Wuchen turned around, and the lightning armor immediately appeared on his body.

Followed by.

After the chidori in his hand was cancelled, he jumped out and slapped Ah Fu's chest with a sudden slap.

Ah Fu spit out a mouthful of blood.

Wuchen immediately grabbed his neck with one hand and shouted loudly: "Lei I bomb!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately grabbed his body and slammed it down, suddenly violent thunder and lightning, and powerful rays of light were released from the body, and the earth was shocked by this huge force. There were screams all around.

Wuchen breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ah Fu, who was already dying on the ground.

Say, "It's done!"

Words say this is to leave

Just when he walked towards the entrance of the alley.

Ah Fu coldly climbed up from the pit, clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, purple-blue flames erupted from his body again, and his eyes burned with anger and shouted loudly: "I'm not dead. what!"

There was a bit of surprise in Wuchen's eyes and said: "It's not dead yet, it's interesting that it's not dead even after eating a big one of me, but that's fine, then take you as a practice target!"

The voice said here.

Ah Fu tore off the clothes on his upper body, and his long hair was scattered.

He said coldly: "Really!" ..

178. As expected, there is a secret [fourth more]

At this moment, A Fu's eyes flashed with a cold murderous aura, and a huge magic energy floated all over his body.

That's right.

A huge mana energy slowly appeared from his body, and his face showed a cold murderous aura, as terrifying as the cold wind in July!

Wuchen saw the magic energy floating on him. The purple-blue magic energy made him involuntarily take a breath, took a half step back, and said with a bit of surprise on his face: "It's still Can you fight? Then let me see how long you can fight me!"

His words said that a cold smile slowly floated out from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of cold and murderous aura.

After Ah Fu heard this sentence.

At this moment, there was a cold killing stance in his eyes, he swung it away, and squeezed his fist lightly, but the purple-red magic energy on his body immediately made him roar, and his eyes burned with coldness. With cold murderous aura, he suddenly punched, and suddenly a blue light shot out from the fist, and the body that accompanied it, in an instant, a punch was about to hit Wuchen immediately!

Wuchen He is also unbelievably strong, and he has a powerful and terrifying physical technique!

And the body is already extraordinary, a character who has already stepped into the realm of the gods!

At this moment, there was a cold smile on his face, and he immediately grabbed it with his empty hands, directly grabbing the fist that hit him.

He smiled faintly: "A little bit of strength!"

Ah Fu was stunned when he heard this.

Wuchen smiled coldly, and then there was energy on his body, which slowly rose, and the blue energy floated on his body. He didn't care at all, just squeezed it lightly and suddenly!

It was only in this instant that the sound of shattering bones could be heard.

Ah Fu's face changed dramatically!

The sound of the bones shattering came into his ears, and before he could hear it completely, he already felt the sound of his bones shattering!

At that moment, he screamed in pain, and his body half-kneeled directly, with only fear in his eyes. For a time, he couldn't believe the power that he had blessed with magical energy, but he was pinched in a split second. Yeah, looks like it's going to explode

he shouted.

But there was no way, he roared loudly in the sky!

And at this time.

Wuchen smiled disdainfully, and then suddenly swept out with one leg and swept A'Fu's body straight away, and immediately hit the wall next to it, and there was a cracking sound on the wall. , immediately collapsed and destroyed.

With a faint smile on Wuchen's face, he shook his head disdainfully and said, "Your boss really doesn't have any brains at all, even if you have the ability to send you to challenge me, you just don't know how to live or die, I think Your boss can only collect the corpse for you!"

When his words came to this point, there was even more disdain in his eyes.

at this time.

I saw a light blue light burning on his body, which was the light burned by the sweat that appeared on his body.

At this time, he has already opened the shocking door of the eight doors!

And this time.

After A Fu kicked out, he slowly stood up from the ground, gritted his teeth and his forehead was full of sweat, but he couldn't stop at this time, he forcibly stood up, and the bones that were returned grew again. When he came out, his forehead was covered in sweat. He gritted his teeth and said, "You damn bastard, how dare you do this..."

When Wuchen heard this, his body suddenly rushed out, kicked his chest directly with one leg, and then shouted: "Konoha Bad Yansheng!"

As the words were said, the body suddenly exerted force again, and one kick suddenly kicked his body into the sky.

After Wuchen rushed to the sky with a sudden swoosh, flames appeared in his hands!

His fists are astonishingly fast, as fast as fire.

In other words, it turned into a flame, and in an instant, the sound of the fist rumbled like a rocket launcher, and punch after punch hit A Fu's chest.

Ah Fu didn't have any strength to resist at all. He was hit in the chest by one punch after another, and a mouthful of blood spilled out. His eyes were full of horror, and then he was hit in the chest by the last punch. , the whole body fell to the ground with a snap, and can't get up again!

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