"That's such a pity." Wuchen spread his hands, and there was no drastic emotional change.

However, it is said that women are the strangest creatures. It doesn’t matter what they get, but they will cherish what they don’t get. Even a noble princess will not be spared. Seeing Wuchen’s calm appearance, Veronica asked angrily. : "Why... do you think I'm not good enough for you?"

"I'm relying... You've got water in your head, right!?"

Hearing this, she stared at Veronica with an idiot-like look. Could this little girl have amnesia? She said just now that all the men in the world would not marry her if they died, but now she asks if she deserves it?

"Hmph, wait for me, it will fall into my hands later... hum!" Veronica suppressed her anger, picked up the towel and ripped it, as if it was dust-free...

"It's been more than a thousand years, and the woman's mind still doesn't understand!" Wuchen sighed, I really don't know if the woman is too fickle, or she is too stupid!

"I'll deal with it myself." After washing the dust-free upper body, Veronica was about to run away.

"Wait, I didn't let you go."

Wuchen stopped Veronica and said, "Don't tell me that when you take a bath, you only need to wash your upper body, but you don't need to wash your legs and feet?"

"Did you make a mistake!" Veronica felt that she was about to be driven mad by Wuchen, "There are differences between men and women, help you wash there, how will I meet people in the future."

This guy is so unreasonable.

"I've said it all, I'm tempering you. Only by abandoning the so-called shame can a person go farther and walk longer!" Wuchen justice said solemnly, Veronica cursed in her heart. Shameless.

Unwillingness is ultimately unwilling, no matter how hard the arm is, in the end, it will not be able to bend the thigh.

Wuchen, who closed his eyes, glared at her suddenly, because Veronica touched his most important place, and immediately scolded angrily: "This is something next to my life, in case it breaks for me You can't afford it!"

It's not that Wuchen is looking for trouble, but Veronica, this little girl, seems to be doing it on purpose, and her strength is extraordinarily strong.

"This princess has such strength!"

Seeing Wuchen's annoyed look, Veronica had a beautiful smile on her pretty face. After fighting for so long, she finally raised her eyebrows once.


Wuchen was not angry, and said with a smile: "In that case, I'd better ask your sister to help me wash it. It doesn't matter if your sister is clumsy, I guess Sylvia's methods are more gentle."

"You bastard!"

Hearing Wuchen's words, Veronica was about to jump up, and she was so angry that she pointed at Wuchen and scolded: "You actually attack a child, do you want to be shameless? Perverted scum!"

"I think you have misunderstood something. I just think she is younger and weaker. Since you can't, what's the problem with finding someone younger?" Wuchen explained eloquently.

After speaking, regardless of Veronica's reaction, she stood up and walked towards the exit.

"Sit me down!"

Thinking that Wuchen was playing for real, Veronica yelled: "I just need to be gentle! I'm very good at this kind of thing!"

When she said these words, Veronica's heart was bleeding, this shameless guy was too difficult to deal with, and she was completely playing with her.

Chapter 13 The Girl Named Nabi [First Update]

In the face of Wuchen, Veronica was completely tossed. This guy has no scruples at all. He can do whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants. He is extremely self-willed, and blindly fighting against him will only have one end - take his own life. disgrace.

"Obey me well, it will benefit you in the future." Wuchen said meaningfully.

As for Veronica, she just forced a smile, is it still good?Being able to get out of the dust early is the greatest gift to her.

This unlucky broom star, she looks sick to her stomach now.

After this series of lessons, Veronica, the grumpy princess, is much more obedient. She carefully washed the dust-free. Just right.

After only ten minutes, Wuchen fell asleep, and waved Veronica to leave.

"It's that simple....?"

On the way back, Veronica felt like a dream, she thought Wuchen would make things difficult for her, but at this moment, she was unexpectedly easy to talk, which is simply incredible.

"It seems that as long as he is a little obedient to this guy, he won't do anything too outrageous." Veronica, who analyzed the dust-free personality, couldn't help but sighed in relief.


After returning to the room, Wuchen just lay down and was about to close his eyes to sleep when his body suddenly released a bright light.


Seeing this, Wuchen's eyes widened, and his fatigue disappeared instantly. He carefully looked at this light, which looked like a cocoon, and was inextricably linked with the energy injected into Wuchen's body by the Dragon Mother.


The girl's low voice came from the light, only to hear her whisper: "I have already performed a hypnosis ritual on you, why haven't you fallen asleep yet?"

Looking closely, Wuchen's two round eyes stared at her motionless.

"Not so much, why don't you take the initiative to introduce it first?"

Wuchen changed into a comfortable position, opened his mouth and looked at the light cocoon and said, "You sucked a lot of energy from me, if you don't even let me see your face, is it too much? My body can't be in vain. Raise you, or be careful I will ask you to collect rent in the future."

"It's also..."

The girl's beautiful voice came from the light, and there was a click, and a lot of cracks appeared in the light cocoon out of thin air, like a messy spider web, and a beautiful shadow swept out from it.


The light exploded completely, and the mysterious girl was also standing in mid-air, looking down at Wuchen condescendingly.

The girl wore very simple clothes, her skin was exposed in many places, she had a lovely and delicate cheek, her ruby-like pupils shone with a bewitching light, and there was a pair of pointed dragon horns on her forehead.

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