"Sure enough, it's you, it looks like it's called Nabi?" Wuchen smiled and asked playfully, "Should you call me master?"

"You know me?" Nabi's crystal pupils blinked, and ripples appeared.

The scene in front of her was beyond her imagination, and she really couldn't guess why Wuchen knew her.

"You don't have to struggle, and you don't have to think about my origin, I just want to ask... Should you call me master?" Wuchen asked casually.

"That's right..." Nabi nodded and admitted, explaining: "I'm the clone of Parker in your body, but it's just like five years later. It's okay to call you master."

"It seems that I really stole the opportunity of Ash Blake, and I don't know what kind of experience that kid will have in the future." Wuchen tilted his head and muttered to himself.

That is, when Wuchen was thinking silently, a burst of wind and waves mixed with fragrance came over, subconsciously grabbed it, and one hand suddenly sank deep into the flesh, this touch made Wuchen's mind sway.

When he looked up at Nabi again, the guy had already slept beside him, and Wuchen's hand was holding the place where the girl shouldn't touch.

"You don't seem to have the concept of shyness in your eyes."

Wuchen said, calmly withdrew that hand, if he just slept next to him, it would be fine. The key problem is that this guy also took off his clothes and consciously went too far! ! !

A body that makes people's heart beat faster, has a fever in the head, and may even die suddenly at any time just floats in front of them.

"Didn't you say it? You are my master, can I still be shy in the face of my master? Hee hee hee..." Nabi smiled mischievously, her beautiful eyes kept blinking at Wuchen, A special force was released.

"That's how you treat your master?"

Wuchen suddenly felt that his body was a lot heavier, he moved his arm a little, it was dozens of times heavier, and it was difficult to move his whole body.

Needless to say, this is all Nabi's fault.

"There's no way, because I'm going to collect data on the master's body next, it's better for you not to move around, after all, it's very dangerous." Nabi bit Wuchen's ear, blew a breath of heat, and said softly: " But the process is very comfortable.”

After speaking, Nabi didn't wait for Wuchen to reply. She fell on Wuchen, rubbing her face on every part of his body, not even letting go of his feet.

"This kid has such a strong taste."

Wuchen slandered in his heart, looking around, this little girl is lying on her most important place, and she bites it and gently melts in her mouth.

The unprecedented comfort has never been enjoyed, so that Wuchen is also a little trance for a moment.

"This is also called heavy taste? What's next?"

Nabi slowly spit out what was in her mouth and retreated to Wuchen's feet, first rubbing it with her fair hands, and then under Wuchen's gaze, she bit her big toe in one bite.

"I rely on!"

Wuchen suddenly stood up with a nervous reflex, looking at Nabi who was drooling, is this going too far?And to put it nicely, what is collecting data on your own body is completely nonsense, how can you collect it like this?

Chapter 14 (Part [-]) Freak Ash Blake [First Update]


Wuchen did not stop him. At this moment, he had a look of enjoyment on his face. This floating feeling actually made him a little addicted to it, and it was difficult to extricate himself.

I have to say, this chick's skills are really good!It seems that certain things are innately understood.

"How is it, doesn't it feel good?" Seeing the comfortable appearance of Wuchen flying to the clouds, Nabi replied very proudly: "The dragons all have special inheritance memories, so don't underestimate my ability in this regard, There are others too, I know far more than you humans know, but don’t underestimate me.”

"Cough cough...I see, please continue!"

Wuchen closed his eyes lazily, not taking advantage of the bastard, not to mention that this is what Nabi has to do, why not do it, Wuchen said that he has no requirements.


The next day, when I was waiting for Wuchen to wake up, it was probably the time when the sun was rising.

As for the maid Veronica, she has been waiting for her long ago. She is still wearing a maid's uniform, and she also took the tools responsible for cleaning the dust-free. This is what a maid should do.

"So diligent?"

Wuchen looked at Veronica in surprise, looked at the toiletry tool the girl was holding, and asked jokingly, "It won't be poisonous... You shouldn't want to poison me, right?"


Hearing this, Veronica glanced at Wuchen coldly and said viciously: "If I get the chance, I really don't mind doing it, so you'd better be careful with me, otherwise... ... hum!"

"You wouldn't do such a stupid thing." Who knew Wuchen smiled lightly and said disapprovingly: "A person with a strong self-esteem like you has reached the point of conceit, how could it be possible to poison people to death? "You don't even look down on that extreme approach, do you?"

For someone like Veronica who believes in the spirit of chivalry, it is impossible for her to drug others, and her dignity is more than life.


Veronica glanced at Wuchen strangely, not knowing what the reason was, even though he had not met this guy a few times, but he always knew what he looked like.

"Speaking of which...what about your sister?" Wuchen asked casually while brushing his teeth: "That little girl..."

"Don't you want to shoot at her?" Before Wuchen finished speaking, Veronica said with great vigilance: "If you have those dirty thoughts, I advise you to give up, because whether it is me, Still a father, treat Sylvia as a treasure, if you attack her, the kingdom of Loreamon will be with you forever!"

It's not that Veronica is alarmist, it's the fact that that little girl has a very high status in the eyes of her parents.

"I haven't got the bottom of the pervert to do something to a little kid." Wuchen stared at Veronica speechlessly. Could it be that he is so wretched.

"She just got Pal, so it's best to hurry up and train, otherwise there will be a big mess." Wuchen said seriously: "That dragon originally belonged to someone else, but that kid gave it to your sister... It's self-indulgent."

The person Wuchen said was Ash Blake.

"How could my sister not have the qualifications to become a dragon breeder, nonsense!"

Veronica stood up like a wild cat who stepped on its tail, looking at Wuchen extremely angrily and angrily said: "You look down on my sister?!"

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