The words said that the body turned slightly

And this time.

Inuyasha said quickly, "Wait a minute..."

Wuchen laughed and said: "Okay, okay, let's act together, let's act together..."

Kagome breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the sunset came slowly, and everyone looked at the sky.

Kagome said helplessly: "It seems to be very late now, do you want to find a place..."

Wuchen looked around.

At this time, everyone was walking on a forest path.

Going further ahead, there is a large field.

After thinking about it, he said, "Go ahead, there is a place to live in front of you!"

Inuyasha frowned with a look of disbelief on his face and said, "How is it possible? How could there be..."

This has just been said.

Wuchen is the first to walk forward.

The two quickly followed.

Wuchen came to this field and took a deep breath.

Immediately after this time.

hand seal

At this moment, the two behind them were stunned.

Wuchen suddenly slapped the ground with his palm and shouted loudly, "Mu Dun: The Technique of Four Pillars!"

As soon as the voice fell, a wooden house appeared immediately in front of him.

The wooden house suddenly rose to the ground.

All of a sudden, both of them were amazed, and their eyes were full of surprises.

Wuchen turned around and smiled and said, "Let's go! This place can be used as a residence for the time being!"

Both Inuyasha were stunned.

Wuchen walked into the wooden house with the two of them.

And this time.

Just walked into the wooden house.

Inuyasha's eyes widened with surprise, because this wooden house was not just a simple wooden house, but also a lot of furniture.

Almost everything is complete.

Kagome also felt very incredible.Say: "This..."

Wuchen laughed and said, "You guys live on the 2nd floor, I'll live on the 1st floor!"

The two of Inuyasha were stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The three lived in the wooden house.

Dust-free is also a very familiar bath

He just got out of the shower.

At this time.

I just heard the cold wind blowing suddenly.

And right now.

Wuchen frowned slightly, and he felt a strong evil spirit.

This made him have a little anticipation in his heart, and it was fun!

I thought so in my heart.

And this time.

Inuyasha's nose moved slightly, and immediately ran down from the second floor

He said nervously: "Someone is coming..."

There was an inexplicable tension in the words.

Just after Kagome heard the sound after taking a shower, she walked down the first floor and said curiously, "What's going on? What happened? Why is it so noisy?"

Wuchen smiled and said: "It's just a trivial matter, you wait here, I'll go out and see!"

His words said that he pushed open the door of the wooden house, but at this moment, just as his door was just opened, he saw a white-haired noble boy with a crescent on his head appearing in front of him.

Killing pills!

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