The most unexpected thing for Wuchen was that he had even seen the entity of this monster.

"Aren't you surprised? It took me a lot of work to get this guy." Yumenyuan's beautiful face with a heart and soul showed a charming arc, smiling like a poppy flower, beautiful but extremely deadly .

Chapter 60 If you can kill the first time, you can kill the second time [First Update]

The body of this several-meter-tall monster looks like a civet cat. It looks a little old. Its beard and hair are all white, and only one face is exposed all over the body. The rest of the body is protected by metal armor.

"Invisible Punishment Beaver..."

Even though they had never met, Wuchen recognized the old man's identity at first sight. He was the boss of Shikoku [-] Ghost Night Walk.

But he was killed by the "Heavenly Shock Star" that he summoned a long time ago.

"It is estimated that this woman dug him out of the ruins." Wuchen's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself, there was no such possibility.

"Are you afraid?"

Yumen Academy was heartbroken and found that Wuchen's eyes kept changing, and said with a chuckle, "This is just the beginning."

Her voice just fell, and two more figures came out from behind the invisible Punishment Beaver. The two people's appearance and appearance are almost the same, and there is not much difference.

"These two guys?!"


If the appearance of the invisible Punisher raccoon only surprised Wuchen, then the appearance of these two people has already surprised Wuchen.

These two are the Nuliang carp and the Nuliang scoop!

Seeing Wuchen's shocked appearance, the smile on Yumenyuan Xinjie's face became even thicker. Her works surprised and even scared the enemy, and her heart would be greatly satisfied.

"Invisible Punisher raccoon died in a huge natural disaster..." Thinking of the tragic scene of the invisible Punisher raccoon being crushed to death, Yumenyuan's heart trembled. It was an unprecedented super meteorite, like a small The planet is so big, I can't imagine what kind of catastrophe the meteorite will cause if it falls into Kyoto.

"As for Nuliang Slipper, he died quite miserably. When I found him, it was just a pool of rotten flesh and bones, and it even stinks. It is estimated that he was killed by an extremely powerful monster."

Yumenyuan said in a heart-to-heart manner, with a hint of confusion in his tone, since when did such a powerful monster start to exist?I have never heard of it at all. Although Nuliang Slipper is old, he is also an extremely powerful existence. After all, he was also the culprit in defeating Yu Yihu, but now he has died inexplicably. It is really curious who is behind the scenes.

"It's worthy of praise to be able to turn dead people into puppets, but..." Wuchen looked at Yumenyuan's heart and mind, "Don't you think it's too ridiculous to resurrect them to deal with me, a group of dead people. ."


Yumenyuan's white face sank instantly. Isn't this looking down on her work?The dolls made of these dead corpses took her a lot of effort to make.

"Now you can experience their horror, and give it to me." Yumenyuan gave a heart-to-heart order. surrounded in the middle.

"This woman is really not simple." Wuchen's eyes fell on Nuliang Lifan. This guy has been dead for many years, and it is reasonable to say that his bones are corrupted, but at this moment, he is staring at Wuchen like a living person. The skin is also like the skin of a baby, where there is a trace of death.

This is not the most bizarre, dolls are always dolls, after all, they are all dead, I thought that the dolls made by Yumenyuan Xinkun were only superficial, and could not exert their full strength during their lifetime.

But looking at the fear that gradually overflowed from several people, Wuchen realized that his idea was very wrong.

The most obvious one is Nuliang Slipper. There is black mist floating around this guy, and his figure flickers, just like a ghost, so weird, he really wants to not exist.

"This is the old man's clear mirror and stop the water." Wuchen muttered, and couldn't help but admire Yumenyuan, no wonder he was able to sit in the head of Yumenyuan. The dolls made by this woman can also play the role of the deceased. All power is simply a miracle.

"It seems that you are quite knowledgeable, so how do you deal with it?" Yumenyuan sat on the side with a heart-to-heart and graceful manner, like a blooming lily, with a fresh and refined temperament, which is pleasing to the eye, how could there be hundreds of them? The old-fashioned look is more like a young girl.

"Pretend to be tender..."

Yuguang glanced at Yumenyuan, and Wuchen whispered in a low voice, but it was a coincidence that this woman was very sensitive, and Wuchen's complaints were clearly heard by her.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Yumenyuan laughed in anger, no matter how old a woman was, she was extremely taboo.

When she said she was pretending to be tender, didn't she mean that she was mocking Yumenyuan Xinkie Xinkue as an old woman?

"Don't be merciless, tear this kid to pieces for me!"

Yumenyuan ordered in a loud voice, and originally wanted to make Wuchen a puppet, but this completely angered her.

"Boom boom boom..."

The invisible Punisher raccoon released a huge sense of oppression. After all, he was also the boss of the Eighty-Eight Ghosts Night Walk. His strength was naturally strong. His fists turned black, like a layer of black ink, which was full of terrifying fear. Ordinary monsters may not have the courage to face him.

"I don't know what I can do." Seeing this, Wuchen's expression became cold, and he was too lazy to do it, so he shouted in a low voice: "The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The huge black crescent of the void fell, as if it came from hell, and it would be terrifying to look at it, and it swept straight to the invisible punishment department raccoon.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The extremely sharp edge penetrated the body of the invisible Punisher Tanuki, and the metal objects on his exterior were instantly chopped up, as fragile as vegetables and fruits, and the inner body of the doll was also devastated, and his body was shattered to pieces.

"Bang bang bang..."

After the black coffin was destroyed, the body of the invisible punishment raccoon split apart, the whole body was cut into pieces, and a pile of broken limbs fell to the ground.

"Am I dreaming?!" Yumenyuan, who sat indifferently, stood up excitedly, looking at the piece of scrap copper and iron in disbelief.

"What's so unexpected about you? It's a matter of course!"

Wuchen glanced lazily at Yumenyuan, and said, "Little girl, your puppet skills are indeed commendable, but ah, you have misunderstood one thing from beginning to end, killing the invisible Punisher raccoon The culprit is me, not a natural disaster."

"Is there any problem in killing him the first time and killing him the second time?"

Chapter 61 Thank you for helping me realize my dream [Second]

"In other words, that meteorite was also summoned by you?" Yumenyuan opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at Wuchen, and all the elegance she had maintained before disappeared.

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