Wuchen was shocked when he saw the blue flame in his hand. When did this guy learn this kind of ghost trick?

Just thought so.

Ah Fu immediately jumped out and shouted loudly, "Antelope flies to the moon!"

As soon as the words fell, he jumped into the air and kicked down.

Wuchen saw that he kicked down, with a strange look on his face, did this guy just increase his physical strength?With this thought in my heart, I stepped back slightly, then stepped back, turned around and kicked back suddenly!

The mouth also shouted: "The big whirlwind of Konoha!"

This leg just kicked into Ah Fu's hand.

At this time, Ah Fu immediately blocked it with his hand, and even rushed forward suddenly.

Wuchen didn't expect that he could actually block his powerful kick, and he flew back with a slightly surprised look on his face.

This is what dodged his attack.

At this moment, Ah Fu showed a cold smile on his face, hooked his hand at him and said, "Come again!"

There was a bit of provocation and pride in the words.

Wuchen heard his provocative words, with a strange look on his face, this guy's strength has increased.

Just thought so.

At this time, Ah Fu threw his hands again, and then slammed a punch forward. The flame above his fist immediately melted into a huge beam of energy and rushed out!

The energy beam came like a laser gun, and it came quickly like a lightning blast!

Wuchen saw that the energy beam shot directly towards him, his face was slightly surprised, when did I learn such a weird trick?

I thought so in my heart.

At this time, he slapped his palms on the ground and shouted, "Mu Dun: Wood Ingot Wall!"

As soon as the voice fell, the azure blue light was immediately blocked.

Wuchen jumped straight up.

Ah Fu saw his body jumping out, but he was not slow at this time.

He jumped up again and jumped up, kicking Wuchen with one kick.

Wuchen saw that his attack was fast, accurate, ruthless and fierce. At this time, he was also surprised, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. At this moment, he couldn't help but think about what happened to this guy and not all the power. Are they all recycled?How come he hasn't.

Just thinking about it, he was kicked, and his body fell directly next to the wall, hitting the wall, knocking the wall into a big hole, and the body was full of dust.

Wuchen coughed softly and quickly stood up.

With a cold smile on his face, Ah Fu said, "You lost!"

Wuchen did not intend to lose.

He wiped the dust from the corners of his mouth and said, "Really? It's not certain who wins or loses!"

As soon as the voice fell, the hands were immediately sealed!

The amazingly fast speed did not intend to make him react at all.

in an instant.

His seal has been completed.

The moment he opened his eyes wide, his palms clapped suddenly.

A loud roar: "Fire escape: the art of fireball!"

As soon as the words fell, flames spewed out of his mouth, and the violent flames formed a fireball and hit Ah Fu directly!

At this moment, Ah Fu was completely afraid that a knife appeared on his hands, or the blade that appeared was the flame in his hand. The flame formed a blade, and when he crossed his hands, he immediately cut the huge fireball into 4 pieces and 4 pieces of fireball. It flew down to 4 without hurting him at all.

There was a surprised look on Wuchen's face, and he said in surprise: "You guy has such great strength!"

A Fu had a cold smile on his face and said, "You are sure to lose!"

Wuchen smiled, shook his head and said, "He doesn't know if you can stop this move!"

The words said that the palms were sealed.

Then his right hand slowly stretched out.

There was the sound of thunder and lightning.

Crackling, the sound of thunder and lightning came along with the sound of birds chirping.

He said coldly: "How about eating my trick!"

That is the Chidori in his hand.

When the thousand birds chirped, they jumped out and immediately slashed directly at Ah Fu!

When Ah Fu saw that Chidori directly cut towards him, with surprise on his face, he flew back and quickly retreated.

Wuchen's blow directly hit the wall behind him, poking out a deep hole in the wall, but the wall was not harmed, because the point of this move is that the concentrated thrusts can knock him out in an instant. The objects that were stabbed were all destroyed, but the damage was only concentrated in one point.

So as long as you hit this move, you are almost certain to die, because after this move hits, the hit point will be destroyed in an instant.

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