammed into it directly.

Seeing this appearance, the evil view that stayed above the clouds will lose its soul.

His face was full of horror, and his eyes were full of fear.

All of a sudden it was terrified.

Where did Sesshomaru have seen such a powerful scene, and he was immediately taken aback.

He sucked in a breath of cold air, but soon waved his claws directly.

The power of the big demon is really strong, and it can really cut the hard end with one blow!

Wuchen took a deep breath again and said with a smile, "I know what you're looking for! But let's try this again!"

His words fell.

Followed by.

"Fire Escape: The Art of the Great Flame Dragon!"

A huge fire dragon was sprayed directly from its mouth at once, and it was not just one at the same time.

After one, another rushed straight past.

Sesshomaru had no choice, and immediately pulled out his own knife and chopped it up.

His knife was burnt to the point of being hot, and he was the one who slashed all the fire dragons to pieces!

He breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a bit of inexplicable nervousness in his eyes. This is the first time I have such nervousness!

Wuchen laughed and said, "Do you want to try again?"

Sesshomaru said coldly: "Is it a fire mage? But it's useless!"

His words fell on the knife in his hand, and he rushed over immediately.

There was coldness in his eyes, and murderous aura burst out.

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