He thought so in his heart.

frowned tightly

But when you think about it, there is an immediate solution, then twist your head and send your body elsewhere!

He thought so in his heart.

He smiled coldly.

At this time, I saw that on his right hand, immediately there was a blue lightning, that was Leiqie!

Rachel's light erupted from her hand, but soon it was at this time.

I saw that his eyes also burned with flames in an instant, and the lightning and flames on his right hand were fused together to form Amaterasu Leiqie!

This special power slowly appeared in his hands at this time.

And this time.

The Holy Master felt the power in his hand, and he couldn't help being shocked and startled.

Wuchen smiled coldly, and the Amaterasu Leiqie in his hand stabbed directly in an instant.

Where did the shadow monster react, it was immediately pierced into the middle of the chest, and.

Wuchen has a glittering fruit, and it turns into a laser that instantly passes through its body completely intact.

And after the monster was passed through the body, it made a huge roar, howling in pain. It was struck by lightning, and it was burned by the black flame, screaming in pain, completely useless.

But soon.

Here comes the solution.

The Holy Master saw that the monster he created was so painful, and he was amazed in his heart. Immediately, he used a trick to directly turn the monster into 0.

In an instant, one small monster after another was separated, and the huge monster body immediately dissipated.

standing in the air.

Wuchen saw that all the monsters on the ground were staring at him, his face was full of surprise, and his eyes couldn't help but be surprised.

The Holy Master smiled and said, "What? Do you still want to try it!"

His words come here

Wuchen laughed at that time and said, "I didn't really want to play with you, but it's better to kill you first!"

His voice fell.

A little more cold.

Just then.

His eyes have turned into writing wheel eyes!

Immediately direct.

In an instant, the head of the Holy Lord was twisted off!

That's right, it's such an exaggeration. Using the power of space, the head of the Holy Master was twisted in an instant!

After the head of the Holy Master's body was twisted off, his soul immediately screamed in pain, roaring, "Damn bastard, how dare you twist my head, you despicable villain!"

When Wuchen heard this, he didn't care at all and said with a faint smile: "Yes, so what, but you can only find your head next time, goodbye!"

His voice fell, and he once again used the power of space to twist open the door of the world. Although he used a lot of strength, he immediately twisted it away, and his body flew away quickly! ..

189. Determine the plan [Second Update]

Dust-free soon came to the door of District 13.

That's what got the snake out.

The little snake was afraid to die in that space. After being released at this time, he widened his eyes in surprise and said, "No way, how did you do it just now? We came out, why? What's the matter?"

A series of problems make Wuchen quite distressed.

With a helpless look on his face, he said: "Don't talk so much, let's go ahead and talk about it!"

This is spoken.

At this time, Wuchen walked directly into Area 13 with a confused little snake.

After walking in.

at this time.

Sheriff Blake walked over slowly, saw the two of them with a little more surprise in their eyes, and said, "Why are you here?"

There was a look of surprise on his face.

After all, Wuchen is a person who doesn't like this place very much, how could he take the initiative to come here.

At this time, Wuchen said helplessly: "I have no choice but to find you. You must take good care of this thing and not let anyone know that they are hiding here!"

Sheriff Black nodded and said, "I see what you mean, wait what do you mean?"

There was a bit of curiosity in the words, and he couldn't help frowning.

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