Followed by.

Reverse-haired Jie Luo was startled and said loudly, "What the hell!"

As the words said, the knife in his hand slashed directly!

The explosive clay crackled, and it was about to blow up the knife.

The dust-free strength makes people feel terrifying, and at this time, the body of Reverse Hair Jie Luo, who has no resistance at all, is about to dissipate.

Wuchen sighed helplessly and said, "Forget it, I still have a little bit of compassion, so I'll give you forgiveness!"

His words were spoken, and it was immediately a one-handed seal.

Take a deep breath.

Closing his eyes slightly, he saw a faint golden light appearing on his body, and that golden light was exactly the qi magic born from his body.

The Qi magic continued to stretch out from the body and slowly rolled over.

At this moment, the reverse-haired Kellogg was bound by a chain made of a faint golden light, and even the blood-red skeleton buried deep in the pile of hair was surrounded.

this moment.

Inuyasha and everyone also chased after them, and they were stunned when they saw such a scene.

Wuchen sighed and said, "The wandering ghost, the evil ghost, has a decisive karma and strays from the world, all of which are injustices! Follow my orders and return to the ghost house!"

When the sound fell, only the sound of violent screams sounded, and then the mountain formed by the hair, and the strands of hair fluttering around, immediately turned into blue smoke and dissipated.

Reverse-haired Jieluo couldn't react at all, his eyes widened, his body turned into withered bones and dissipated, and at this time his soul slowly stretched out to the sky.

Dust-free one hand and one finger

Disperse the explosive flying dragon and slowly fall from the sky.

Everyone at this moment was stunned.

came back.

Granny Feng said with a look of surprise: "You were just now..."

Wuchen smiled and said: "I should have blown this guy to death, but after thinking about it, he is also a poor guy, made of resentful souls, and he must have his own story, so I will let it go!"

Granny Feng said in amazement: "Exceeding..."

Wuchen nodded and said: "Forget it, at least he should be in Huangquan now!"

Granny Feng was relieved.

After hearing this, Kagome said with a look of surprise: "Are you a monk? Why can you save him..."

Wuchen rolled his eyes and said: "Of course it's not a monk, I just can do it, but speaking of this monster actually has a purpose..."

As he spoke, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Kagome suddenly became vigilant, swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva, took a half step back and said, "What do you mean?"

Wuchen smiled and said, "No wonder you have such a strong power on your body. It turns out that you are carrying something! Things enhance your power, right?"

Kagome was stunned for a moment, but at this moment.

Inuyasha hurried over and said, "Wait, that's my thing, I just let this woman keep it for the time being! Don't make up your mind!"

Wuchen laughed loudly and said, "I know, I'm not interested in that thing, but I am interested in these monsters!"

His words speak.

Suddenly there is a little bit of anticipation that there are so many monsters in this world, it should be very interesting.

I thought so

Inuyasha said blankly, "What do you mean..."

Wuchen loosened his muscles and said, "I said this monster is quite interesting!" ..

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"Why do I have to act with you all of a sudden?"

There was a reluctant look on Wuchen's face.

And this time.

Kagome, who was beside him, said quickly: "Oh, don't you think monsters are very interesting, let's go look for the jade of the four souls together!"

Wuchen was stunned.

at this time.

He, Kagome and Inuyasha were walking on the road, all the way forward.

Because, I was asked to find the Jade of the Four Souls together

He didn't want to, but after thinking about it, it would be very boring if he didn't act with the protagonist group!

Inuyasha muttered to the side: "Who needs his help..."

When Wuchen heard this, he immediately looked like he was going to leave, sighed and said, "Cut, then I'll leave..."

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