Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at Wuchen in confusion, rubbed his head and pondered: "I don't know why you and that group of people are so different in temperament."

"What's the difference?" Wuchen asked with a calm expression.

"The other family members of classmate Nuliang give me the feeling that they are all evil, and the man you called Niugui just now is also very gloomy, but you are very special..."

Huakaiyuan Yuluo couldn't help but look at Wuchen, her face was slightly red, and said: "It's very gentle and sunny, and very considerate, and I can't feel the slightest evil atmosphere."

Then the girl put down the teacup and thanked: "Thank you for your hospitality."

"That's natural, who made them all monsters, I'm a serious human being." Wuchen slandered in his heart.

Although some powerful yokai can hide their evil spirits, their essence of being a yokai has not changed.

Just like the bull ghost just now, although he concealed his demonic energy, he still felt extremely eerie and terrifying to Huakaiyuan Yuluo, like a monster covered in human skin.

"By the way, is your relationship with Lu Xiong very good?" Wuchen poured another cup of hot tea for Huakaiyuan Yuluo.

"Not really. It's not long since I transferred schools. I just heard from other students that Nuliang's house is like a haunted house. As an onmyoji, I naturally want to come and see." Huakaiyuan Yuluo said seriously: "If you touch It's best to get to the monsters, and destroy them by the way."

"Ah ah ah... It's really reliable. With the protection of a master onmyoji like you, I will sleep more peacefully in the future."

Wuchen's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and the cunning color in his eyes flashed away.

At the same time, there was a sudden sound of messy footsteps outside the room. It was very messy, and it sounded that there was not only one person.

"Students from Huakaiyuan!"

Nurai Luxiong's cry suddenly came, Huakaiyuan Yuluo was stunned, and then quickly put down the teacup and ran out.

"It's so lively..."

Wuchen also followed and walked out, and the few people who came into view were Nura Luxiong and several of his classmates.

"First time meeting, take care of you." Wuchen smiled and raised his hand to greet Luxiong Nura's classmates.

It was the members of the Qing Cross Strange Detective Corps.

"Hello there!"

"Hello there!"

"Hello there!"


Nurai Luxiong's classmates also greeted Wuchen one after another. Just like Huakaiyuan Yuluo, these students also have a good impression of Wuchen. The group of people they met before are all evil and awe-inspiring. There is no evil smell.

"It's not good to go anywhere, you have to come here!"

Nurai Luxiong hurriedly pulled Huakaiyuan Yuluo over, glanced at Wuchen lightly, and said, "I have to disturb you, sorry, farewell..."

Without saying a word, Nura Luxiong ran away.

"It's really rude to the little devil now." Wuchen clasped his hands on his chest, and the corners of his mouth showed a seemingly non-existent arc.

"However, you guys are really timely."

Wuchen said with a gloomy smile. Originally, he hadn't thought of any tricks to cheat Lu Xiong, but as soon as these people appeared, Wuchen's inner inspiration spewed out!

"Go and call the bull ghost for me, and say I have something to call him."

Wuchen ordered to the snow girl and the prostitute who were always standing outside the sliding door. These two girls were angry. They were responsible for monitoring Wuchen's every move. This bastard really used them as servants?

Chapter 10 Killing You (Part [-]) [Second]

"Damn it, let's see later."

Xue Nu and Mao prostitutes gritted their teeth, but they were a little helpless, because they were sent by the general to monitor Wuchen and were in charge of daily life, so it was naturally their task to spread the word.

So even though there were many dissatisfactions, Xue Nu and Mao prostitutes could only recognize them with their silver teeth.

It didn't take long for the cow ghost to be brought over by the two women, and the two of them naturally withdrew.

"Master Wuchen, what do you want me to do?" Niu Gui respects Wuchen very much, who makes the opponent's strength make him bow down.

"That kid's classmates haven't gone home yet?" The old god Wuchen asked in the presence.

"You mean Young Master Lu Xiong? Not yet. I heard that I want to go home after dinner. It's really strange. As a monster, I would dine with a group of humans." Niu Gui's tone was a little tangled. Humans should be the monster's dinner. Right? !

"Really? It seems that even God helps me."

Wuchen pursed his lips and twitched his fingers at the bull ghost, and said, "When they go home, Nurai Luxiong will probably accompany them. Then you go and tell that old rat to attack Nurai Luxiong, I understand. ?"

"But there are guards next to Lu Xiong. They're all experts. It's unrealistic to just rely on the old mice and the monsters to clean up Lu Xiong." Niu Gui's cheeks were hesitant.

"Niu Gui, your brain needs to be flexible. Sometimes it's not so rigid. There are many ways to get rid of a person, and we don't have to do it ourselves."

Wuchenyin smiled and said coldly, "Just do as I tell you, and we'll go see a good show tonight."

"Let me tell you, that kid named Huakaiyuan Yuluo is an onmyoji. If she finds a group of monsters protecting Lu Xiong and calls him young master, what do you think that little girl will think? At that time, Lu Xiong's identity will be It's about to come out."

"Once the young master's identity as a monster is revealed, the Onmyoji will definitely not let Lu Xiong go. It turns out that Mr. Wuchen is going to use the knife to kill Lu Xiong and use that Onmyoji to kill Lu Xiong?" Niu Gui is not stupid, almost He reacted in an instant, and immediately gave a thumbs up to Wuchen.

The boss is the boss. It is really dark and sinister enough to not admire it. If Nurai Luxiong was killed by Huakaiyuan Yuluo, he would definitely not suspect them.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was evening. After Nura Luxiong's classmates finished dinner, they all left in a hurry.

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