
Wuchen flickered and disappeared directly in place.

The crowd onlookers were stunned and completely confused.


As soon as Wuchen left, the guard who was guarding the emperor's list exploded inexplicably.

turned into a pool of blood.

Not long after flying in the sky, Wuchen saw a beautiful woman with horns in the middle of the mountain below, and three monsters shuttled through it.

"Hey... Did you find it so soon?" ..

010, War Demon [Second]


Seeing the dust-free beauty of the beautiful witch below, she suddenly fell from the sky.

On the opposite side stood a coquettish red-haired witch, it was Lena who Wuchen was looking for.

Beside her, there are three more strangely shaped devils.

"Jie Jie Jie... human?"

One of the big fat monsters touched his stomach with one hand and smiled and held a mace in the other.

Obviously, in his eyes, human beings are just food for him.

"Yes, it looks like a martial artist who knows martial arts among human beings. It should taste good..."

The shortest monster had a few white beards on his face, and also said in agreement:

"It's just that the meat is a little bit woody. According to my experience, it's best to cook it in a large iron pot!"

There was only the tallest red-faced monster, and Reina, who was standing on the side, said:

"Rena, get out of the way, we're going to eat!"

Reina, who had a displeased expression on her face, turned around and left, walking towards the back of the forest.

Wuchen stood about tens of meters away from the three monsters, looked at the three of them, and said leisurely:

"Beasts are beasts. It seems that I have to teach you a good lesson today..."



woohoo hoo...

Before the dust-free words were finished, the air suddenly burst into a frenzy.

It turned out that the second tallest monster on the opposite side was holding his black iron mace. Hearing Wuchen's words, he suddenly squeezed hard and drew afterimages in the air.

Then, with a bang, he threw it away.

The iron rod flew towards Wuchen quickly.

As a result, it was gently dodged by Wuchen.

The mace was inserted directly into the hard soil behind Wuchen.

"Hey, human boy, your reaction is really fast..."

"I want to see what tricks you can play!"

"Forget it, facing you beasts, I'm too lazy to do anything..."

"Let me teach you what is called ninjutsu now."

Wuchen said slowly in his mouth, but dazzling glare quickly appeared in his hands.

Just after half a second, the two palms stretched out two fingers respectively, and the crisscross stopped.

This is the ninjutsu he learned from Naruto World——【Dragon Formation of Earth Escape】!


In an instant, in the open mountain, next to Wuchen, a huge mud-grey dragon head suddenly appeared.



clap clap clap...

From the dragon's mouth, a cloud of gray mud balls the size of a small ball suddenly shot out.

It landed on the towering tree next to it, and directly smashed a pit mark the size of a washbasin.

Then, in a few clicks, the towering giant tree that was thick with several people collapsed.

"It's really unique... tricks."

As he said leisurely, the second tallest monster was the same as the monster with the red head in the middle, grinning and standing motionless.

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