"Death to me!"

The rampant green dragon didn't talk nonsense, he started directly, and all the green leaves hanging on the body of his hundreds of meters tall tree withered.

When these leaves fall to the ground, they will automatically wither, and it is only a snap of your fingers...

"what is this?"

Wuchen frowned, and the world in front of him blew a green mist, and he subconsciously covered his nose, because these green mists were all infiltrated by those leaves.

Needless to say, it's definitely not a good thing.

"Hmph, it's useless."

Green Dragon stared at Wuchen coldly, perhaps because he felt that he was going to die, and there was no need to have the same knowledge as a dead person, and said solemnly: "Let me tell you directly, I can control all the plants on this planet, the mystery of nature is not something you can do. Understood, it’s just human beings. How many years have you dominated this planet? Hmph, there are too many plants that are not known to human beings... There are so many highly poisonous plants on this planet! Tell me, what do you do? Against me?!"

The implication is very simple, these green mists must be highly poisonous.

Sure enough, as the green dragon said, Wuchen's face quickly turned green, first on the cheeks and head, and then spread to other parts of the body...

"Human, you are finished!"

The green dragon is condescending, looking down at Wuchen with an arrogant face, he can't help sneering in his heart, he deserves it, he doesn't want to trouble him, and he dares to call on the door, is this the end of the game? !

Chapter 61 Do You Think I'm an Idiot? 【First Update】

For a long time, Green Dragon felt that Wuchen was too deceiving. When he hid in Yobuyo's body before, he deliberately resolved this grievance. Green Dragon still understands the reason why enemies should be resolved and not knotted.

But this guy Wuchen is like a stone in a ditch, smelly and hard, and he doesn't eat either soft or hard, and was finally rejected.

I thought I was killed once, the grudge is over, but this guy still hasn't let him go!

"Tsk tsk..." Green Dragon smiled strangely, and said sullenly, "I'll let you live a little longer."

Dust-free: "............"

You don't have to think about it to know that this guy hates himself so much that keeping him alive is probably a perverted torture.

"So vengeful? It's too stingy, no wonder the body is so big, but the strength is so weak." Wuchen murmured, full of disdain.

He scratched his head indifferently, and stared at the green dragon with deep eyes. Even though the skin of his whole body turned green in a large area, his face was always the same.

"You still humiliate Lao Tzu when you are about to die?!"

The green dragon roared, doesn't this guy know what it means to beg for mercy?

Looking up, the dust-free standing in the void at this moment is extraordinarily infiltrating, and the skin is dark green, as if it has been painted with a layer of paint, and even his clothes are stained.

Before long, the stained clothes were full of holes.

"Is it corrosive?" Wuchen frowned.

"Hahaha... Do you know what you're afraid of?" After capturing Wuchen's expression finally changed, Lu Longtian really thought he was afraid, grinned and said loudly: "Yes, soon, your body will also... .how is this possible!!!"

It seems that he saw the most bizarre scene in his life, and the green dragon's mouth opened wide.

"Nothing is impossible, no matter how strong you are and how powerful you are, it will never work with me." Wuchen said, his voice so calm and loud.

Looking closely, the pores of Wuchen's body were opened, as if hundreds of millions of them were opened, and the venom soaked into the skin was exhausted as much as possible.

"Someone used this method on me more than a thousand years ago. It's more vicious than this. What are you?" Wuchen said indifferently.

"Then try this!"

Green Dragon said nothing, shouted loudly, and then the whole world seemed to explode, and the rumbling sound continued to spread from afar.

Wuchen looked down and saw that all the plants on the ground below had mutated. Every plant, whether it was a towering ancient tree or a tender grass, condensed the same cheeks as the green dragon.

This guy is like the creator who gave these plants a soul.

"Dare to invade my domain, you are courting death!"

Under the control of the green dragon, those trees continue to grow taller, bigger and thicker, and the growth rate is astonishing, and the natural growth for decades may not be as fast as the current few seconds.

The giant trees that have grown larger spread to the void, and the driving stem that moves like a python also swept to the dust-free.

Seeing this, Wuchen didn't say much, and flew to a higher space.

"Don't dare to fight?!"

The green dragon pouted in disdain, the more Wuchen avoided the battle, the happier he was.

"Continue to grow bigger for me!!!"

The body of the green dragon, the World Tree, has roots that penetrate deep into the surface and connect with all the plants within a few dozen kilometers nearby, and a massive amount of energy fluid is also transported to the past.

All plants within a radius of dozens of kilometers are growing in shocking and terrifying ways.

The tall tree that was more than ten meters high before has become hundreds of meters high in just a few seconds. If there are a few or dozens of them, it is fine, but the range is within a radius of dozens of kilometers!

In a nearby location, Green Dragon completely arranged a net of heaven and earth, and wanted to kill Wuchen completely.

Wuchen silently looked at everything below, seeing all kinds of big trees approaching again, and then flying for a distance like a high altitude.

They pulled another fifty or sixty meters away from each other.

At this moment, Wuchen is about [-] meters away from the ground, and the trees that are more than ten meters high are also [-] meters long in less than a minute due to the catalysis of the green dragon!

As you can imagine, how exaggerated this is!

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