"Where did it come from, go back to where it came from!"

Tornado said sharply, and at the same time his eyes were frozen, and the emerald-colored light was constantly flying out of her body, spreading to the surroundings, as if it was about to occupy the entire sky.

And the flame meteorite also gradually flew into the sky. Before, it only floated up very slowly. Under the tornado, it flew into space at a speed no less than the speed of sound.

"Really good ability."

Seeing this scene, Wuchen did not stop it, and couldn't help but praise Tornado's ability, "Your ability is very comprehensive, you can attack and defend... but this weakness seems to be obvious, you who focus on superpowers, It should be very poor in melee combat, once you are approached by the enemy, you chick will become a fish on the board."


Tornado smiled contemptuously, "Did you hear that, Fubuki, this guy is still worried about me being approached by the enemy, he doesn't seem to know what this green protective cover on me means."

After speaking, the energy shield on the tornado radiated a bright light.


Chuixue's expression became rigid when she heard the words. She couldn't help staring at the protective cover that protected Tornado's body. Even though it was only a thin cover, it was enough to easily resist the attacks of dragon-level monsters.

"You dared to attack me with the thing I summoned. You have humiliated me for a while. Now go to hell to repent!" With a wave of Longjuan's little hand, the ground beneath Wuchen's feet suddenly began to vibrate violently.


A crack flashed out of thin air on the ground. Driven by the power of the tornado, the crack grew bigger and bigger and spread far away at an extremely fast speed.

And Wuchen is not stupid. Naturally, he knew that this was coming for him, and he immediately stepped aside.

"Do you still want to hide?"

Tornado's lovely nose snorted and said disdainfully, "The range is under my free control."


In the end, with a loud noise, the crack suddenly expanded dozens of times, and the ground within a few kilometers was torn apart, and Wuchen naturally fell into the abyss.

"very good!"

Seeing this, Tornado smiled with satisfaction, and the small hands that were spread out also clenched into fists, and suddenly there was a rumbling sound, and the torn apart earth healed again.

Only Wuchen was permanently buried deep underground, and all of this was done between electric, light and flint.

"No dust... my lord?!"

Fuxue stared blankly at the re-healed underground. She had high hopes for Wuchen, but was she simply buried alive?

"Flizzard, now your master has also been wiped out, go back with me immediately." Tornado returned to the arrogant posture before holding his arms.

"Sure enough... in this world, there is absolutely no power that can resist elder sister." Fubuki smiled bitterly, looked up at the tornado floating in the sky, and said desperately: "I know, right away... this? !"

The moment he looked up and saw the tornado, his decadent face regained its vitality in an instant, and he looked at the tornado in surprise, as if he had discovered a new continent, and Chuixue kept wiping his eyes.

"What, there's something on my face?"

Seeing Fubuki's exaggerated expression, Tornado subconsciously touched his face.

"No, there is a..."

After Fubuki confirmed that he was not mistaken, the whole person's mouth opened into a 0 shape.

"Don't get me wrong, she's looking at me, not you. She's probably curious about how I got in here."

Wuchen's faint voice resounded from behind, Chuixue froze when she heard the words, and turned her head hurriedly in shock. The expression on her pretty face was extremely flustered, because Wuchen's voice was very close, how close was it? Standing behind him, because when Wuchen spoke, there was a seemingly non-existent heat slamming on the tornado.

Chapter 9 It is my kindness that you are still alive [Second]

"You bastard!"

Tornado's beautiful eyes condensed into a ray of light, staring at Wuchen, she was also horrified, full of doubts and nowhere to ask, so she asked angrily: "What trick did you use to drill a hole, like a stinky mouse? Same!"

While speaking, Tornado activated his power again, and Wuchen immediately felt a tyrannical thrust hitting him, as if to blast him out of this green light defense circle.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

And Tornado's efforts also worked, Wuchen took two steps back, but there was still half of his body inside the defensive hood.


Seeing this, Tornado couldn't help but get furious. She gritted her teeth and activated her whole body, and even sweat stains appeared on her forehead. She mobilized her whole body to try to blast Wuchen out.


The bones of Wuchen's whole body are resounding, and the level of the tornado is really not bad. The invisible force that hits him is as powerful as a small planet.

It's just that Wuchen's body seems to be nailed, it doesn't move at all, and it has a seemingly non-existent arc on its face.

It's so calm, so calm makes people a little shattered!

"It's useless."

Staring at the gasping tornado, Wuchen said bluntly: "The level difference between you and me is too far, in my eyes, you are as fragile as a baby in a swaddle, you can take your life with a little effort. "


Tornado snorted angrily when he heard the words, "If you talk big, don't be afraid of flashing - bang!!!"

A powerful force suddenly exploded on the tornado. There was no sign, and it came and went without a trace. It was not clear how it was done. I saw that this little girl was directly blown away, and her body was like a broken kite. , hit the ground heavily, and fell hard enough.

And the protective cover on her body was also shattered at this moment.

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