Wuchen opened his mouth and then complained: "When did you become so articulate? No matter what you think, don't regret it anyway."

"You agreed?" Hearing this, Huakaiyuan Yuluo stood up excitedly.

"depend on mood."

Wuchen gave an ambiguous answer, neither rejecting nor agreeing.


In the evening, Niu Gui and others who went out also came back. They went out to search for the news of the feather-clothed fox, but there was no whereabouts at all.

Not only that, not only did they not find anyone, but they were seriously injured and beaten to the point of death. Even the most powerful bull ghost was dying.

Wuchen inspected the wounds of Niugui and the others, and couldn't help but secretly amazed that it didn't look like it was left by a monster, but rather an attack like a shikigami. He couldn't think of an onmyoji who could hurt Niugui besides Huakaiyuan. .

"It's a group of guys in black and white."

This is what the Niugui and others who escaped said, and Wuchen suddenly thought of Nue. This guy also has a name called Abe Seimei. In Kyoto a thousand years ago, he was both a powerful Onmyoji and the master of Kyoto monsters. also left offspring.

"The Imperial Gate Academy in black, Abe's surname in white... It seems that those who attacked Niugui and the others were the direct descendants of Abe Seimei."

Wuchen thought about it, the powerful Onmyoji family in Japan is not only the flower garden, but also the Yumen family. They are actually the descendants of Abe Seimei. Under the influence of Abe Seimei's spells, some family owners have even lived for thousands of years. .

Chapter 59 Yumenyuan Heart Knot [Third]

"There are more and more extras."

After learning that Nue's descendants had intervened, Wuchen sighed again and again, but he didn't have any extra thoughts. No matter how many trash fish came, his goal was always only a feather-clothed fox and Nue. One.

However, this time, the bull-ghost attack was not without success. When searching for the whereabouts of the fox, he happened to meet the old man Jizo and the descendants of Abe Seimei.

On the surface, Jizo seems to be Yu Yihu's subordinate, but in reality, it is different. He has only one ally from the beginning to the end - Nu, and the place where they met was also found by the bull ghost. This is the only gain.

"Go and see how the group of snakes and mice are going to play." Wuchen got up and left, anyway, he couldn't find Yuyihu at the moment, and he was idle anyway.

After hearing that Wuchen was leaving, Huakaiyuan Yuluo immediately caught up with him. The request was very simple, and he hoped that Wuchen would take her to crusade against those monsters.

"Little girl, I didn't go to the theater." Wuchen touched his nose depressedly, how could he bring the audience to a fight.

In fact, not only Huakaiyuan Yuluo, but also monsters such as the prostitute and the snow girl, all asked to follow Wuchen together. After all, it was an original enemy base, and it was too dangerous.

"If you die, my plan to restore the Huakaiyuan family will fail!" Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at Wuchen seriously.

"In the end, you still want me to be a breeding pig." The corner of Wuchen's mouth twitched a few times, it seemed that she was being self-motivated, and she thought this little girl was worried about herself.

"Master Wuchen, what Youluo said has some truth. After all, this time it's not just monsters, but also Onmyoji. I've heard Niu Gui and the others say that the opponent is the Yumen Academy with a thousand-year history."

Both the prostitutes and the snow girl are extremely worried. Throughout Japan, the Gomonin family is a prestigious existence.

"So what, it's all a bunch of scumbags anyway."

Wuchen replied disapprovingly, when Huakaiyuan Yuluo and Xue Nu were going to continue to ask questions, he had already disappeared into the sky as a streamer.

It's not that Wuchen doesn't take them with them, but it's useless to go, instead, they may be caught alive and become a burden.


The Huakaiyuan family used to be the holy place of Onmyoji, but now it has become a ruin, not to mention that a tall building has risen from the ground, entrenched by a large number of monsters.

On the top floor of the building, Shijizo was talking to a beautiful woman dressed in black.

This woman's appearance is very delicate and delicate, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and her snow-white skin can squeeze out water. She is a beautiful embryo, dressed as a girl in Gothic Lolita. She looks extremely young, but it is not the case. hundreds of years old.

Some descendants of Abe Seimei are no younger than Wuchen.

The girl is called Yumen Yuan Xin knot Xin knot, is the sixth generation of the Yumen Yuan family, because of the accumulation of years, her strength is extremely strong.

After living for hundreds of years, even a pig has become a sperm, not to mention the genius of Yumenyuan, even in the direct descendants of Abe Seimei, few people can match him.

"Is that lord about to be resurrected?"

Yumenyuan stood elegantly by the window, looking at the blue sky in the distance, her big smart eyes flashing strangely.

"That's right, Yu Yihu will give birth to him soon." Jizo nodded lightly, showing no respect when he mentioned Yu Yihu.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for a long time, will that mother fox finally give birth to that cub?"

This sudden voice made Yumenyuan feel a knot, and Jizo was stunned. Isn't this room only her and Jizo?And what is the situation with this name, the mother fox and the cub?Dare to be arrogant!

The eyes of the two swept along the source of the sound, and they were astonishingly lazy and dust-free.

"When did you come in?!"

Jizo's voice roared sharply, why is this guy like a ghost, coming and going without a trace.

"Let's not talk about how you got in, the barrier outside..." Yumen Yuan Xin knot narrowed her eyes, and her eyes radiated the light of choosing people.

"Do you want to do it?" Wuchen smiled lightly, and said with disdain: "Just the two of you are really not enough to see."

"You are very confident in your own strength, but..." Yumenyuan's heart-knotted lips revealed a ferocious light, "I also have confidence in my own strength."


The wooden door suddenly burst open, and a huge figure five or six meters high rushed towards him.

"Can you manipulate dolls?"

Wuchen was slightly startled, looking at the puppet in front of him was quite surprised, not because of his strength, but this puppet was actually made of monster corpses.

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