At this moment, the other person is more concerned than Wuchen Shenya, Meimu has been locked on Wuchen, her eyelashes are not blinking, Yingman's real name is even more nervous than Wuchen, if Wuchen wants to agree, then there is no doubt , she's about to die!

To become the new master of the world, even if it is divided into two, the temptation is too great, and it is estimated that no one can resist.


"You're too vulgar, aren't you, you only have this vision?" Wuchen didn't appreciate it at all, and said with disdain: "I originally thought your kid's dream was a little bigger, but I didn't expect you to be so salty! Bullshit rhetoric."

"Salted fish?!"

Jigshenya was stunned when he heard the words, although he didn't know what it meant, but looking at Wuchen's contemptuous tone, it was probably not a good thing to say.

"Don't use your way of thinking on me, the difference is too big." Wuchen was also exhausted by Yang Shenya's patience, and urged: "The chat is over, I want to ask you one last thing... what are your last words? , it's better to be simple, I don't have time for too much trouble."

The meaning of these words is very simple, it's time to hit the road - hell!

"wishful thinking!"

The big sword held by Chi Shenya waved again, and the whole person glowed with a pressing aura, like a monster trapped and fighting, fierce, and the beast covered in blood was the most fierce!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A gust of wind spewed out, and it was impossible to see anything at all. It was like a flash of lightning that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

When he looked at Tsugami again, the kid had disappeared.

"Get some interest back first!"

Behind Wuchen, a ghostly black shadow flashed, and Zhishenya came from the wind, and the big sword in his hand was like a rotating chainsaw, and swept towards Wuchen with a grim look.

"The ignorant are not afraid." Wuchen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and smiled calmly, "The armed color is hardened."

"Bang, Kaka Kaka!!!"

The moment the edge hit Wuchen's body, Zagshenya's arms trembled fiercely, the huge rebound force almost made him miss the weapon, his arms were extremely burning, he was demented for a moment, his eyes were blank like never before, Nima, this Or human skin?Are you sure it's not a diamond?

The most terrifying thing is that the great sword held by Chi Shenya has been cracked. This sword did not kill Wuchen, but the weapon was scrapped ahead of time.

"Let's stop here." Wuchenke no matter what the daze of Zagshenya, the flash in his hand floated, and a photon sword condensed in an instant, sweeping towards Zagshenya's chest.


The cold light swept through, the skin was split open, and a scorched scar shaped like a crescent moon was imprinted on the body of Zagshenya. It was extremely scary. It was as long as an arm. .

"Ah woo woo woo..."

Chi Shen Ya spit out a few mouthfuls of blood in pain, his vitality rapidly drained, and he crashed to the ground in a very embarrassed manner, gasping for breath.

"Sure enough, is the gap too big?" Unwilling to look at the dust-free close at hand, Zangshenya laughed miserably. No matter how hard he tried, he seemed vulnerable in front of this guy, and the methods were too naive. I can't get on the stage.

"To be able to do this, you have worked very hard. The only regret is that the direction is wrong."

People who are about to die are also good at their words, and their dust-free attitude is also a little more gentle.

Chapter 40, the end of this volume [first update]

After all, the life and death of Jigshenya has disappeared, even if Wuchen hates this kid, he won't have the same knowledge as a dead person.

"So what are you going to do next?"

Wuchen's eyes turned to Yingman's real name, and he was definitely going to leave, then this child would become the new king of mankind, without him and the world of Sangshenya, no one would be able to stop Yingman's real name pace.


When Yingman's real name heard this, her throat choked up, and she was not as happy as she imagined, her eyes were very confused, Zangshenya was already dead, where should she go?

"The saddest reality is someone like you, right?"

There was a hint of pity in Wuchen's tone. Before, Yingman's real name was to live by hatred, but now the culprit, Yang Shenya, has died, and she seems to have lost the meaning of living.

"Farewell, you can play slowly." Wuchen was too lazy to talk nonsense, whistled and took small steps to leave leisurely, "With your current ability, it is not a problem to dominate the world, I'm tired of playing, this world I'll leave it to you to continue the scourge..."

Between words, Wuchen treats the future of the entire human race as a child's play. In fact, he is such a person, selfish, and only has himself in his eyes. If he wants to think of others, unless the sun comes out from the west!

"Please guide me!"

Yingman's real name was blocked in front of Wuchen for the first time, kneeling sincerely with both knees, "I have been offended before, I hope you can Haihan!"

"Guide you?"

Wuchen opened his mouth when he heard the words, staring at Yingman's real name with astonished eyes as if he had seen the New World. This woman has changed so fast, didn't she fight and kill when she met her before?Now I need my own guidance to turn my head...

"I am not interested."

Wuchen responded with an expressionless face, a sentence that made Yingman's real name's confused eyes even more desperate, he said calmly: "I am a very selfish person, in this world, I only help two kinds of people - my woman And little brother, you are neither of these two, what reason do I have to help you?"

God loves the world?Maybe God is really so great, but there is a condition first. You must believe in Him devoutly, or will God redeem you?Absolutely not!

Therefore, there is absolutely no lunch that falls in vain in this world.

"I would like to follow you!"

Yingman's real name looked up at Wuchen, her beautiful eyes glowing brightly, as bright and firm as diamonds.

"What a stupid woman."

Wuchen was too lazy to say more when he heard the words, his eyes blinked, starlight flashed, his lips twitched slightly, he hesitated, but he actually understood the idea of ​​Yingman's real name in his heart. How to revive Sakura Manji?

In fact, dust-free is like asking directly, is it really worth it?Just for a dead man.

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