The dust-free surroundings immediately ignited a flame, the temperature was extremely high, the beach was scorched at once, and it was pitch black, and this flame was different from ordinary flames, it turned out to be golden, obviously the temperature was higher and stronger. Everything was in ashes.


At the moment when Wuchen was trapped, Qi Li turned around and ran away without hesitation. It is a miracle that this kind of thing can entangle Wuchen, and if you want to defeat him, you will have to be a god.

"You still want to run in front of me?"

Wuchen sneered again and again, stepped out, didn't seem to see the flame in front, and stepped directly over.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The flames were burning wildly on Wuchen's feet, and other people had already started screaming, but he still moved forward lightly.

His pace was unstoppable, leaving a footprint on the sand.

"An ignorant woman."

The corners of Wuchen's eyes were full of bad taste, and he said to himself: "Don't you like to run, I see how you run like this!"

Looking at Qi Li's back, the mischievous expression on his face became more and more obvious.

Without further ado, Wuchen gave a wave of energy, which disappeared with just a "whoosh" sound, and only those with sharp eyes could see that it turned into a streamer and rushed towards Qi Li.


That power instantly smashed Qi Li's clothes. She was naked, and every part of her body was exposed to the sun. Fortunately, there were only Wuchen and Tia here. Otherwise, Qi Li would never have one in her life. Face to face, right?

As Wuchen said, at this moment, Qi Li subconsciously squatted on the ground, covering the important place with both hands, she was embarrassed, how could she run?

"Hehe...why didn't you run?"

Wuchen walked over with a playful face, and Qi Li immediately cast a hateful look, "You better kill me, otherwise I will live in the future, and you will never have a better life."

"In this way, I'm looking forward to it. I like a girl with a fiery temperament like you. If you're as submissive as a sheep, you won't be interested."


Chapter 30 Human Savior? 【First Update】

Her arms have never been able to bend her thighs. Under Wuchen's tough measures, Qi Li was obediently grabbed back, and there was no resistance or complaint along the way. She dared not!The clothes were all torn up by the maddened Wuchen, do you have to flee back naked?It's a shame, she doesn't dare, what's important now is to get a set of clothes to wear...

After handing Qi Li to the dean, Wuchen went back to the house lazily, but after he returned home, an unexpected guest came to visit, and Elise was already in charge of helping Wuchen entertain.

"Just tell me if you have something to say." In the quiet living room, Wuchen looked at the girl across from him in surprise.

The girl wore the uniform of Midgar College, with long golden hair, exquisite facial features, lovely appearance, and excellent temperament.

But this is not what Wuchen cares about. He has seen too many beautiful women, and he has long been immune. This child has actually been here once before.

She is the Lisa Haywoka. The child wanted Wuchen to teach her before, but he did not agree to her for a series of reasons.

"I'm really sorry to bother you so rashly."

The child was well educated, and bowed gently to Wuchen to apologize, "This time there is a big problem, no one else can do it, and only you can solve the problem."

"Attitude is not bad." Wuchen smiled, which was an affirmation of Lisa, and asked patiently, "Let's talk about it."

"I hope you can save Shenyue from the Ministry of Rescue. The doctor has already identified her just now. Even if she can wake up, she will be in a vegetative state in the future." Lisa said in a pleading tone.


Hearing this, Wuchen was not in a hurry to speak, and the strange light in his eyes was fleeting. He knew that Lisa had always had some opinions on Mobu Shenyue for some reason, but this time he came to ask himself for help for the child, really. Somewhat strange.

"I know you're wondering why I would speak to the Ministry of Things..." Lisa took a deep breath and said slowly, "I didn't say it before, this time she is fighting for the Academy, for everyone And fighting, I naturally have to fight for some opportunities for her, it is too cruel to let her lie in bed for a lifetime."

"You're even more worried than her brother Yuu Mobu." Wuchen said, even Mobu Yu hadn't come to beg him.

"Yu Momo?"

Lisa smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "He has left Midgar, and it is said that he has returned to the place where he used to work to find a way."

Hearing this, the cold light in Wuchen's eyes flickered. Isn't the place where he used to work that nasty Nifel?

When I first arrived in this world, this nasty organization even made up its own mind, and then gave up for some unknown reason.

"I can promise you."

After a little silence, Wuchen readily agreed.


Lisa stood up in surprise, and looked at Wuchen in surprise. The smoothness of things went beyond her imagination.

Lisa has even made up the idea of ​​soft and hard bubbles.

"Of course, although I have some criticisms towards Mobu Yu, as for Mobu Shenyue, frankly speaking, I don't hate her much." Wuchen said truthfully, expressing the most direct and true thoughts in his heart.

"So much the better."

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, and then she thought of something and looked embarrassed, but it wasn't because she didn't believe in Wuchen, it was because Shenyue of the Ministry of Things was seriously injured this time.

The bones of the whole body have been hit to varying degrees, especially the spine. The doctor said that even if he survived, the best result would be a vegetative state. Seeking Wuchen for help would be a desperate need to go to the doctor.

"I can revive a dead person, let alone not dead." Wuchen waved his hand and said, "Go back, and I will solve this matter tomorrow."

Wuchen's words were sonorous and powerful, with a strong voice and strong confidence. Looking at the high-spirited cheeks, Lisa's heartstrings seemed to be stirred, and her eyes flashed with a strange light that she had never seen before.

After a few more nagging words, Lisa seemed to be more optimistic than before, and her innocent and pure smile became her regular expression.

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