Fly back.

The handprints are also already done.

He shouted loudly: "Lei Dun: Thank you!"

As soon as the voice fell, azure blue thunder and lightning immediately appeared behind him, sprayed it out, and instantly pushed the Holy Master back.

The Holy Master was repelled, and after returning, he stood in place.

With a bit of surprise on his face, he said, "Is it lightning? I thought you were only proficient in flames."

A cold smile appeared on Wuchen's face and said, "Really? Then don't be too surprised next time!"

words spoken.

The handprint is done again.

Take a deep breath.

A cold smile appeared in his eyes.

Said: "Boiling Escape: The Art of Dissolving Monsters!"

The moment the words fell, a large lump of viscous object of unknown substance was ejected from his mouth.

The holy master's swordsmanship is really superb, and soon he swung his sword and slashed it apart, and the thing was split in half and pulled aside, corroding the road!

The Holy Master said with a bit of surprise in his eyes: "It's a bit of a skill!"

As he spoke, he charged with his sword again.

Wuchen saw that he rushed over with his sword, and his face was surprised.

This guy has good swordsmanship.

But it was just a little bit of a side dish just now.

Immediately, a dazzling thunder light appeared on his right hand, and he whispered, "Rachel!"

As soon as the words were spoken, they rushed up, and the two immediately confronted!

The violent force collided and there was a loud noise immediately.

There was a rumbling explosion within three feet behind the two of them, and the road under the two of them suddenly made a crashing sound at this time.

There is trouble in Wuchen's heart.

This guy's swordsmanship is good, and his internal skills are also strong. Now things are in trouble!

With this thought in his heart, he frowned tightly, gritted his teeth, and suddenly pushed him forward with force.

Wuchen knew in his heart that if he dragged out the battle for too long, it would be the worst thing for him. After all, he had to protect a woman. Although it was not troublesome for him, it would definitely drag his battle!

Sweat appeared on his forehead, and there was helplessness in his heart.

The little snake was also very careful at this moment, looking at the shadow warriors who wanted to lean over. ..

187. Intense battle [fourth more]

Dust-free enhances your own thunderbolt.

Once again, the Holy Master was forced back.

At this time, after the Holy Master was forced to retreat, the sword in his hand flicked, and suddenly a sword qi flew out from his body.

When Wuchen saw that sword qi flying again, he frowned in great distress, snorted, and his palms formed a seal!

The palms slammed abruptly, and the earth shouted loudly: "Tu Dun: Tu Liubi!"

The moment the words fell, a huge wall immediately appeared in front of him, and immediately blocked the sword energy.

He didn't look good.

At this time, the sword of the Holy Master directly broke through the wall and stabbed at him with a bang.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Xiao Nan's body instantly turned into a golden light, and he quickly retreated behind him.

This move quickly dodged.

He was not in a hurry when the Holy Master failed, but attacked again, only to see his mouth suddenly open, and a huge fire dragon spewed out of his mouth.

Dust-free prints in the air

He shouted loudly: "Water Escape: Big burst of water!"

As soon as the words fell, violent water spewed out of his mouth, and it was suddenly pressed down from the air like a waterfall, and he fought with the fire dragon. The two forces collided, and the fire dragon was immediately extinguished.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the Holy Master once again directly cut through the water vapor with a sword and shot straight into the sky!

Wuchen snorted coldly, the light in his hand changed immediately, and he used the Glitter Fruit to turn into a lightsaber.

The golden lightsaber flashed out of his hand, and the two swords touched each other, only to hear a clanging sound.

Wuchen can be completely welcome at this time, and print with one hand!

He shouted loudly, "Rachel!"

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