"That is to say, from the beginning to the end, you have been putting a trap on me?!" Black Furi's face turned green, and his voice was hoarse and sluggish, probably because his heart was punctured and he had no strength to be angry.

"It's all your own cleverness." Wuchen sneered, and immediately approached the Black Furido step by step.

The heart has been destroyed, and this female dragon has also reached the end.

"It's the last use of waste."

Wuchen grabbed the head of the black Friedo with one hand, and at the same time, his dark left eye also turned into a reincarnation eye.

"Master Wuchen, what is this doing?"

The rest of the people are all puzzled, and they don't know what Wuchen means.

In fact, this is just extracting the memory of the black dragon, searching for the whereabouts of the green dragon itself.

"found it!"

I don't know how long it took, Wuchen suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a deadly murderous intent floating in the flashing eyes.

He has found the whereabouts of the green dragon itself.

"You all go back first, and I'll deal with some of that green dragon." Wuchen stared at everyone and said.


The headmaster, Elise, Mobu Shenyue, Elera, Qi Li, Tia and others nodded.

What Wuchen said, there is no need to ask, because they can't help, and rushing in may become a burden.

Chapter 60 Mere Humans! 【First Update】

In far-flung Europe, at the border of the country and Denmark, as far as the eye can see, there are endless mountain peaks.


In the blue void, there were slight ripples, and a golden light flashed in the void, quietly opening a door, and a handsome young man stepped out from it.

"There are beautiful mountains and clear waters here, but the green dragon can pick a place." The young man who stood on the sky looked away, looked at the surrounding environment, and said to himself.

There is no doubt that this person is dust-free from afar.

According to the news that Wuchen scavenged from Furido the Black, the body of the green dragon is hidden here, and it is a world tree with a body size of 500 meters!

It is conceivable that a monster with a height of only [-] meters is definitely not comparable to a dragon like the Black Furido and the White Leviathan, and its size is dozens of times worse!

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

Wuchen looked down at the vast mountains below, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The green dragon is the most special existence among all dragons. He can control all plants and even use these plants as his own eyes.

Therefore, when Wuchen first appeared, Green Dragon probably discovered his existence, but he couldn't hide it all the time.

"Since you don't come out... then I'll force you out."

With a bad laugh, Wuchen exuded huge fluctuations of power.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

In his hand, a high-speed rotating sphere instantly solidified, aiming at the endless mountains below.

Although I don't know where the green dragon is hiding, one thing is certain, if this one phantom flashes, the green dragon will definitely be hit, and the nearby mountains will be blown to pieces.


Just as Wuchen was about to throw it down, an angry roar spread, and then the earth seemed to be suddenly shaken, and all the surrounding mountains shook.

"Is it there?"

Wuchen's eyes swept to the north, the surface collapsed not far away, and an unprecedented giant creature slowly came out of the ground.

"Bang bang bang..."

Every time this monster took a step, the ground in a radius of several kilometers would tremble slightly, which was extremely terrifying.

When the monster came out of the ground completely, the blue sky had dimmed. It wasn't that it was dark, but the monster's body was too big to block the warm sunlight.

"Don't say it, your body is so majestic."

Wuchen looked at the huge body of the green dragon in amazement, and said: "The majesty is majestic enough, but you don't look like a dragon here."

The body of the green dragon is very simple. It is a super tree with a height of [-] meters. It has luxuriant branches and leaves and drives the trunk straight into the depths of the clouds... Is this also like a dragon?

"It's like a tree demon." Wuchen sneered.

"Hmph, don't be rude. Which of those so-called dragons is a real dragon? Except for the black dragon, the other dragons are turtles in my opinion!" The green dragon said disdainfully. On the drive, a wrinkled face was condensed, and a pair of hateful eyes stared at Wuchen, as if a ghost would not let him go, "It's no good for you to go against me like this! Don't say you can't kill me, even if you do kill me, what can you get?"

This is also the most unclear thing about Green Dragon. He has no threat to Wuchen. He was killed by this guy once before, and he still wants to hold him?unacceptable!

Even if Wuchen wants to rule the world, the green dragon will not intervene, so I really don't know why Wuchen is targeting him.

"You don't need to worry about this, the uncle can do whatever he wants." Wuchen said casually, a sentence that made the green dragon tremble, "Also, whoever said that killing you is useless, you are not the World Tree Is it? I really need something for you..."

Wuchen rationalized his thoughts, ignoring the furious green dragon, and said lazily: "If you chop you up for firewood and use it for barbecue, that smell...hehe, just thinking about it makes people drool! After all, it is a world tree, so it must be a little different from ordinary firewood."

After speaking, Wuchen looked at the green dragon with shining eyes, as if he was really tempted.

The green dragon almost fainted when he heard the words, does this guy want to use himself as firewood? !

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