Wuchen immediately took out the remaining talisman from his pocket.

to Sheriff Black.

At this time, Sheriff Black was very surprised and said: "So fast? Did you find it so quickly? This is really surprising!"

Wuchen said with a wry smile: "That guy has mastered the ability to get out of the body and can invade other people's souls at any time. You have to be careful, and you have to transfer all this important stuff immediately, you can't put it here anymore, you have to find it. The safest place must not let him notice!"

Hearing this sentence, Sheriff Black frowned and said, "What should we do then?"

Although Wuchen is very strong and has a lot of abilities, he can't solve that guy's soul state unless he uses the seal.

But that guy's soul can travel through hell and the world, and he can also escape at any time. There is no way for him to imprison his soul and seal it.

And the most important thing now is to defend his soul. What is more difficult than aid now is that he could only invade the body without soul, but now that guy can directly enter the body of others with soul.

And it can also devour other people's souls, otherwise he will not be able to get the body.

There was a helpless look on Wuchen's face, and he touched his chin: "I can only ask my father to help with this matter, you must remember to hide things well, and let my father help you set up a magic circle to guard against that guy. 's soul, otherwise all our things will be gone, and he can easily invade other people's bodies, this matter has to let my father help!"

After saying this, Sheriff Black said with a strange face: "What are you talking about, how is the soul possible, isn't the soul or something fake? I'm an atheist, I don't believe in souls, right? This is a supernatural show. say?"

Wuchen was sweating profusely when he heard this. This guy, as an American, doesn't believe in souls at all, but it is also true that this guy is not afraid of the sky, otherwise he would not have established such an organization of people, and This guy's performance in the play is also like this!

He smiled wryly and said, "But this matter must be solved by my father, we can't solve it, at least I can't solve it, I'm afraid they will swallow your soul, throw it on you, steal the spell, and try to Resurrection, this is a big bad thing for the world!"

As soon as Sheriff Black heard this, he immediately said: "Don't be kidding, although I know that those guys like to sell national treasures, and there are special powers on the charm, but what do you say about the soul and that he..."

Wuchen sighed and said, "Just do as I say, it's really troublesome, remember to take care of it!"

He already has a plan in his heart. He wants to retrieve all those dimensions according to the things in his memory. Even if he can't find him, he will try his best to find it. Otherwise, once the soul of that guy is found first, then that Although he can deal with the resurrection of the guy, it must be very troublesome. All he wants is a normal life.

After hearing this, Sheriff Black touched his bald head and nodded blankly.

Wuchen pulled the little snake and left immediately.

The two took the elevator to the ground.

The little snake said dumbly, "Is what you said to that big bald head true?"

Wuchen nodded with a wry smile and said, "Of course it's true, is it possible that it's fake? How could I lie to you about this kind of thing, I'm just afraid that the soul suddenly goes out of the body, I'll think of a way to deal with it. he!"

His words had a bitter expression on his face, his eyes were full of helplessness, and he sighed.

And this time.

Hearing this, the little snake frowned and said, "I guess when his soul should be reborn on someone else's body, he won't leave easily, otherwise, why is he not in the battle, possessing me or being in my body? What about your body? This way the battle will end faster!"

As soon as Wuchen heard this, he felt that it was very likely that he was possessed inside, and the time on his body was limited, or he had a CD!

I thought so in my mind.

He slapped his thigh and said, "That's right!"

After he finished speaking, he directly hugged the little snake and cheered loudly.

The little snake was unable to speak at the same place, with a surprised look in his eyes, he was stunned.

Wuchen sighed and said, "Why didn't I think of it, but! There is one thing to trouble you next!"

This has just been said.

The little snake said blankly: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Wuchen immediately said: "I want you to help me collect spells, the sooner the better, there is absolutely no delay, and I can't let that guy collect them again. You have been to so many places in the world, you must have heard of it. Those legends are also more familiar than me!"

Hearing this, Xiao She nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, but..."

Wuchen grabbed her shoulder and said, "It's just for me, this matter is very important, very, very important, and it is also about everyone's life. If we can do this well, then we can be stable. It's been a while!"

His words were full of seriousness here, and there was a little more seriousness in his eyes!

Hearing this, the little snake immediately felt the warmth of being trusted. ..

190. Retrieving the Spell [First Update]

Time flies, three weeks have passed, no one thought

Wuchen quickly got the spell, and the snake's experience in traveling the world is not covered. So fast, almost all the spells that need to be found are found.

But the last one is missing.

at this time.

Everyone was sitting in the store.

A look of distress.

Wuchen holds the other nine spells in his hands

He doesn't want to roll over!

The last one is a tiger!

There are two in the hands of the Lord.

The sheep and the dragon, respectively.

And at this time in the store in addition to the snake, there is also Jackie Chan

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