"Master Wuchen, Lisa is a little strange today!" After waiting for Lisa to leave, Elise began to complain, "It has never been like this before, there is a problem!"

"Maybe think of me as a friend." Wuchen turned on the TV and replied casually, holding a bag of potato chips in his hand, eating with relish.

"It's not that simple. That guy must have had other thoughts. I know this kind of thing best." Elise showed an inscrutable expression, but Wuchen didn't even look at her because there was a report on TV at the moment. Big news that shook the world.

Wuchen defeated another dragon, and this time Heka and Kreis, as well as the previous White Leviathan, are already two dragons. The numbers fell on his head.

"Didn't you tell that guy before, don't spread it out." There was a hint of displeasure on Wuchen's face. He especially hated this kind of news, being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, as much as he was upset.

And he had reminded the dean of the academy not to make it known to everyone, and that guy readily agreed. As a condition, Wuchen would help her catch Qi Li, and this was the previous deal.

But the news of Wuchen's defeat of Heka and Kreis is still exposed. Although there is no impermeable wall in the world, some things can never be hidden, but the speed of this spread is too fast, and there must be people with ulterior motives.


Chapter 31 Ten Minutes Only [First Update]

Inside the Dean's Office.

"Sorry, it was my negligence this time, I didn't expect things to spread so quickly!" The dean apologized with an embarrassed look. She had ordered it before, and the news about Wuchen killing another dragon must not be exposed. Know the result...

"Could it be that kid Yu Mobu?" The headmaster guessed gloomily, the relationship between Wuchen and Yu Mobu was not well known.

Moreover, he recently left Midgar College, and I heard that he returned to Nifal. Could it be that he tipped off the news?

Thinking of this... The dean's eyes darkened, glowing with a dark light, everyone has their own inverse scales, even the mild-tempered she is no exception, this kid Yu Mobu ignores his own bottom line, will no Chen said everything about it, completely dismissing her reminder as a deaf ear.

"Forget it... No matter who it is, I'm too lazy to bother with such trivial matters. I just want to say that it's not an example." Wuchen waved his hand impatiently, and some trivial things should be relieved. It is tiring to live if you are tangled.

"What are you going to do with that Qi Li?" The dean changed the topic decisively, and she didn't want to go into detail about this topic. If it was Yuu Mobu who did it, she would trouble him in the future.

"How do I deal with it?" Hearing this, Wuchen rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Didn't you ask me to catch people? Now ask me how to deal with them. Did you get the wrong object?"


The headmaster was speechless, and then smiled bitterly: "This Qi Li's origin is very mysterious. I want to know all her secrets, but that guy is too hard to open his mouth, so..."

The dean paused when he said that, and blinked at Wuchen, the meaning is self-evident.

This matter is clearly to be resolved by him, Wuchen is Qi Li's natural enemy.

"Sorry, I don't have extra time." Wuchen decisively refused, joking, he didn't want to cause trouble for this kind of trouble.

"I'm going to revive that Mobu Shenyue, so I'm leaving."

Without saying a word, and ignoring the pleading eyes of the dean, Wuchen turned around and left, very unrestrained, without any nostalgia.

"This guy……"

Staring at Wuchen's disappearing back, the headmaster couldn't help but have a headache. Their methods were useless to Qi Li.

Only someone like Wuchen who doesn't play cards according to the routine can force Qi Li to speak.


The hospital near Midgar College was already full of students. In the last attack on Hekaton Kris, so many people were injured that it almost filled the entire hospital.

In a critically ill room in this hospital, Mobu Shenyue was lying deadly, her pretty face was still snow-white, and her body seemed to have been drained of blood and was bloodless.

There are many students around the hospital bed, Mobu Shenyue is a good person, has a gentle personality, and is popular. He was also the president of the student council before, which is quite popular. Many students came to send flowers and various health care products.

"Master Wuchen!"

Lisa, who has always been worried, looked up just to see Wuchen, and an excited smile appeared on her face.

At this moment, more than a dozen pairs of eyes were cast over, and everyone's eyes were focused on Wuchen. Everyone had doubts, expectations, hesitations... Many emotional changes were all staged in the eyes.

In fact, this is normal. After all, Shenyue of the Ministry of Things suffered such a serious injury, and doctors with many years of experience in hospital beds said that there was no way to save it, so who knows whether Wuchen can be saved?

"Everyone, let's go out, just leave it to Lord Wuchen to solve it!" Lisa said seriously to the eyes of everyone, and even added the word "adult", which is enough to show her trust in Wuchen, others No matter how you think about it, at least Lisa has absolute trust in Wuchen.

After about a few minutes, the people who visited Mobu Fukasuki left one after another, leaving only Wuchen and Lisa and Mobu Fukasuki lying on the bed in the quiet room.

"I'll leave it to you, Mr. Wuchen." Lisa bowed deeply to Wuchen, and then blurted out, "Don't you need to be transferred to the operating room?"

"Don't compare me to those quack doctors, there's no such trouble, it's just a trivial matter of sesame and mung beans." Wuchen smiled casually and raised a finger, "It won't take long, ten minutes later, you can come in already."

"Just ten minutes?! Are you serious?!"

Lisa's eyes widened when she heard the words, and her towering chest rose and fell in surprise. Although she knew that Wuchen had great powers, and all kinds of unthinkable things were a piece of cake, it only took ten minutes to be unreliable, right?

"Ten minutes is enough." Wuchen was unusually calm. In fact, this kind of thing can be done in two or three minutes. I deliberately said ten minutes to avoid scaring these people.

"Then I'll leave first, I hope your surgery goes well."

After staring deeply at Wuchen, the girl left on her own. Even if she didn't believe it, there was nothing she could do. At present, she could only hope for Wuchen.

What's more, in Lisa's impression, Wuchen is not the kind of person who is aimless. Since he dares to say so, he has enough confidence.

"It seems that you haven't died yet. What is it that supports you to live until now?" Wuchen lowered his head and stared at the deep moon of the object department, and with this weak breath, this little girl's vitality is also strong, the miracle of life and its power are in her. It's playing out, and anyone could be dead.

At the same time, Wuchen's right hand was close to Tobu Shenyue's chest, and then a warm golden light suddenly shone, as if holding a small sun in his hand, and the whole room was radiant.

Motobu Shenyue didn't really die, at least he was out of breath, so he just needed to use yin and yang to help create new body organs and skeletons.

After a while, all the rays of light disappeared, and under the control of the dust-free mind, they all poured into the body of the thing department Shenyue, and the broken bones and damaged organs recovered at an alarming speed.

If it is the first time, it may be a little difficult, but for thousands of years, Wuchen has saved many people using similar methods, so the process is very simple and fast.

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