The sky was dark and autumn, just to be on the safe side, just as Wuchen guessed, Nura Luxiong protected the group of students to go home together, and his guards secretly protected them.

After all, it was dark, and this was the time for monster activities. Maybe something unexpected happened.

Niu Gui and Wuchen followed silently.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

When passing through a deserted street, a dozen people suddenly walked out of the dark alley. These monsters were all rat-headed and looked at Nura, Luxiong and the others with a gloomy smile.


Seeing this, Nurai Luxiong's face was ashen, as expected, a good or bad spirit, he felt uneasy tonight before he came out to escort the members of the Clear Cross Detective Team.

But who knows, it was at this time that I encountered a group of monsters!

"Tsk tsk... How do you choose? If you turn into a monster here, your identity will be revealed immediately, and Huakaiyuan Yuluo won't let you go."

Wuchen and Niugui, who were standing on the high-rise building, looked down, and the corners of their mouths were wicked smiles.

"A mere monster, you are not small!"

At this critical moment, Huakaiyuan Yuluo stood up resolutely, and threw out a lot of pieces of paper with dense words written on them. She summoned several shikigami to come out.


The old mouse sneered and ordered to the younger brothers: "This woman is handed over to you, and those humans are mine."

The old mice's younger brothers glanced at each other, and then involuntarily surrounded Yuluo towards Huakaiyuan.


Huakaiyuan Yuluo's pretty face showed a sullen look, glaring at the old mouse angrily, but was ignored by the latter gorgeously.

"Jie Jie... Let's take a few of you."

The old mouse approached several people with killing intent on his face, and his eyes finally fell on Nura Luxiong. Niu Gui told him to kill this kid.

"go to hell!"

The old rat's palm swept out its sharp claws and swept towards Nura Luxiong like a blade.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

It was at this moment that several black shadows came at high speed, blocking Nura Luxiong like a city wall.

"Just a bunch of mice, don't get carried away there!"

There are quite a lot of black shadows that suddenly jumped out. It turned out to be a few black crows, all of which seemed to be descendants of Crow Tengu.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and it was obviously impossible to expect the old mouse to fight against them alone.

"Oops... how good is this, it seems that the script needs to be changed a little."

Wuchen was quite surprised to see this, and his brows could not help but wrinkle, of course, it was only a moment, then looked at the figures indifferently, and said silently: "Amaterasu!"

Invisible black flames fell from the sky, instantly annihilating the group of crows, and they disappeared into ashes without even screaming.

"Who did it?!"

Nura Luxiong looked at the sky subconsciously, and he felt that there were a pair of malicious eyes looking at him.

"Is that you bastard?!"

The moment he raised his head, Nura Luxiong happened to see Wuchen's cheek and hurriedly chased after him.

"Boy, you dare to ignore me in front of this uncle, you are not too timid." The old mouse turned into a giant mouse and rushed towards Luxiong Nura, only to take his life.

Those sharp claws were about to sever Nura Luxiong's neck.

Chapter 11 Killing You (Part [-]) [Chapter Three]

"Boom boom boom..."

It was at this moment that Nura Luxiong burst into a blue halo, and a surging demonic energy radiated out, like the awakened king of monsters...

This powerful demonic aura overwhelmed everyone. At this moment, Nurai Luxiong was too dazzling, his breath was cold and noble, and everyone present looked at him.

"Oops... It looks like I can't help but transform at last."

Wuchen, who was standing on the high-rise building, showed a look of anticipation. He had planned to leave and chose to watch it for a while. Anyway, there was a lot of time, so he had nothing to do when he went back.

This scene, not only Wuchen saw it, but also the members of the Qing Cross Strange Detective Team.

"Lu Xiong...Are you a monster?!"

After discovering the true face of Nuliang and Lu Xiong, the classmates who had a good relationship with him before retreated one after another, their faces full of fear, but Huakaiyuan Yuluo immediately took out a lot of shikigami.

"I wonder why your house is so gloomy. There is an evil spirit inside and outside. It turns out to be a den of thieves."

Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at Nuliang Luxiong with alert eyes, and when she looked at those scarlet eyes, she felt a hint of depression.

Luxiong Nura, who turned into a monster in front of him, is far more dangerous than when he was a human being!


"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Just a flash, Nura Luxiong disappeared, and an extremely fast afterimage quickly swept to the other side.

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