"Really defeated my sister's defense?!"

Fubuki's heartbeat accelerated sharply, and her face turned slightly red. Her gaze upon Wuchen was full of blind worship and shock.

How many years have passed... It was the first time she saw the tornado being blown away, and the invincible protective cover on her body was also shattered.

"Damn it!"

The tornado on the other side got up very embarrassedly, her body was dirty, and even the slit gown had a few holes. Her pretty face was pale, and her small hands kept stroking her stomach. Got punched by something.

"Unexpectedly tenacious." The Samsara eye of Wuchen's left eye blinked again, and the pupil power exploded again, "Lun Tomb·Border Prison!!!"


Before realizing what happened, the tornado was blown away by the dustless shadow again, and the immature body crashed into several buildings one after another.

If this scene is discovered by the world, it is estimated that the world view will collapse.

If it can't be blasted, Tornado is the strongest person in the Hero Association, but such a powerful hero is being trampled by Wuchen at will, kicking around like a football.

At this time, even a layman can see that the two sides are not on the same level at all.

"Cough cough cough..."

The tornado buried under the ruins stood up again, and was blasted twice in succession, both of which were simple skin injuries. The tornado was also secretly surprised. When did he become so resistant to beatings?

"It seems that your tricks are weird, but their power seems to be very general." Tornado narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This kind of tricks that can attack without even a trajectory is too difficult to deal with, replace it with anyone. They have to be beaten passively, and they are simply not powerful.

"Did you get water in your head?"

Wuchen looked at the tornado like an idiot when he heard the words, is the tomb of the wheel and the border prison still weak?The chick doesn't seem to know why she's still alive.

At this moment, Wuchen's eyes blinked slightly again.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The large space behind the tornado burst open without warning, and a pothole with a diameter of tens of kilometers was blasted out of the ground, and the depth was also extremely frightening. Looking down, the black Blondon was almost invisible. , seems to be connected to hell.

"This is...?!"

Tornado was stunned, and he was beaten inexplicably just now with such a trick.

But the power... far from this horror.

"You're still alive, it's not because you resisted the beating yourself, or the power of [Tomb of Wheels, Border Prison] is weak. In the end, it's just my kindness."

"But ah...my kindness isn't priceless either."

Wuchen changed the conversation and tempted: "Are you interested in joining my command, I can raise your level to a higher level."


When Tornado heard the words, her heart throbbed, she was second only to Blasting, and if she could improve, wouldn't it be with Blasting... [-]?

Despite this, Tornado suppressed the agitation and guessed: "You used this to induce Fubuki to become your servant, right?"

Fubuki: "........"

"She has a strong heart. Even without my temptation, one day, through unremitting efforts, she will reach a height that you never expected." Wuchen has a positive evaluation of Fuxue. In this way, although talent is important, sweat can also make up for the lack of talent.

"Thank you for valuing my sister so much, but... I refuse!!!"

Tornado resolutely refused, "The second-ranked S-rank [Thirsty Tornado] actually took refuge in a strange person. When such a joke spreads, I can't raise my head in my life."

"Is face more important than your life?" Wuchen's eyes were full of anger.

"Of course!"

Tornado is very concerned about her dignity and wants her to surrender to the enemy, which is impossible unless she is killed.

"Even if you can defeat me, there are other powerful heroes in the Hero Association, such as Demolition!" The moment Tornado mentioned the name, a little admiration appeared on his cute little face.

The reason for being a hero is that he was actually influenced by the explosion.

& #160;

Chapter 10 I Can Kill You a Thousand Times [First Update]

How arrogant the tornado is, it can make her show an expression of admiration and fascination, you can imagine how different that person is.

In fact, the root cause is that the tornado was saved by blasting before.

For a long time, the S-rank ranked No. [-] Bomber, in the Hero Association, has always been a role of Shenlong, because the last time he appeared was more than ten years ago.

"Then go to hell!"

Wuchen's voice gradually became cold, his eyes were fixed on Tornado, and the latter suddenly felt his scalp numb and his whole body trembled.

"Damn, it's that weird trick again!"

Tornado clenched his fists, covered his body with a green protective cover again, and said to himself in a deep voice: "If I give up the attack and use the superpower defense of my whole body, this guy shouldn't be able to break through my defense circle."


Under the desperate output of the tornado, the emerald-colored defense circle expanded, and it was not a simple cover, but a two-layer defense circle appeared.

"In this case... I see how you can attack me!" Longjuan regained his confidence and said very proudly: "Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, don't even think about touching my hair!"

"How ignorant! I can not only touch you, but also hang you up and beat you!"

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