At this moment, a figure slightly shorter than them suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Then, like swinging a sword, the afterimages of Bai Lian were kicked out in the air.

"[Magic Whip Leg Lion Roar]!"

Immediately, from his toes, sharp rays of light and shadows shot out.

Like a ferocious beast that escaped from trouble, it slammed violently on the mud bomb spit out by the earth dragon.

The latter's attack was instantly dissipated, and the mud bombs were completely turned into powder, floating in the air.

"No, no, no... Small tricks are small tricks, and they will never be on the table."

The second tallest monster saw that his side had the upper hand, looked at Wuchen, and sneered.


Wuchen replied noncommittally, but quickly formed a few more spells on his hand.

"[Fire Escape Fire Dragon Bomb]!"




In an instant, the huge mud dragon protruding out of the ground was covered with a fiery red color.

Following that, the mud pellets spewed from its big mouth were also covered with a layer of powerful flames.

The entire coverage of the mud pill is wider than before.

Moreover, the towering tree that could not be smashed with a single blow can now be completely shattered with just one blow.

Faced with this situation, the mocking monster no longer dared to stand by.

From the loose robe, two sturdy arms stick out.

After that, it was covered with a layer of surging demonic energy, and with a single grab, it could shatter a lot of mud balls wrapped in fireballs.


Immediately afterwards, he took a step and flashed forward.

Fight alongside the shortest monster.

One by one, the two of them used their whip legs to draw a line of white practice, and kicked out a large piece of fire mud balls that were blowing in the face.

One can catch a lot like an octopus, and it can block a lot.


A swirling vortex rushed out to defeat the fire mud pill.

The red-headed monster behind the two would also shoot out from time to time, leaking firebombs from the hands of their companions.

After a while, the three of them worked together to break up the attack of the [Earth Shield Earth Dragon Bomb].

The tall figure, who was slightly tired, looked a little embarrassed.

But the second tallest monster still looked at it stubbornly, and the dust-free faucet around him gradually dissipated, and sneered:

"Jie Jie Jie... I told you frankly, don't waste your time."

"Just relying on you, a human boy, can't beat our monsters!"


"Forget it, let's use this trick to accompany you to have a good time..."

"It's a little bit of exercise."

As soon as the words were finished, Wuchen, who was standing in front of the three, suddenly turned into a puff of blue smoke for no reason.




The three monsters froze for a moment at the same time.




The three of them turned their heads slightly and found that at some point behind them, three identical dust-free standing were holding a huge sharp dagger against their backs.


Then, Wuchen in the middle suddenly threw a talisman-like thing towards a collapsed tree stump next to him.

Immediately, a violent explosion sounded.

The group of short tree stumps was immediately razed to the ground.

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