Holding the sword with one hand, the blade on his right hand increased his strength, but Rachel on his left hand also swept over!

The Rachel on the left hand and the lightsaber on the right hand swept the past directly.

No matter how strong the Holy Master is at this moment, he can only retreat behind him. Leiqie directly slashed his right hand, leaving a trace on his right hand. He fell to the ground energy, and he was instantly healed. The injury, he snorted coldly, shook his hand and said, "It's interesting!"

Although he used the characteristics of the sheep talisman to invade a human body, and also transferred some of his energy into this body, allowing him to gain the ability to move, but he wanted to get back his dragon body, you must get back your own rat spell!

Otherwise, you will never be able to get your dragon body back for the rest of your life!

He said coldly: "You can use the five elements of magic! You are also a person with inheritance, why do you need to stop me!"

When Wuchen heard this, he cut and said, "A devil like you, why can't you stop you!"

Here comes his words.

I saw that his hands were sealed again.

Done in an instant.

Eyes widened.

He snorted coldly.

All the energy surged up.

He shouted loudly: "Senfa: Goemon!"

The sound fell, and a fierce flame was sprayed from the mouth immediately, and the flame and oil were mixed together!

A huge force formed an ultra-high temperature, and in an instant, it went straight to the past!

At this time, the Holy Master saw the huge high-temperature river and covered it directly towards him. He didn't cover it either. He smiled coldly and pushed his palms forward, followed by a huge magic power. It was sprayed out from the hand, forming a huge fire dragon.

The fire dragon, which was transformed into magic power, swallowed all the high temperature box in an instant.

He said coldly: "Just because you want to deal with me, the dragon can breathe fire, and it's not good to eat fire!"

His words came out.

At this moment, he licked the corner of his mouth, and the sword in his hand was stuck on the ground.

Said: "It's just a spell, do you think I can't play it?"

His voice fell and his hands were pinching the magic formula. Although he was a demon dragon, he could also use magic. Although he was defeated by a mage originally, he was very skilled at using magic at this time.

It was because there were too many people back then, he couldn't deal with it at all, and it came suddenly, so he was sealed, and he was also one of the best super mages.

At this time, I saw his gestures change, and at the same time, he was chanting a spell lightly in his mouth.

Immediately behind him, he saw a huge wave floated up. The wave formed the shape of a giant dragon and swept over suddenly from behind him.

Wuchen was stunned involuntarily, what kind of tricks were used, and he was surprised in his heart.

Although the Holy Master in front of him shouted directly, he also knew that this trick was not easy to provoke, but he had no choice but to stop it.

He thought so in his heart.

Immediately, he jumped out and guarded the little snake behind him.

Both palms slammed on the ground.

The eyes are wide open, and the output is the strongest chakra.

He shouted loudly, "Tu Dun: Multiple Earth Walls!"

As soon as the sound fell next to him, many walls appeared in 4 weeks, and the force of the water dragon was instantly dissolved. Although the wall was directly smashed, it was finally blocked.


At this time.

I saw a fire dragon roaring and thundering directly blasted the wall.

Wuchen was taken aback.

Where is there any other way, the eyes are wide open and it becomes a writing wheel!

He snorted coldly.

That rushed over.

But it's just a fire dragon, and a flaming sword!

At this time, the Holy Master directly pierced the wall with the long sword in his hand, and rushed over suddenly.

At this moment, Wuchen's whole body appeared white.

At the same time, there was an extra six tin sticks on his left hand!

In an instant, I saw that he immediately hit him with the six tin sticks in his hand.

The two people's weapons met, and all they heard was the crisp sound of jingle, and the sword was finally opened!

Dustless breathed a sigh of relief.

After protecting the little snake, he took a dozen steps back, and then he stabilized his body and there was a little more vigilance in his eyes.

At this moment, the shadow warriors of the Black Shadow Corps surrounded him with swords shining purple in their hands, and his heart became even more vigilant.

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