"Bang bang bang!"

Several gunshots fell, and several bullets were shot at the dust-free head at the same time.

Although the series of actions from taking out the gun to firing the gun are all smooth, other people may be killed without even having a chance to react, but for Wuchen, who is a natural ability person, it is just too much. The small game of the family, the bullet pierced through his head, it was of no use at all, the wound was only repaired in an instant.

"It's still such a low-level trick..."

When Wuchen looked at Jigshenya again, this kid had already appeared beside True Name, his voice hoarse like a beast roaring: "True Name, now is the time for you to dedicate your strength to me!"

Jigshenya pointed at Yingman's real name with one finger. He has always paid silently for Yingman's real name, and now it's time to recover some interest.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A big sword that was beating with light was suddenly pulled out of Sakuraman's body by Chi Shenya. The shape was quite exaggerated, about two meters in length at a glance, and the sword body looked extremely rough, like a It is made of stone, and it seems that there is no so-called blade.

But there is no doubt that this is the void of Yingman's real name.

"It looks great."

Wuchen touched his chin, looked at the rough big sword, and said expectantly: "Don't stand stupidly, show me a little bit."

"Don't look down on people too much!!!" Zang Shenya's face suddenly turned black, and he slashed down with a big sword in his hand, "Arrogant guy, die for me!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In an instant, a storm visible to the naked eye spewed out from the great sword and rushed straight towards Wuchen standing on the other side.

Tsung Shen Ya was extremely annoyed. The tone of this guy's words was so irritating. His frivolous tone was like talking to a defeated person. After all, he is also a serious king now, at least give him some face!

"Just to this extent?"

Looking at the exaggerated slash, the light in Wuchen's eyes disappeared, and he was quite disappointed, "I'm sorry, it's my fault for expecting you."

The moment the voice fell, something incredible happened.


The earth suddenly tore apart, and a large amount of wood drilled out from the ground, like countless snakes entangled together, forming a huge spider web.

"Hmph, ridiculous, ignorant!" Seeing this, Zagshenya smiled contemptuously, and sarcastically said, "What use can a pile of broken wood be."

A fragile thing like wood, doesn't it collapse when you touch it?

"It is indeed a little ignorant." Wuchen also smiled slightly, and was too lazy to explain, even if it was said that this was Mudun, can Zangshenya understand it?

"Bang, bang bang bang!!!"

The large net made of wood was slashed and slammed, and a large amount of debris was splashed. Even the ground trembled, and the ground was blown by a burst of smoke and dust, blocking everyone's sight.

"It really is something that is vulnerable!"

Jigshenya laughed in high spirits, thinking that he was in a position to win, and fluttered the blond hair beside his ears quite dashingly, "From now on, this world is mine."

"It won't end like this, will it?"

Yingman's real name is also secretly anxious, the dust in the impression should be invincible in the world, is it a lie?

"You have to have a bottom line no matter how arrogant you are. You haven't even crossed the obstacles in front of you, and you just want to dominate the world. Are you dreaming?" Wuchen sneered strangely.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

At the same time, the strong wind suddenly blew, and the smoke and dust also disappeared, and the eyes of Zhi Shen Ya suddenly solidified.

The seemingly simple wooden net is actually an iron wall and a copper wall.

Chapter 39 You have worked hard [First]

"Don't be surprised like watching a movie, the facts are in front of you, don't be reluctant to admit it, even if you become a king, even if you get the void of Yingman's real name, I'm sorry, you are still a person who can't stand the wind and rain. Weak chicken." Wuchen yin and yang sarcastically said, his tone was extremely shabby, and he was extremely mean and ridiculed Zangshenya's self-awareness.

Sometimes defeating the enemy from the heart makes Wuchen feel more interesting and fulfilling, and to a certain extent, it is also more unpleasant.

"You bastard..." Jigshenya stared at Wuchen with awe, the bloodshot in his eyes became more and more bloodshot, he was not stupid, just by looking at that playful smile, he knew that Wuchen was teasing himself.

What makes Jigshenya feel powerless is that even if he knows that Wuchen is teasing himself, what can he change?

"Come on here." Wuchen grinned and showed his white teeth, and blinked at Jigshenya, looking extremely beating.


Hearing the words, the face of jigshenya was pitch black, darker than the black pot that hasn't been brushed for decades, the enemy is right in front of him, but he has no strength to smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces, and he will be humiliated by him, which is extremely sad.


He suddenly exhaled a few breaths, and the angry eyes of Zheng Shenya recovered a few traces of clarity, and the distortion on his previous face miraculously disappeared, he said solemnly: "Actually, we don't need to live and die, everyone has nothing to do with it. resentment."

"Don't forget, we have joined forces before." Zeng Shenya recalled the old story, and bewitched: "Why don't we continue to join forces in the future, after getting this world, how about dividing it into two?"

"Don't you want to be a god who is above all living beings?!" The voice of the tsunami is full of magic, like an irresistible poison. People with a slightly unstable will, I am afraid that there is no hesitation, they will instantly agree to this kid .

People live for what?To put it bluntly, there are two different things-power and wealth. If you can get these two things, you will die without regrets, and what Tsugami Ya said about becoming the master of this world is undoubtedly more tempting than these two.

"You won't refuse, will you?"

Sangshenya stared at Wuchen, there is no absolute enemy in this world, in the face of interests, no matter who will choose to bow their heads.

Because people live, isn't it just for the sake of fame and fortune?

"Won't you agree?!"

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